Haz's Followers
Jaylen jaylen2000
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jacksepicy umadme
hi subcribe my channel
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Dan TheAssasinhunter
I had the Wii and all DS's since Lite to 3DS XL. Wii U Games: Assassins Creed 3&4 Watch_Dogs COD BO2 Lego City Undercover Lego Marvel Superheroes Batman Arkham City ZombiU Batman Arkham Origins COD Ghosts Splinter Cell Blacklist Lego Jurassic World Lego Batman 3 Splatoon Need for Speed MWU Minecraft I don't Wii U Chat Goal:300 Followers BOTW: Follow them ^
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WreckEm711 TTUalumni13
Roboccs Roboccs
Brett Mr.Madman
Pikmin plucker, Koopaling fanatic, and madman extraordinaire.
Tom HorridCrow
Suolin suolin
Enforced Enforced
I love Nintendo. Low tier player.
Rod RodSD64
Hello Miiverse. My name is Rod. Been gaming since the N64 era! The Wii U games I own are N Land, NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Zelda WW, Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Fit, FIFA 13, Mario Kart, Game & Wario, Hyrule Warriors, Super Smash Bros, Bayonetta 1 & 2, Mario Party, Splatoon, SiNG Party, GH Live, Assassin's Creed: BF, Pokkén, Zelda TP, DKC: TF, Mario Tennis and Darksiders. See you guys online!
BT mariowhiz
Hi! Im a Mario fan and i know a lot. Ive been playing for years so i am a pro. From consoles like wii wiiu 3ds,etc. I cant send friend requests. Note I do not know mario Stuff that was far in the past. I cant do Wii U Chat. My Miis Nickname is My inatials so nobody finds out my real name and last name. I come online sometimes and make funny posts on NSMBU community for some laughs and yeahs
Dave davidreed62
Hey guys I'm 15 years old and I'm a hardcore gamer, I play all types of games. My favorite hobby to do is play football. And to end this profile is that you do not have to be afraid to send me friend request or to chat with me I will accept both of them all, so lets be friends!
Daniel LegatoSkyheart
Yo, it's LegatoSkyheart. Send a message if you want to play something or just chat. MONSTER HUNTER 4
Rob Darth-Samus
Just a guy waiting for Metroid...
Landro Landro
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HALberdier Halberdier17
I've been a Nintendo fan since 1988 when my family purchased an NES. I currently have an NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy Color, GCN, GBAsp, Wii, DSi, 3DS, Wii U, and 3DS XL. Even though I'm a Nintendo fan I've also had an Atari 2600, SEGA Genesis, and Xbox 360; I still have a PS1, SEGA Dreamcast, PS2, and PS3. I'm can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fatal Frame V currently.
kevin bonesawisready
Wii U day one buyer! Remember the words of the late Randy "Macho Man" Savage: "BONESAW IS READY"
Mike Butkus-K9
Your everyday gamer and college student. Also, a Nintendo fan, and my interests span many geners and platforms. Wii U game(s) I'm currently playing: 1. Mario Kart 8 Wii U game(s) I need to finish: 1. Splinter Cell Black List 2. New Super Mario Bros U 3. Assassin's Creed 3 P.S. Please message me if you want to be friends.
Brett YouNeverSaw
wuba duba duba that true?
Jordan burnincheez
Hi! I'm Haziq.
I like Platformers, RPGs, Adventure and Action games. Nintendo makes my favourit...
Hi! I'm Haziq.
I like Platformers, RPGs, Adventure and Action games. Nintendo makes my favourite games. My recent addiction is Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past for the 3DS.
I also like Toronto, coffee and posting ridiculous screen shots from video games on Miiverse.
I am Canadian.