Iceman92's Yeahs

~For sure DJS that's why I used this for my last post...kinda sums it up nicely I think ^.^ ~Yay Lum love the new Vampire Ivy drawing! ~Hey Red so nice to see you! Goodbye & wishing you all the bes...

thanks again ^_^ koroks are my favorite! see you on other sites. & i'll try to play mario kart online more often
Art Academy Community

*years later*
"Do you remember Miiverse?" "Yes, from the beginning of Miiverse, till to the End of Miiverse..."
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place....
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place.
I hope to see you all again.
With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;)
See you all again someday soon. :)
One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.