Users ♪♭Gracie♭♪ Is Following
Reaper NightshadePlays
Hey everyone! I'm Reaper and I'm a pro at games, if you mess with me I will buxst your ankles with Big Bertha my Baseball Bat. Get ready, a new Conqueror has arrived! ;)
Ponylover9 littlemisskitty9
i like ponys, drawing and i love youtube. i absolutely love UnderTale my favourite character is Papyrus! and i love Super Mario Maker For Nintendo 3DS and i am a big steven universe fan See ya soon!! Bye-bye!'o'!
JerePlaysッ Jjere1234
(Name doesn't mean that you're Japanese, right?) Hi! Welcome to my Miiverse page! I like to play mostly these games: Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Tomodachi Life, Pokémon Moon (Can't post) and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe! If you want to play with me, feel free to send friend request! -Don't Wii U chat! -Don't be mean to me or my friends! Bye! :D Psst! I'm a YouTuber too! JerePlays
☆★Alana★☆ AlanaBanana2006
Hi! I'm Alana and welcome to my Miiverse page. If you comment or yeah on any of my posts, I follow you, unless your user is hidden. It's quite devastating that Miiverse is ending near the end of this year! DX I'll miss it so much. My personality: Giggler (in class), kind, funny, perfectionist, shy, imaginative, clever, immature and daydreamer. Things I LOVE: Oscar (my cat) and MCDONALD'S!!! Bye x
Loukia psgpoupinette
Salut tous le monde! J'aime toute sorte de jeux vidéo, alors vous pouvez partager avec moi vos jeux préférés et on pourra en parler ensemble !
FoxChild Katlin5
Welcome to a random persons profile! :D Hi I'm FoxChild! But you can call me Todd if you want! :D I'm an 11 year old boy who loves to draw! :D Follow these amazing people! - Eddie - Emma - ArtiSquid♪ - Ξstrεllα - Kyle - Fabulous - Inka - Noe Have a great day! :D Don't be scared to talk to me! I don't bite! ^U^ Ooh! Have a poptart on your way out! Bye! ^^
∞KittyCat∞ NereiiitaML
Hola a todos soy Nerea is voy a decir cositas sobre mi↓ Nombre completo:Nerea Martín López Edad:13 Idolos:Gemeliers y David Parejo Mascota:No Me gusta:Escuchar música,ver la tele,dormir y no hacer nada :) No me gusta:Estudiar,madrugar,hacer deberes y las clases de Educación Física :( Meta de seguidores:281 Si no eres uno de mis reyes o reinas,a que esperas? Dale al boton y sigueme Asta luegooo
pppppppppp Sapette911
algon A1f0n50
alguien mandeme solicitudes de amisrad plis
mael warrtoth
bijour je m appelle mael j ai 11ans méchant 3/10 gentil8/10 joueur10/10
lenny lennyetstella123
The pizza is agressif x) hey !!!I am lenny my favorite game is spatoon level 50 rank s my favorite sport is the football I am part of the team and ξς I love manga and the game Goodbye Subscribe o< La pizza et agressive hey !!! je suis lenny mon jeux favori est splatoon niveau 50 rang s mon sport favori est le foot je fais parti de la team ξς j aime les manga et les jeux aurevoir abonne toi o<
うまる ADG2112
どうもうまるです(^v^)ノ ぼくは、ゲームやじょうほうやしつもんをしています。 空白が多いですがきにしたら負けです。 いまは、123作つくりました。 プロフは2ショットです(もこうのまね)。ゲームずきにはいいと思います。1日1回は見ます。コメ,共感をしてくれればうれしいです。(^▲^)。ルール プライべートの話のときは1対1でしゃべるのでじゃましないでください(^_^)。チャー練の神ですw。キル一ばん多くて29キルです。じょうほう,はつばい日をまってます。そしたらうれしいです。見つけくれてありがとうみんなコメン卜がんばれ! 毎日とうこうします(`・∀・´) 小3の3がっきです 参考がたのしみです\(⌒∀⌒)/ ひっしに考えています(・~・∂) とくにスプラトゥ一ンの参考が多いとおもいます。 フォロー100人ありがとうございます。 無言フォローOKでーす。 フォローよろしくおねがいします
**** Amigo000
そうご sougo0809
кing nixeman
Hey you!! yes you you afe fearfully and wonderfully made!!! The lord loves u no matter what!!! ps you are nlt forced to follow me!! my friends are peyton,alex . my best friends are sonic and leroy my jo jo my sister is bethberry (please follow them) i run kbbmm clan info its a clan 4 games but it mainly for blast ball, ironfall and sub wars 4 banned members
Nicole nicole2809
Real Name Nicole Age9 i was Born 28.9.2006 i Joined 25.12 . 2014 and My Farivorie Game is Tomdachi Life form 3DS XL and i love Cokie Swril C! and She likes shopkins!
Щ nicola nickys123
hi i'm Щ nicola I'm in the Щ clan my friends are loveAbby and broke and my brother is Щmichael
dae daes2005
plz follow me im a cheeleader im new follow me need more supporters i enjoy all ur comments and likes im really from america it just says that sorry. please get me up to 50 or 45 follower plz by fri. and when u do please comment on my new discussion called followers and tell me what type of things u want me to do for ex. updates , chears , animal jam , or anything else
Ricardo Richie962
English: Well, hello there I'm Ricardo and I'm 11 years old. Games for Wii U: Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3D World, Minecraft, Mario Kart 8 & Lego Avengers. Stay Fresh! :V ---------------------------------------------------- Español: Que onda! Soy Ricardo y tengo 11 años. Juegos de Wii U:Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3D World, El Maincra! XD, Mario Kart 8 y Lego Avengers.
A$★Ryan lio2810
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Zoey Zoeyyouknowie
I am Groot.
Danny dannyman25
KRISTINA KeithKennedy
hi everyone have a great day.i play splatoon and mario cart 8,lego city (brothers),mario and liugi bros, barbie and the dream house (when i was little),lego demenchens(lost all peaces) and just dance.i enjoy texting to friends and chatting.i like new friends so if u want to be friends go right ahed send me a friends favorite color is pink.i am a splatoon.see a ther
Eoghan Eoghanky21
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Isaiah yashuamuaythai
chelsea cjhawksworth
hi name:chelsea age:15 relationship:single youtubers: pinksparkle and sophie louise comment: please comment on all my other posts best friends on miiverse: anthony out of posts
Jodi whisperwhy34
i like tomodachi life
George GeorgePuppy2008
Hi guys my name is George I havent got that many followers ,If you follow me I will give you a shout out and I will give a yeah to all your posts
orla oreocupcake10
hi im orla im 11 irish bffs=grace,jodi,laura and kate the downs ben murray :( follow me !!!!! ★☆★☆★☆★☆ i'm ♂=female ☆★☆★☆★☆ graces name is = graciegirl456
Leonora unikorn1398
ЩMichael michaelmario2
Hey Michael here I'm 93th in the Щ clan Щ Info Щ is a Steel Diver Sub Wars clan Members 164 Started 18/8/14 1 Leader: Щ¹MARIO 2 Leader: Nemesis 3 Leader: Mahtab 3 Leader: Joris ¼ Leader: Valco ¾ Leader: Ozee ½ Leader: Noob Recruiters Ben Brand Co leader of the week ___________ 0 days Last tournament 1st Mario 2nd Ben 3rd ~~???? My latest news I got a wallet
Pineapple! Carina765
Yay!! Welcome to my profile! If you don't like pokemon or cute pink fluffy unicorns then get outta here! Just kidding but♪That's what I like♪Oh yeah, and I'm 12 years old! Busy being Splatoon2 addict! I love all things kawaii and I'm in charge of the SCF clan which stands for Stylish Creative Fashionistas. I own a n-switch, a DSi, 3ds, wii.I own over 100 games and I love vocaloid! Woomy god out!
sullivan arnoldmd00
hello there
Diddylord MasterDids
HI i am dylan i love pokemon red but i also love all the other pokemon games. I hope i can make lots of nice friends!
Oliver ollygamer
hi sam its oliver
Hi my name is struan and i am 11 years old and i love youtube and my xbox 360 you want to read more do you then lets continue I am a polite ordinary little boy when i am at school i try to fit in with the other kids but i just get bullied my favourite youtubers are roman atwood vlogs , syndicate central my favourite games are minecraft and grand theft auto v xbox gmtg struancummings5
LauraElges loldayy
Hallo ich hoffe euch Gefällt meine mii
Jess candyOMG
Hey everyone, my name is Jess and this is my profile. I can be friends with everyone as long as they're nice. But don't get on my bad side poor stephanie still hasn't recovered from how badly I roasted her... 0_0
Xarocouile MathiasBernard
Miaou ! Yo ! Je m'appelle Mathias. Minecraft : Pixel Art : ★☆☆☆☆ PVP : ★★★★☆ Jump : ★★★★☆ Redstone : ★★☆☆☆ Créativité : ★★★★★ Rush : ★★★★☆ HikaBrain : ★★★☆☆ Knockgold : ★★★★★ Domination Color : ★★★★☆ Sky Wars : ★★★☆☆ Geek : ★★★★★ Pokécraft : ★★★★☆ Gentil : 90% Méchanceté : 3% Popularité : 7% Dédicace à : blutchy (mon cousin) Amphi (Connait depuis le CE1) Sfdruhd et Romino (Virtuelle) A+
joshua JR567Ash
I love nintendo and mario and legend of zelda and... well you get the idea i like nintendo. My friend Adkid does too you should follow him and meee!!!! :)
El Perla javieralba2000
Chiara Schokokiki
Name:Chiara Bin 14 jahre alt lebe in stuttgart haustier:hund☆★☆ farbe:gelb lila blau hobby:tanzem turnen reiten.
lucie 66CHICA
Salut je m'appelle Lucie j'ai 11, gentille:★★★☆, belle:★★★★, intelligente:★★★☆, copine ou copain:★★★★, abonner-vous avec moi!!BISOU!!
Hey guys
Hey guys