Users AØ★Hυgο97™ Is Following
★♪ιгφп_н♪★ Robin3813
Hello I Am Ryan! ¶§√Facts¶§√ Age:15 Favorite Color:) Red and Blue Favorite Food:)Sausage and HashBrowns Thanks For 125 Followers ♥Your Awesome!!! I Play Mario Kart 8,JD2017 and Cubeshift and more! 200cc Experienced Player! Clan in MK8:мк¢ (Member) Invite only! Bye Love You!!! XD▲■◆●▼☆★♡♥√¢$§¶¤Updated 9/22/17 And R.I.P Miiverse... 2012-2017 Nov.7 10:00 PT... ):Best Buds:★♥Dylan,Alex,Cam And More.
John Tukes johntukes
Yes and I like racing with you people on Mario Kart 8 it's fun and it amazing game I like it so much and I play another game to sometimes and play battle in the tournament to and I play with another Miis to and I play Need for speed most wanted U most of the time don't worry I play another game to!
1961 Chti-mi-1961
chalut les amis mii ji suis du ch'nord (59) mais aujourd'hui en haute-garonne (31) il fait plus chaud et 1961 ch'est min âge enfin plutôt année de min naissance ★ a bientôt sur mario ♥… Hello friends mii ji am du ch'nord (59) but today in haute-garonne (31) it is warmer and 1961 ch'est min age finally rather year of min birth ★ has soon on mario
G&K Kim GKKIMetguillaume
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Sanskid KenanEmin
Name:Sans AU:GAMERTALE Best Friends/Homies:Gamer Paps(SelimYT),AsgoreGame(ErdalSivgin),GamerTori(FilizSivgin),GamerFish (ErenTheSaiyen),GamerAlphy(KerimAlphys),GamerChara(EnesChara),GamerAsy (FurkanYuce),Gamer↓¢¡√±(W.D.Adem),PinkSheep(PGNRealPinkSheep),PurpleShep(PurPleShEpNaTioN),Every Homie... Fav Games:UNDERTALE,UT AU's,Zelda,DBZ, Splatoon Crush:me:none ghost:don't lie,your crush is ink! me:##
もりK transalp400vr
WiiUはマリカ専用機! キノピオ・マッハGPにこだわるやらかし勢。 でもレートにこだわらないゆる~いおっさんです。 もうすぐMiiverse終了。 これまで一緒に走ってくださったみなさん、ありがとうございました! ネット対戦ゲームはマリカが初めてでしたが、ミバで繋がることでゲームが何倍も楽しくなることを体験しました。それだけにミバの終了は寂しい限り。繋がってくれたみなさんに感謝です♪ もし今後もお付き合いいただける奇特な方は是非ともよろしくお願いします(^^♪。 (2017.11.6更新)
I'm Olli 15 years old and have been playing Nintendo games for 9 years. #Germany VR:15k BR:2k Thanks for 50 Followers!^^
AØ★Alγ#Dcσ Alyciaa
Sαlυτ ^^ • Shταrbέε • Grοςςε dαlευςε • Gστhιqυε • Gгαηdε fαη d'Hαггγ Ροττεг ! Hυmm… Qυε dίrε dε ρlυς... Αh ςί ! Abσηηε-τσι !¡ ★Tεαm Dcσ εη fσгcε★ Mοη βlοg : Ça marche que sur ordi pas sur Nintendo, portable et autres... Dédis : * Diego the best ^^ * CB, mon maître ;P * Yan, my love ‹3 * Angel mon p'tit démon ;) * Évan :) * Clem, l'oublié '•˜
AØ★ninga FLAVIENsaint
Loan FlyingLoan
Bonjour enchanté!
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
AO☆JC1712C incognitojcb
hello!^^ I like: Youtube, mangas, animes, series, video games and dubstep :D Online games: MK8 VR: 10,4K Splatoon: LvL 34, Rank A PVZ GW2: LvL ~2800 PVZ GW1: LvL ~180 Minecraft: 3rd best PvP player 2016 Forza horizon 3: LvL ~540 Need for speed 2015: REP 50 Zelda Botw progression: 100% I hate: football, miiverse admins, and Watching TV ^^ CHANE☆ 02/08/2017 my love forever ♡
Justin™ itbk23
Hiii!! Favorite game:Minecraft Idol:Cher\Cyndi Lauper/Madonna/ Best friends:Kelly,Erica,Janelle,Suzanne,Irene Send a friend request I accept all!!!! Also I am Canadian And I am currently collecting Funko Pops Vinyl♥
Rει★Diego Hellowses333
Hello! My name is Diego and my stats on mk8 are: - 99,999 VR, reached on 26 July 2015. - 99,999 BR, reached on 11 September 2016. I also play on my second account! And my stats are: - +33,000 VR
AO~Εηζσ◆ ZOUZOUenzo2003
Ah! T'es là! Βσηjουя à toi ! :D Je vénére tous les jeux ! Mes jeux préférés:MK8,Splatoon,SMM et Don't Starve. •¬• Rang Splatoon: S level: 49 Mes mangas préférés:ACR,Ki&Hi,et d'autre… En animé: Tokyo Goule,et Death Note… { La base! X) } Chek ma mini série Quiz ! ºAprenez à plus me decouvrire avec mes messages !º (^ˇ^) •Je suis actif,j'espère parler avec vous!• ⇒Bye les amis ! \(^o^)/ ◆˘•˘◆
Daan daanvanmale
DC: daanvm12#8192 Hi! :D Welcome to my profile! My name is Daan! ^^ Mario Kart 8 Wii Wheel player NL. I play both race/battle. I reached 99999 VR on the 16th September 2017. 238th WW, 107th European, 8th Dutch, 2nd South Holland. And without DLC. I play Worldwide battle too. I have 51k BR. I don't do Wii U chat. Favorite hobby listening music. Have a nice day!
kyle fawfultheBEAR
Dedede that's the name you should know! Dedede he's the king of the show! your horror and hoot he'll give Kirby the boot! Dedede is the one!
till tillaurousseau
G&K★Sтеvеn Darkmario76
Bonjour.Inutile d'aller sur cette page,je vais la fermer.Je serai plus la sur miiverse desolé. Mes jeux ne marche plus suite a un lecteur qui ne lis plus les disque:endommagement.2014-2017 je vais réparer et la vendre. Ma chaîne youtube:G&K Kirby/Mario N'hesitez pas a vous abonner Je serai la sur la switch! #TeamG&K Vraiment désolé je m'attendais pas a ca
Blou NBS∞ blou_youtube
Yo!je suis BlouGlacial ou Blou si tu veux Je suis quelqu'un passionner de Nouvelle chose Moderne Simpatique et j'suis créatif Dans un manga ice Blou signifie: homme de glace Mais ce manga est supprimé donc j'ai ce nom en souvenir MEILLEURS AMIS: NightShadow Laya Deltops Yo musique Judy Lucinda Jade Marwan Je suis chef de la NBS∞ Goodbye Miiverse tu nous manquera :(
vaeh.chan© PinkyGirl9000
hay everybody its me vaeh.chan i actually upload a few videos if u want to see them now go type Vaeh Gaming and if you do you will see the real me! im hawiie tho! larissa if you see this im not 16 im 14.bye!!!!!!! love:cudzu! bff:larissa evelyn ciage! twin:shadow.vaeh.chan! brothers:ethin maximize liandin! wild pet kitten:edword 2 kittens:hunybun surgerbaer aka tom! best bff in da world:LARISSA♥♥
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LS∞Shαdοw yasmineswagg0707
MERCI MIIVERSE !! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MERCI POUR TOUT !!! "Profiter " Toujours Garde ce mot en tête ! Après la fermeture faut se rappeler que les bon moments Ne pas pleurer ♥SB∞Caff♥ : Change pas tes cool , Tes adorable , Tes comme ma soeur ! Bestie Blou Laya Deltops Lucinda Lina
Luna★ミ Luna.7878
Hi! Welcome! My name is Luna! YouTubeに動画を出してます! I LOVE Best friends♥ Friend様とフォロワーの皆様には感謝してます! ゲームと絵が上手な人に尊敬してます!英語やフランス語は翻訳を使ってます!MK8はTA、VR、Tournamentを走ってます!(大会:MK8 World Cup 2/6(#141)、2/13(#142)、4/24(#152)で1位獲得)VR:30K!(エンジョイ勢)フレンド様と楽しくレースをしてます!スマブラや、いろんなゲームをやってます! ※フレリクの件»白紙はNG、ゲーム(Miiverse)で関わりがある人ならなるかも…(必ずとは書いてない!) ゲームの腕前は初心者レベルです! Switchの方も活動してます! 主にMK8DXをやってます! Thank you! See You Next Time★
★Vεηυς Blackcurrant42
*Active on the Switch. Not that anyone cares but I'm a longtime Nintendo fan. I've been playing since SNES & I own Gameboy, GB color, N64, Gamecube, Wii, 3DS, Wii U & now Switch. Online I mainly play Mario Kart & Splatoon. I enjoy good competition but I'm no pro. Offline, I like 3D adventure & time strategy games the most. @ PrincessVenus64
Dark Mario talo09
Hey salut toi Abonne toi à mes amis ID:talo09 J'ai ssb et mk8 et Minecraft Je m'abonne en retour et pour rien Wii u chat autorisé , amis bien sûr Et donne un ouais au msg de mon profil I love mes abonnés ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Et surtout n'hésite pas à t'abonner Et MERCI POUR LES 400 ABONNÉS
Hernán HernanMatematico
Mario Kart competitive player. ◆ Mario Kart 7 • 99999 VR [11/3/2017 21:04 CET] [260th Worldwide, 48th European & 4th Spanish] • 99999 coins [18/3/2017 2:06 CET] ◆ Mario Kart 8 • 30001 VR • 4010 BR ◆ Mario Kart 8 Deluxe • 99999 VR [1/8/2017 22:58 CEST] [6th Worldwide, 3rd European & 2nd Spanish] • 99999 VR2 [21/10/2017 19:46 CEST] [1st Worldwide] • +10000 VR3 • +5000 BR • RK member
★Neo1992★ supermarioearth
Name: Jesus, Age: I am 25 years old, Birthday: July 14, 1992, VR: 99999 (Max vr by May 12th on Friday) My favorite characters: Mario, DK, Metal Mario, Bowser, and Dry Bowser. My favorite music: Classic Rock, Ballad, Symphonic music, Japanese Rock and Metal, Hard Rock, and Metal (Some types of Metal) I done play Mario Kart 8 for now. :) I finally brought Nintendo Switch and play MK8DX for now. :D
Rippeя12 GoodMKJack
I'm only active on weekends. Going inactive. Let me know if you play Wiimmfi or CTGP-R on MKWii! My clans: я¢м ¢ğς мк¢ P.S. I only yeah things that I think are funny/weird. Check them frequently! :) Please click fav. post.
Lεslуε♪ dewott631
Beloved Friend Saki♥ Find me ↓↓ (Discord:) Milla#0818 Twitteя: JustynJohnson5 :3 ☆Farewell miiverse★
†§þÖÖkΨ† smil3yy87
HL▲Drift flash4141
Hi. I'm 16 and LOVE video games. Mario Kart, Pokemon, Kirby, Sonic, and Smash Bros are my favorites. If you follow me, I will follow you. I am the leader of a Mario Kart 7 clan. It is the Dread clan (DRD). I also recently was recruited by the Hyrule Legends. Thank you HL:L▲Rosie for recruiting me.
Țd(Ш)☆ηоς™ First6830
ЪН☆KRøGun RyZoR68
★ Hello I'm Ðαηηγ ★ Age: 14 Nationality / Country: France My clans: •AO •ЪH •R&γ VR: 27'000 Merci à tous mes amis pour les bons moments en jeu ^^ Thanks all my friends for the goods moments in game ^^ ~Кαгΐ ~Gαbΐ ~Ðαнılα ~Кίτκατ ~Mΐυмун ~Jìкσ ~Sтερнγ ~Кзνιη ~Max You're the bests ( •ω•)/★
ÅØ Michael bigfish80
Luigi's my main, Wario's my frogger, what else could you ask for? - Mario Kart 8 Former Smash 4 Veteren Main - King Dedede 2nd - Wario Rare play - Mario Mario Kart 8 Mario Vs. Luigi Tournament - I change teams every now and then Main - Luigi or Mario Rare/Hopper - Wario Bike Rider - Yoshi Though currently, I have only one Smash 4 post, mainly because I don't play Smash 4 much anymore.
☆Leaf☆ marry.konoha
こんにちは! 最近おそ松さんにハマってる元エネです 主にSplatoonとスマブラをやってます!スプラトゥーンでは開幕ナイスします♪最近はマリカの大会をやっています。よく使うキャラはラリーとピーチとピンクゴールドピーチとロゼッタとデイジーです。 所属Team Td(W) AO Splatoonではアオリちゃん派♡ ♥好きなアニメ♥ NARUTO メカクシティアクターズ 頭文字D 名探偵コナン ドラゴンボール デジモンアドベンチャー Free!ソニックX おそ松さん 銀魂 イナズマイレブン ラブライブサンシャインです! ちなみに6つ子(全松)大好きです♥ ポケモンSUNにハマリ中♡ スカル団好き♡♡ 宜しくお願いします♪
Bienvenue sur mon profil miiverse !
Welcome to my miiverse profile !
I love Mario Kart, SSB and M...
Bienvenue sur mon profil miiverse !
Welcome to my miiverse profile !
I love Mario Kart, SSB and Mario games and I'm the third member of AO team
Age : 19
Teams : Alliance Octaling (AØ), Hyrule Legends (HL), Sheep On Fire, ¶SM¶
I don't use Wii U chat/Je n'utilise pas le chat Wii U
J'ai un deuxième compte qui s'appelle HylianHugo
Merci et abonnez vous si vous voulez :)