JαyPιεy's Friends
Explosivo Explosivo7
Kyle Sylcloist
Mostly RPG'S and Puzzle games!!!
тео SSBM_Teo
bushido brown don't wipe his own asś
Ray Raywasbanned
I'm Ray, the meme queen, and 18. Also sometimes likes to make poopy drawings. I never ever ever ever accept blank friend requests. (I won't accept it if we haven't talked much either) IT WAS BIG, SCARY, AND PINK!
DerpZach PsychoZach
not banned [*] banned [] this profiles comment has been blown up. welcome to my account. I like playing mariokart 8 also i will accept friend request! Good-bye!!! :3
Jacob Laertes863
My name is Jacob. I love electronic music, reading books and magazines, and playing video games (to name a few) ;-) I'm also a hardcore Kirby and Rhythm Heaven fan, and I like making music. Enjoy Miiverse, everyone! <("<) <(^_^)> (>")>
Stefan BluEagleGSU
Hey, glad to see ya! I am a 22 yr. old college student, and work part time. I am a Christian, and I treat everyone with respect and kindness. I love to draw on Miiverse, and I love everything Kirby and Zelda. Currently playing Wind Waker HD, MK 8, Capt.ToadTT, and Smash WiiU. Thanks for stopping by. :D I only accept friend requests if I've talked to you for a bit. ;)
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
Sarah Rah-Chan
Jαмеs RazorJames35
*Sorry for inactivity, school that's why. Posts will be up and running soon* Beep boop! I'm James a 11 y/o Nintendo Gamer & drawer which I'm really working on to improve my drawings! I'm also †Christian† ^0^ OC: Andrew ♥ANIME♥ Love watching One Punch Man -Splatoon- Main:Level 50 (MAX) Rank S+ 30 Alt: Level 15 Rank A- 24 OctoShot/Splattershot Pro very competitive :o
Sierra sierraberry
I'm an endorser of Dededolan. I like seafood. ºQueen of Birdemic •Lazy ºFounder of Tilt Controlism Still praising the sun, even in the miipocalypse. Fare thee well, memeverse. Bout time. I draw things sometimes! all words that spew from my speak hole are jokes
karl CharmanderY
i like booty. i like juice. i like booty juice.
ςρгαγραιητ SprayFH3D
Ι'м gυηηα ςωεετεη τнις υρ ƒοг γα. Сαιι мε τнε ηαмε υρ τнεгε...οг ςγlνια αηd ιτ'ς ναгιατιοης. Ι'м τнε αωкωαгd οηε. ε: Raaawwwwr~!
Luigi jwillz
I'm Luigi, Number 1! I'm the best! Nothing get in my way....! Except....m-m-maybe.........g-g-ghosts........ B-But...Luigi will still the job done... Oh, and don't tell Big Bro, but, I'm kind of a brony... Please don't tell Mario! I love to do art, and I draw ponies. They're so adorable! Pinkie Pie is Best Pony. My real age is 17.
Marthmario Marthmario.mii
Hai everybody! Marth here! A member of the FGC and a music maker. I'm 17, and been single as a Pringle. 64: Mario Melee: Marth, Roy Brawl: Marth, Toon Link, Bowser PM: Marth, Roy, Ike, Sonic SSB4: Marth, Lucina, Shulk, Charizard, Mii Swordfighter HW: Ruto, Midna, Fi Pokken: Suicune, Gardevoir
Jouigi Jouigi
Hello, people! My name is Joseph, but you can call me "Jouigi" or "Jo". So yeah, I like to draw and play video games and stuff. My main character is a white, anthro rabbit wearing a Luigi cap with a "J" on it. And he loves ice cream. ALOT. I'll see you around! c:
The stick figure cartoonist which really isn't amazing that makes puns and amazing awesome run on sentences so yeah enjoy my corn dogs, Follow P1Austin like now. He's like the best. And like always will be...his work is like..ooooh mama
Hope Organic_Overalls
"Hope is the heartbeat of the soul." ~author Michelle Horst Hoy, small fry! If you enjoy doodles and cute tanooki tails you've just drifted into the right place! Some say an artist lives on these shores ... And with that, I'm off!
Rob GoldChocobo
Roy RoyDarius
Bubbly smooth~ Name's Roy! You're here cause ya wanna know more right? Welp, Im pretty talkative but you wont find me talking to myself. I'm 22. Im a pretty laid back guy and I like to make people laugh! Some of my fav games and series: Vindictus Persona LoZ Monster Hunter Elder Scrolls Fallout Dragon's Dogma CoD Halo <I Want Destiny> Monster Hunter 3 Ult. is awesome! '13 Oct.17 12am Hr100!
ss2sonic ss2sonic
toarioshi² toarioshii
This is my backup account in case my main is banned. → It's also for more Friend List space, so if I added you before, I won't add you again. Call me J. ▒▓█You guys are radical, you know?█▓▒ And uhh…don't forget to clean out your bellybuttons.
ecrazylazy flabbyfinnIII
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
MΔEGΔN NerdierThanYou
Hey! My name's Maegan, I'm 19, I love drawing, and I hope to be a storyboard artist or video game concept artist! I'm obsessed with Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Splatoon, and Osomatsu-san, so expect a lot of that! But I occasionally draw other stuff~ I won't accept a FR unless we're mutuals; I'm cool with yeah bombs!
B.J. ZimKirby
Hi, I'm a huge dingus. I like playing vidya gams and drawing. I draw sometimes on Miiverse here and I hope you enjoy. Please no friend requests unless we've talked before and no Wii U Chat requests. k bye
Evangeline eduell98
(thanks Aims4ever2 for the mii).Nice to meet you all. Ok so basically this is a backup account for Evan or eduell97 if he was to get banned. I'm his genderbend Evangeline or eduell98. I'm a huge fan of Nintendo & love them <3. I'm also a huge Vocaloids fan my favorites are Hatsune Miku & Rin Kagamine anyway thanks for visiting. I'm NOT A GIRL and peach is my waifu forever #waifu
Storm Genesis1752
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.
Ben LuigiIsAwesome2
Hey I never use Miiverse or my Wii U in general. k bye
Michi² LikeLakers22
• Search LikeLakers2, HateLakers2, MichiRecRoom or Shellclaw to find my other accounts. • NO yeah-bombing me without asking me first, please! • Please don't interrupt my RPs with off-topic stuff, or else I might block you. • No, I am NOT really a girl. This Mii came about due to a challenge long ago… in a galaxy far, far away... • Riley is best waifu. :3 HEY I'M GRUMP
Sakurai vgmaster2013
Welcome to my Miiverse profile! I'm 16 years old, an intense gamer and an addict to video games! I'm also a normal person who loves gaming and I'm very honest. No BLANK or RANDOM friend requests unless I know you a bit and I do Wii U Chat! If you didn't know, I'm also an Amiibo collector! I'm back finally!
Ferret Taillz18
hey everyone! im 17 years old and i love to draw. i like sonic, zelda, pokemon, pikmin, mario, starfox, anime and a few other things my favorite animal is thr ferret. my favorite colors are black, blue, and purple. favorite season is summer. feel free to comment on my posts and such. I am a furry. ▲ ▲ ▲
I like playing Nintendo games and drawing funny pictures. I'ma do both. Sorry people, no Wii U chat unless you're a relative or personal friend. Also I don't put out text only messages. I use every post as a chance to draw.
Senkai iReallyLoveAnime
**NOTE: Please follow my 3DS account! NNID: Senkaii** Hiya! I'm Senkai, I'm 20 years old, and welcome to my profile! I like to draw fanart stuff!! Things like anime/manga, cartoons, games, etc. However, I'll also draw my OCs and stuff like that. tumbl: senkais dev tarts: you-gotta-go-fast
Smokem Soldier109
Claire CAL2001
I'm Claire If people have gaming wives then I have too many to track. You can talk to me I guess. If it's not about FE then meh.. I'm plan on being less active. I'll post stuff, but I don't plan checking Miiverse. Bye forever.
Çħąõş~Jõjõ jojo23
Hi, I'm Joseph. My favorite Nintendo character is Mario, & my favorite video game series are: Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, etc. One of my favorite hobbys to do, is draw. So enjoy my artwork, wish to follow, comment, & ask for drawings. And don't forget to check out my best friends, like Max, Benny t, Nat, ©onno®, Gamerboy64, Kerem, Kyle, J~Pιαy & many more! :D
Elizabeth fizz17
Bob Saget.
Evan eduell97
I'm just a guy who likes videogames. Some of my favorites are Smash Bros & Pokemon. Anyway, that's all, now go home.
Cj MightyRaichu
This user's profile comment is private.
J. toarioshi
This place died ever since 3DS was integrated If you guys are reading this, I'm doing well. I got a Switch and I'm off to do greater things like work on mashups on draw digital art outside of here. That's not to say I'm actually done with ShivaGunner though Stay safe guys
Memo Gate-Of-Time
Hello there! My name is Memo! As you can see below, I really like to draw on Miiverse! However, business I've got plus me wanting to play more with my Wii U, has made me stop drawing... Not that I don't want to, it's just that I want to do some other things more! Anyways, after all that, let me just say that every Yeah! you give to my drawings makes me very happy! Thank you! Have fun!!!
Duck FillingVoid
"I'll take a potato chip... and eat IT!" -Light Yagami I use Miiverse mostly for doodles. Favorite games:Pokemon, Smash bros, Dark Souls series, anything Zelda, most hack'n'slash games and League of Legends.
Anton .H AntonioH
Welcome...? Hi everyone on the Universe of Mii's, I'm Anton and this is my profile, why don't you have a look around? Maybe you'll even find something here you enjoy. :3 ---- Zelda, Mario, 'ALL' that stuff. It's mah life! I also 'LOVE' other Stuff to, 4EVER! :D ---- Just your usual unusual kind of guy. Knows alot about everything, good and bad. "Been here" since GCN. The only MagicMaster
Dooveed baconsoap3700
Just look around for Dooveed. Sometimes with "the" and potentially an underscore.
Julio toad403
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Bradley BradleyNews11
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Cranky legendofgood
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles and when the dog bites when the bee stings........
buhja gumchewerdave
Hey! I'm buhja! I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and one of Mario's biggest fans. First off, I'm a Christian. My goal is to know Jesus Christ better and become more like Him every day! I LOVE completely clearing out video games, sometimes to a crazy degree. My two favorite accomplishments (so far) are: Level 100 in M&L: Dream Team (See favorite post) Collecting 9,999,999 coins in NSMB2 Love da →:)
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