to a good friend (to chunderson) (6247-0000-0309-65BD)
awesome19's Post
Nintendo Land Community

Nintendo Land Plaza
octapus dance sucks when you do it right they count it wrong
Nintendo Land Community
octapus dance sucks when you do it right they count it wrong
hi my names awesome 19 with 560 stars in super mario maker thx to M&M512DEN4, GREGORY,spartak,mar...
hi my names awesome 19 with 560 stars in super mario maker thx to M&M512DEN4, GREGORY,spartak,marrat, seby:D,richi,epic gamer,blue cat,Ossi★FS,stefmaster,and kinda lea, i star all my friends but first they star mine just in case. I play minecraft, ssm wii u ,and more plz friend and stay fresh