Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw p...
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!
With the end of miiverse approaching, I have been trying to get my artwork off of art academy sketchpad and onto my computer at high resolution. I was able to get a few pieces downloaded a few year...
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw p...
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!