Hazz's Yeahs

Comment on Jason's Post


2 hours ago

See you later man! Email is also the same as my gamefaqs handle- at gmail. Take care.

Comment on Jason's Post


2 hours ago

Well, I guess I'll take the time now to say goodbye Jason... It's been real dude... Sorry again I can't join you on GameFAQ's... My Wii U is unfortunately my only computer at the moment... Wii U's ...

Comment on Jason's Post


8 hours ago

Comment on Aayyy's Post


8 hours ago


Comment on Aayyy's Post


8 hours ago

@kimbud... I don't think you're a wacko ;D I respect the ħειι out of you. You're a very sweet individual. It was an honor getting to know you over the years. As far as me changing my name and Mii....

Comment on Aayyy's Post


10 hours ago

We had ablot of fun also from the beginning . I really do adore ,care & have so much respect and most of all love for you ,I know you think im a wacko ,but its all true my sweet & kind friend ♥ ...

Comment on Aayyy's Post


11 hours ago

dear my wonderful friend Aayyy, I heard you'll be around from time to time ,that makes me so happy ♥Iseen where you said goodbye ,but i need to say my goodbye :)) I also heard you might not have th...

Comment on Hazz's Post


9 hours ago

Comment on Stevie's Post


10 hours ago

thx bro it was a pleasure meeting you, see you soon!

Comment on Frank's Post


12 hours ago

You can get trough without anx shell ;P But you cannot train at this way ^^ Think i will use GamesFaq more often in future, see you there

Comment on Luke's Post


12 hours ago

Thans Hazz! I look forward to seeing you there too!

Comment on Luke's Post


13 hours ago

Thanks Aaayy! Hope to meet you again somehow in Super Mario Maker 2!

Comment on Luke's Post


10/09/2017 6:52 PM

Comment on Miises's Post


1 day ago

Great job Hazz thanks for playing again. I'm interested to know what made it way harder

Comment on LunyRed★'s Post


1 day ago

this is genius right here

Comment on LunyRed★'s Post


10/18/2017 7:41 PM

Comment on Aayyy's Post


1 day ago

I always ;D"ENJOY";D Your content... ;D

Comment on Aayyy's Post


1 day ago

It's not goodbye forever though Hazz... Anytime you make a level... I'll play it...;D

Comment on Aayyy's Post


1 day ago

Thank you so much Hazz ;D Much appreciated and ;D"GG";D On the clear ;D