Dan's Post

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


08/05/2017 9:12 PM

who will you win as? (F0DF-0000-034E-CCC2)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


08/03/2017 6:29 PM

Super Mario Run 1-2 By Dan (5929-0000-034D-EADB)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


08/02/2017 8:08 PM

prank! (2ACF-0000-034D-84EE)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


07/31/2017 6:33 PM

Super Mario Run! 1-1 By Dan (4255-0000-034C-A034)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


04/02/2017 6:51 PM

keep ↑+B by Dan (0029-0000-031B-3140)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/23/2017 6:52 PM

new course just uploaded for a competition, hope it goes down well, you have to keep as many of the chain chomps alive as possible so you can finish the level easier. it's not too hard!

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/23/2017 6:48 PM

cannon fodder (keep the chomps) (086D-0000-02F3-BCF0)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/23/2017 12:41 PM

are you puzzled? 60second by Dan (F5F5-0000-02F3-A272)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/22/2017 3:02 PM

WOOO, I've been waiting all day for this to hit the chart, it's needed one player for hours now for the full 100, there have been 100 players try this namew and 56 have starred it, that's a new pes...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/21/2017 5:17 PM

30 second 1 screen puzzle by Dan (7239-0000-02F2-2BE6)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/21/2017 3:50 PM

cool- this is the first time i've ever occupied the top two spots in any category simultaneously- i'm currently 1st and 2nd in regional for all course types! i'm first globally, but the other one i...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/20/2017 7:30 PM

been knocked off top spot by a newcomer to the chart- we've got a very close star to plays ratio so I could end up top again, or maybe this is the beginning of the end for my level! either way, it'...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/20/2017 6:55 PM

This is awesome! i'm still up top globally after a couple of hours! I expected it to stay quite high because of the gimmick, but didn't think i'd remain in the number one spot for so long! thanks t...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/20/2017 4:59 PM

wow, get fit to make the jump got to the top spot, in expert- i'm surprised it's in the expert category, thought it would be in normal! Anyway- 85 plays later, it's still there at the top! thanks t...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/19/2017 6:35 PM

♪SMB3battle music/arcade♪ by Dan (209C-0000-02F0-AFD8)

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


01/15/2017 9:32 AM

Open Closed

Play for play and feedbck

Looking for someone to play a few of my levels, and I'll play as many of yours- let me know how many and we'll get on with it! Only star if you like my levels, but...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/15/2017 7:35 AM

gotta love it when this happens with the alerts! this is the second best i've had it- once had it 4 times in 22 minutes, this time is 3 times in about 45 minutes so it's still good- thanks to every...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/13/2017 7:52 PM

I can live with being second best in the world, nice to see my friend at number one also!

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


01/13/2017 9:36 AM

Open Closed

Play for play

I've just uploaded my first "keep up" level, it's short, but I'm pleased with it, all you have to do is hold the up button to make Mario climb vines and go through...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/13/2017 9:23 AM

gone up it? keep hold of↑ by Dan (A756-0000-02EC-486A)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/07/2017 5:12 PM

little puzzle by Dan (553C-0000-02E8-6196)

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


01/06/2017 9:01 AM

Open Closed

Play for play on levels

Play for play on any of my levels, let me know how many you want to do! My latest level is B7D3 0000 02E6 1EBD Search that to find me- or use the ID in the screens...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/05/2017 10:05 AM

the goomboot trials by Dan (B7D3-0000-02E6-1EBD)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


01/04/2017 4:39 PM

for my friends in France Y+⇒ run (ABDB-0000-02E5-5B4F)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


01/03/2017 9:46 AM

OK, 100 Mario challenge on expert, 1 level to go, 59 lives to do it, surely this is in the bag, i'm praying it's not a Panga level next, they need to be in their own class for the million Mario cha...