You know one day in the future Nintendo will insert that Miiverse music into one of there games somewhere, and it’s all going to come flooding back.
Jonathan:)'s Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Goodbye my Miiverse friends. It has been a pleasure, and I love you all for your Yeahs, support, laughs, art, help, and games we have played together. I will find as many of you as I can once the d...

Hi everyone.Last night my son was taken to hospital by ambulance, and is now in a high dependencey unit there. He has developed atypical pneumonia after having a virus that my wife caught (she's a ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Ooo. New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star will be strutting it's way into Europe on the......JUST SHOW US MARIO ODYSSEY!!!
Art Academy Community

If LinSuFatGo did just one last drawing/post for Miiverse, I would leave a happy man!

Nintendo's behaviour!
Nintendo's online plans lack buzz and excitement. I'd rather pay £40 a year to be a member of a good Nintendo online club that let you calmly preorder 1 of items ...

OK, had a disastrous first day in my new home away from Miiverse (you can read about that in the comments on my last post). Will be going through it all again next...

Info tomorrow (Sat 2nd).
'Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song and there's always music in the air'.

Eloquently put...
I'll never do the Snapchat. I'll never do the Twitter. I'll never do the Facebook, because I know it'll make me bitter. I heard there was a MySpace, But I didn't d...
Splatoon™ Community

Ketchup leads to sea snails, sea snails lead to rerolls, rerolls lead to great gear, great gear leads to suffering for people who picked Mayo. Whoop, Whoop. -Forc...
Splatoon™ Community

Bought a Switch!
I've bought a Switch to play Splatoon2. My wife has made me unplug the Wii U because three consoles make the living room look like an arcade, apparantly. :/ I'll c...

Nintendo have been reading your posts. Nintendo have been listening to what you all have to say. Nintendo have intentionally made Switch cartridges taste bitter, s...

Is Miiverse finished?
No mention of Miiverse in the Switch presentation. No reference to Miiverse on the Nintendo Switch official site, only that the share button captures screenshots t...
Bad jokes hidden by administrator.