7spice's Followers
P-Daddy pdaddy71
Don't be offended by my opinions. Anyway I like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Pikmin, and Smash Bros. I also like Animal Crossing. I do not like Starfox at all. Favorite game: Super Mario Sunshine. Favorite video game character: Luigi Favorite SSB character: Mr. G&W Favorite Console: Gamecube No Wii U chat! I must know you before you Friend Request me.
Seandroid elmonyan
beeeeep bleep bloopbleeeeep systems activaaaaated i am seandroid '17. upgraded version of the 'seantron '15'. this reference is to a 'mii' long-forgotten. the chances of individuals besides the one i am modelled after knowing this without clarification are most likely improbable. beeeeep. BI i am capable of regular speech. my current manner of speech is for the sake of 'sillies'. boooooop. BI
DarkAlien Ryguy895
Why am I still here this site is so dead I'm hardly ever on Wii U so if I ignore a friend request I probably just didn't see it. I still don't like MemeSenpai I would write more about me but with two weeks left what's the point?
Ania MechonMonado
Profile comment hidden by admin.
daisy mmrutherford
hi, my name is daisy and i am 11. i love super mario, the legend of zelda and splatoon. i love to draw, so most of my posts are drawings. i currently like playing splatoon, so if you want to find me take a look on the splatoon community. -you can stop reading now. -seriously stop. -why are you still here? -Bye. -seriously though, R.I.P. miiverse.
SO TIRED:[ w.d_gaster2
could i have friends please :)
R&у◆Fσx♡ČL wDvEn0m
Hai, I'm Oliver Competitive MK8 player Leader of Яv (INVITE ONLY) Co-leaders: яƒ DAD and Jason A few close friends of mine - Aria/Joycon Ricky Saki Jason Venus Sean Nate Emma Zoey Olivia Jordan This place was interesting, to say the least. Thanks for the memories.
Bailey Bailey1014
I'm just an 18 year old who loves to play video games. I joined Miiverse in June of 2013. R.I.P. Miiverse (2012-2017) Find me on other places. ↓[Favorite Mario Characters] ➢ Wario ➢ Yoshi ➢ Luigi ➢ Ludwig ➢ Roy ↓[Other Info] ➢ Likes to find glitches. ➢ Huge fan of the Tony Hawk series. ➢ Featured on a vid called "Evil of Miiverse 8". ➢ Has a Nintendo Switch. That's pretty much about it...
Death Societyfinch
HELP SAVE MIIVERSE TODAY!!! www.change.org/p/nintendo-save-miiverse Thanks for 530+ followers! Love you all! See you around.
Perikong PeriInTheFamily
Check my last post for where else to get in cont(r)act with me Thank you, guys. Bye.
Finn® AWstudios
It seems today that all you see is nothing on Miiverse But where are all of those good old fashioned memes on which we used to rely? Lucky there's Funny Moments Lucky there's a meme who positively can do all the things that make us laugh and cry He's! a! Fun! ny! Moment!
account account777
Ser mis seguidores y el karma os rencompesara
Tyler Pikajuice2004
Disco: I am Birby. But, I'm not the only Birby. I am Birby number 5389. Closed: Ramble
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
stuff about me:
i got that disney channel flow.
i always plug my merch like in my bio.
england is...
stuff about me:
i got that disney channel flow.
i always plug my merch like in my bio.
england is my city.
no i'm not from compton.
who the heck are flippin' you?
it is every day, brother.
my other accounts:
buy my merch.