Andenette's Friends
Blunary konker13
Al ataque!!!!! XD
☆Neo~Kun☆ NeedMyWaifu
I'm Neo (^ω^) I love anime, gaming, drawing and listening to music. Active✔Supporter Puerto Rican Gamer. Walkerz Join - Alan Walker #1 Favorite game is Minecraft Favorite Youtubers SSundee Crainer DashieGames and many more! I'm a guy that likes to play and be friendly and a huge fan of games. Goal:1000+ Loyalty is Everything! (^3^)\(^o^)/(σ▽)σ Support me and I'll support you. Bye
Autumn AmethystBonnie8
i love splatoom and pokemon
SonicBoy53 Daviscool.1
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Mangle PineappleGroove
*Jumpscare scream* Ha! Did I scare ya? Hehe! My name is Mangle but you can call me Mange.I love to Draw and doodle,Play Splatoon,Scare people(hehe),I'm a splatoon mini game FREAK!(lol),And I love to play! Opps gotta go Bye <3 I've heard miiverse is ending... I just want to say this... Miiverse has changed my life and I just want this beautiful place to stay... RIGHT HERE FREAKING FOR EVER OKAY?
yikes ☆★ Pancqkewafflez
˜* I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine; he shall be my Squishy *˜ Hellur, I am le SAMMIE! I like cuddles and tacos. (I am also a secret undercover dinosaur agent, but don't tell anyone that) ♥ ♥ GIRAFFES ARE AMAZING ♥ #CuddleParty ♥♥♀♂
Sara gilsaclo
hola a todos!!!! me llamo Sara y me encantaria ser vuestra amiga pero tengo la lista casi llena ;-; me gusta muchisimo los juegos multijugadores juegos que tengo (multijugador): Animals crossin new leaf Splaton♥♡♥ minecraf wii U edition ect me gusta jugar con llara,alexander,dany...ect me gusta dibujar y el baloncesto :D me gustaria llegar a los 100 seguidores :D
Marinette★ debbie_2006
HELLO!! i am really nice friend request me and look at my posts youll like it i hope i love splatoon and mario cart 8 there my favourite games i really want nintendo switch and splatoon 2!! (^o^) i hope you are a great person to be friends with and make sure to follow me if you like me or my posts i love you all and hope you STAY FRESH!!!! see-ya
Trash 3.5 Mr.Jibbly
i want everyone to be my friend
ςτ•Justin™ jdj013
bonjour je m appelle justin j ai 13 ans j aime splatoon , minecraft , le navigateur internet, youtube...etc j ai une petite amie qui s appelle jasmine ♥•♥ ( ςτ jasmine™) dans splatoon je repond a tout vos demende d ami parlez s en a vos amis et vous aboner si vous le voulez a plus tard
Jake Snootzenhootle12
Hello everyone! My name is Jake. My mii's nwme will either be named ''Jacob'' or ''Jake'' My favorite clan was slf (squid life friends). that was because my favorite online friends were apart of it. I have a youtube channel called ''The Cougar'' If you are reading this right now, go to my youtube channel and subscribe. I have like 30 subs. My favorite online friends are Lizzie and James!
Sonic SonicSpeed4582
Well Everyone, Time Is Almost Up... My Next Post Will Be My Last So If You Have Anything To Say; Say It In The Post Please. I Will Explain My Future In The Last Post As Well, See You All Soon ~Sonic
Chris LeafTiger
Shinoa Elif18
Hi ^_^ Ich bin 16 Momentan spiele ich Mario Kart 8,Mario Maker, Splatoon und Supersmash Bross ★ :) Bin Leidenschaftlicher Anime Fan, höre musik und zocke gerne ^~^ Ihr könnt mir gerne eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken oder mich Folgen ^^ Ich nehme jeden an und tuh auch zurück folgen ^^ Wie ihr wisst wird es Miiverse bald nicht mehr geben T^T :[ :( ♡♥♥★War nett mit euch spielen zu dürfen♥♥★♡
Yaoyorozu Popale
Momo Yaoyorozu U.A Academy C R E A T I O N ||| C R E A T I "We've got to start at the bottom and work up! And if we don't earnestly cheer each other on...we'll never be top heros!"
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Ari dogirl234
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Solariad Solariad
Hello there! I can speak english, spanish and I'm still learning japanese. So feel free to talk to me ♥ I love to draw as you can see. I'm Undertale and Splatoon trash, be warned. I don't accept blank friendship requests :) git gud
DJOctoling savannah773
Hello, SQUIDDO'S! I'm DJOctoling, a nice one! Sometimes I change Mii! If you're wondering what level I'm on, I'm on Level 49 Rank B+ If any of you have the game Miitomo on your phone, look up Octoling! Press that follow button on the top left! Any questions? Just friend me and we'll talk!
MON★Henrik H2e2n3r4i5k6
Jayden Praise_Tom_Brady
hey im Jayden!! I am a big fan of Zelda,Splatoon, and Mario games!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. "PEACE OUT". ' 'ω' my age is between 12-15 i also have a 3ds plz follow my friends Tessa and Neaon!!!! ps im dank af
IronSpider Ironspider29999
Hi guys, are you having fun, cause I sure am!
adriana Adrii1308
şħãмè xsrcivic
Hey, I'm Sharkbait, but I go by Pheonix or Elite. I have some Splatoon OCs, here they are. Elite- Main OC, Octarian, Owns Pet Octostamp, Socially awkward, speech disability. Jazzy- Spunky, Outgoing fourteen year old, hates being ignored. Ellie- Elite's younger sister, she loves him to death, will give up anything for her brother's safety. Others: Zeke, Zeke J, Orien, Lilliyn, Rahmi.
JOHN PEPS starhawk76
Addison cbishop7903
Actimela Actimela
redkai coolben987
new youtube redkai productions subscibe to become a follow inking and wing man stay awesome guys
Dilectus Dilectus
★Aidancos★ Elizcoz
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Alεc •ω• VIPchick
Hi! Thanks for visiting my profile. Um.. Ask me if u want to know my age- as in years. Splatoon Stats Lvl 45 Rank A+ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level 21 Highest rank - A- When playing with CPUs on Smash bros, I prefer lvl 5-6. I like making short, stupid paragraphs. Plays Wii U in a movie theater. Plays too much Private Battles Btw, I have a switch and Splatoon 2!
Æslabón4 AEslabon4
Hola a toda(o)s! Bienvenidos a mi profile. Nintendo ha creado esta comunidad maravillosa de videojugadores. Espero que todos se diviertan y que compartamos nuestras experiencias. Un saludo desde México. Pueden comunicarse conmigo en Español e Inglés, sé un poco de Portugués. Estoy tratando de aprender otros idiomas. :-P Viva la sana convivencia!
Destiny rose_evans
wazzzzzzzzzzz up....
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Hello! I'm Iris, I love playing Splatoon, and Super Smash Bro's. Splat ya later!
Andenette: Hey ...
Hello! I'm Iris, I love playing Splatoon, and Super Smash Bro's. Splat ya later!
Andenette: Hey you, ya you, The names Andenette, don't mistake me for some fancy squid who squid partys day and night, I'f your up against me in battle, I'd watch out, I'm a sniper, so I dont think twice about shooting. If your up to the challenge, friend me and we could Private battle some time squido, Thanks!