Nathan's Followers
Gus TreasureHunterG
Hi everyone, I'm Gus, and I've been playing games for a long time. My first game systems were the Atari 2600 and the Apple II. I've been lucky to have owned most of the Nintendo consoles and portables. I have many fond memories from them! Now playing: Mega Man Legacy Collection Favorite 3DS Games: Pokémon OR AC: New Leaf Zelda: ALBW FE: Awakening ... and all the Sega 3D Classics!
kierra pinkmema
Silence64 freefun55
Lost in sauce. clothesvers is Silence. Bird thing is Silence6400
Alfonso Alfonsoyoutube
Hola, bienvenido a mi perfil. Mi juego preferido es Animal Crossing: New Leaf, pero también me gustan otras sagas como Super Mario y Kirby. Mis consolas: DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U y Nintendo Switch. En mis publicaciones encontrarás curiosidades sobre algunos videojuegos, dibujos hechos por mi, noticias y análisis sobre los videojuegos más recientes, pero sobretodo diversión. ¡No olvides seguirme!
I'm the fastest, bluest, coolest hedgehog in the world! :) I wouldn't mind having an open discussion on who you all want in smash! #Goku for Smash! #Mewtwo Amiibo! #Dragon Ball Xenoverse! ^o^
Marx-ling Marx-lingAlt
The Bird of Blue: a_long_morx Like an angel with cruel and merciless intent Go forth, young boy And you'll become a legend In time, this blue of the sky Will reach out to knock on the door to your heart You're looking at me Make it all that you see Content and we're merely smiling Once more, the touch you long for Consumes you in yearning to find that embrace
くーちゃん souta1025
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Nadia nadiack222
Hi and im Nadia. I speak 3 languages. I speak spanish,french,and English. I took spanish class in Kindergarten, and i know some french too. I hope you enjoyed im 9 now i just turned 9 in February. I also know alot of japanese and Chinese. I love you guys. Your the best byeee
きよ kiyo-matubara
暇な時に適当にゲームします いつかは、ゲーム王に、オレは、なる!! 今年も生徒会立候補します!
belannat★ Holly1414
hi im belanna torres im married to tom paris im a chief engineer im half kinglon and human i am a huge a-ha fan :-P my actor who plays me is rocanne downson
booper cubbins345
hi im jake i like to play smash and punch out my favorite characters in smash mii kirby little mac and captain falcon
sully pwnz wiiuchamps112
money$£ charlesbarnett12
i am a celebrity. im the rapper young thug
Shannon skilian
moo love_jnelson
gpa boby JHarrison754
Rуan TheRhynoMan
Never tell me the odds
Sub-Zero MortalKombatSZ
I'm SUB-ZERO, Feel free to challenge me in Mortal Kombat XL. I'm Easy! FREE FOLLOWS FOR PEOPLE!!!
G&K ★alex★ alexandrerebert
♥salut je m'appelle Alexandre j'ai 11 ans ♥abonnez vous on parlera et on jouera à SPLATOON çi vous l'avez ♥!!!!!!!♥et minecraft WII U editions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥
phin Chakabee
I LOVE KITTEHES♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
→PlayCOC← LetSmash63
Yo, its ya boy! Imma be doin lots of pixel drawings, so be in touch with me! As always, be sure to follow me! And if Yeah Angel is reading this, get a life please😤😤😤😤😤
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kailey kaba2323
Hi my name is kaba2323.I'm look fowerd to makeing more friends!!!!!!!!!!
andria SuperShadow769
Hello my name is Andria and welcome to my profile. things i like: Waffles friends switch and drawing ty ;3
Best racer doncon2
Hello i play :Mk7 :ssb :Mario party :Lego jrsc world :Disney infinity toy box challenge for 3ds :lego b-man bynd gtm I play mk7 every day i'm really good at it so if you want a 1v1 feel free to ask. I'm free all the time except tuesday and thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 or 7:30 to 8:30. I have a 3 star ranking on mk7. I love to do glitches on mk7 soon i will get a wii u with mk8 YES.
Luigi AntonioLuigi07
Ciao Ragazzi e ragazze ,sono Luigi,Ho 10 Anni ,e sono Fan delle serie di Super Mario,Zelda,Pikmin e Pokèmon. Segui: agnese030504,arma07,Stefalol,poppellad,Mr.Carlo01. Se vuoi possiamo diventare amici! Hai cliccato Segui+ v-vero? Cliccalo o ci sarà un attacco da un mostro fatto di Spaghetti e Pizza. E se non lo clicchi la Nintendo Switch non l'avrai mai!
David_ßιμε fitzhallBACK-UP
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Yassir letitandu78
Salut ! je m'appelle yassir, je suis trés gentil et j'accepte tous le monde en amis mais faite vite parce que il me reste que 5 places et merci aux 800 abonners j'espère qu'on atteindra les 100000 abonner est là je serai pendant les vacances h24 sur miverse !!!
Vrtx♪Souls MattxPrOx
◆Memories◆ Lucas Graham - Seven Years √★♪ ……………………………………………………… Friendship ★★★★★ LoveExpert ★★★★☆ Sport ★★★★☆ Smart ★★★★★ IQ 134 --› Very High Eating ★★★★★+ →Terraria The Best √ →Love is a melodie sung by two 1 5 0+ Followerz Thanks ! ♪ »ºCookies 4 everyoneº« Third Account → Cause Bans
Jack jacktheporkchop
Hi Everyone My Name Is Jack And I am 9 Years Old And My Birthday Is on The 27 Of July And I Was Born On 2007 And I Love wii party u. Bye Bye!
malou malou16
je m'appelle Maëlle je suis : gentille : ★★★★☆ généreuse : ★★★★★ méchante : ★☆☆☆☆ folle : ★☆☆☆☆ intellectuelle : ★★★☆☆ sympa : ★★★★★ rigolote : ★★★☆☆ belle : ★★★★☆ je recherche ♀ et ♂ comme ami .Si vous avais besoin de mon aide pour un jeu qui est dans mes logiciels utiliser envoyer moi un message ! mon jeu préféré nintendo dog + cat !
DE King King_of_all_swag
I I'm DE King But Here's Something About Me... ☆My Favorite Anime Is★ Attack On Titan Naruto Dragon Ball Z Tokyo Ghoul My Favorite Game Is... Super Smash Bros.U Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Splatoon ●My Favorite Color Is● Purple Black
たっちゃん sadvykg
♭♪ huzimori2005
年齢:10さい 小学4年生 フォローしてほしい人 まぁ、スプラトゥーンとマイクラとマリオメーカーを特にいっぱいしてます。 ぷーーーーーん、じゃーも
こ~ちゃん KOUTYAN9
†SZ#Yuuya† yuuyakentatatuya
みなさん どーもっす ミバ終了が近づく日々っすね 東京に単身赴任の父親が 東京の某ビックカメラの switch抽選会で当ててましたw スプラ2はそこそこプレイ エリア:S+1 ホコ:S+0 ヤグラ:S <テキトーに自己紹介> ・呼び名はユーヤorカクヤ ・岡山市出身 広島市在住 ・英検:準1級 ・中2男子 卓球部 (使用ラバーは両面とも表ソフト) ・シニア(中学野球チーム)に所属 ・野球,卓球ともに成績あり (ともに中四国大会にて優勝数回程) ・プロ野球では大のCarpファン ・ヤバいほどラノベ好き (持ってるラノベは90冊程) ・ヤバいほどアニメ好き (好きなアニメは75個程) 何で中2男子が英検で準1級なのか それは親戚関係が色々とあって 英語ペラペラだからなのですw 【3DS垢】 yuuya0215 【2DS垢】 yuuya215215 [更新日11/1]
tom she23by
hola quieren ser mis amigo los que tengan el juego esplatoon
watup peeps my name is nathan nice to meet you smile(more