Janray's Followers
what? overdrive32214
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Smashi 64 missingMON64
Hallo,ich bin Smashi 64! Ich bin ein GROßER FAN von Smash Bros !Ich habe 64,Melle,Brawl Alle Amiibos und 3ds+Wii U !Mein Lieblingscharakter:Kirby :) Übrigens,ich liebe Spinat!^^!Meine Lieblings-Spiele:Splatoon,Kirby,MarioMaker&co.Mariokart7+8! Der klassiker:Minecraft WiiU,SMASH BROS Auf jeden fall! ★Nebenspiele:Undertale Oder FNAF ☆ Wii U Chat:sometimes,not often...!!! See you next time,guys! :-D
Pumpkin lilpumpkin001
βιεαснеγ knucklehead23nba
Ayee!!! Fudge™ wuz here! x3 ★13 and already hating somethings during life. Ill be 14 in February! ^~^ ★I hate ppl that bee fake towards one another...Fakeness ★U can just say that im a bit crazy (In da head). ★5'4 is meh height now ★I have best friends...But I dont wanna put their names up >~< ★I would like to have an Oreo to eat >:3 ★Erm..... THATS IT!! IF U GONNA TALK TO MEH..BRING OREOS!! x3
willie crunchford
Night_Dayz knightmare23
Hi! my name is Gingka my real birthday is July 14. I love anything with fighting and adventure. Pikachu is my favorite character of all but I also like Soul from Soul Eater. Plus I would except any friend requests. Also Ganon main
dragentoth w.w.w.w.w.w.w.25
AwsomeTrey UltraTrey145
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jay.jay ttyoxoxfunny
Welcome to my profile. my name is jaylin, jay.jay is my nick name. if u want to see my feed just touch my wii charter then u see it. If u need help text me.If want to follow me u would see a box it would said follow then when u touch it, it would said unfollow don't touch it!
palomita Paloma.G
im nice, girly, kind, chatterbox☆☆♥♡im a number1 fan of 5H!!!!♥♡♥♡♥♡ youtube: paloma lover265 insta: @paloma_guerrero_tene
Liza yoshi532
Whovian, trekkie, cozartist, SHERlocked, nintendo fan Hi :) Je parle un peu de français aussi. Salut! I have a small* obsession with Doctor Who. *It's bigger on the inside.
Gage TrukinThaWurld19
What's up! I'm 16 I love basketball and hockey. I like having fun and hanging with friends. I like to play games and watch t.v. I listen to Hip Hop and R&B music. I accept friend requests. Follow me and i follow back!
JazzMan91 JazzMan91
Im back and better than ever.My main account is DiscoMan67 my Clan account is BluesMan72 1.I have a 3DS and SSBB. 2. You follow me i follow you. 3. I accept most Friend requests(add message please)! 4. I post challenges on this account for New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Luigi U and Nintendo Land! 5. You need screenshots to win my challenges. 6. Check out DiscoMan67 for a list of games I have
Bobby Hill RainbowEarth
Sólo en ingles 英語のみ En anglais uniquement Nur auf Englisch Hey, 1. If you follow me I'll do the same. (offer expires when I exceed how many I can follow.) 2. NO WII U CHAT! My body is ready for SSB4! I yeahbomb a lot. I've yeahed 78k/1,000,000 posts I don't look like this irl, this is just a mii character. I'm from a show called King of the Hill btw. ~Bobby Hill
aspen 137678
i have a big secret that nobody can know enlss there my friend or me
Snøweløn Ri1209
My life: Art Music Video Games Frens Bands Steven Universe Games: Splatoon Ssb4 Mk8 Mario Maker Minecraft Music: TØP, P!ATD, Green Day, MCR, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, etc Splatfest Teams: Dog:Win Waterslides:Lose Marshmallows:Win Deceptions:Win Art:Win Car:Win Pizza:Lose Marie: Win ♥I dont play my WiiU as much as I used to. I have a phone now, so understand if I don't answer your message♡
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Adolfo Adolfoup
Nintendo <3 Soy la persona más horrible del mundo/I'm the most horrible person in the world/Je suis la personne plus horrible du monde
Logan Logan1995
hello fellow nintendo fans,ive been an avid gamer since the n64 and dreamcast i love sci-fi movies and anything tarantino, i have some what of an odd sense of humor but i like music too,mainly stuff like bad brains,black flag,misfits,ramones,operation ivy,dead kennedys,etc. and thats about it feel free to send a friend request
NINJA Chikourita123
Dear miiverse fans, My name is NINJA. My favorite series of games are: Pokémon, Mario(My favorite carictar is Luigi.), Rayman, and Kirby. I'm twins with David Hare. the people in my family are: David Hare, me (of corse.), Joey, and Stamps!!!. (Does he need the 3 !?) This is now my mii color, not my miis winter form. Love: NINJA. P.S My favourite Pokemon is Chickorita.
bluegirl$$ lovepinkdiamond
David Hare Omg124
Favourite subjects are:Rayman, Pokemon, Mario, Kirby.↓ I'm head of the Hare family. The members are: Me, (Of couse.) Ninja, Joey, and Stamps!!!. (Does he need the 3 !'s?) I'm the ulitemate Mario fan. If you are a fan of Mario, please follow me. If not you can still follow me. This is my normal mii!! If you don't like it, please tell me. Love, David Hare.
Ishтar CriticalHard
Hi i'm Ish! :D ↓More↓ :) Thank you so much for supporting my posts! ^w^ Please DO NOT send blank Friend Requests or you'll be rejected… If you want to know personal info. about me, just ask, but in PM. ;P ★ English — Español — français (j'apprends)★ Currently Playing: Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 8 Bit Boy ARCADE Splatoon ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ•Ish•ㅤㅤ
‡Twigs‡ DarkFire11
Hey, I'm Jonah... Welcome to my page. I love video games and all the cool people on Miiverse! Please leave an awesome comment, friendly YEAH, or both, I'll make sure to get back to you. I now accept all friend requests, but I'd love to have followers too. If you do follow me I'll be sure to follow you back. Thanks and have a fantastic time on Miiverse!
Jack bagreever
Animal Crossing is Life!
Benjamin fungusfrank
Aloh i'm Ben (and I misspeel alot) I don't just give yeahs away.... just kiddind. The only reason i'm doing this is because i'm board.Did I misspell any?
bossman187 crumbaughfamily
[§ß]☆J&©κ* bamajama
Hey everyone. I'm Jack and I have a fondness for Mario, Sonic, Zelda, and Rayman. If you like Wii U Chat, Epic drawings, and Call of Duty, you're in the wrong place. If you like contests, randomness, average drawings, and epic miis, you're in the right place!Follow me and I yeahbomb you! LONG LIVE YOSHI VALLEY!!!!!
t money dw4gb8788
EC2★DK♪ cubalooba
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days2chill nihon14
I'm a fan of science. Medical, Geography, and Genealogy. I'm a tomboy and geek. I like to comment only. I don't post on miiverse often anymore because of the new miiverse update.
boodie Meredithgrace
Hello everyone! My name is Meredith, and I'm apart of a clan called the Шoodland Щarriors. Currently, I'm in 8th Grade, and I can speak English and Español! My favorite games: Wii U: Splatoon 3DS: Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo Switch: Super Mario Odyssey I LOVE lacrosse and soccer (also games!) R.I.P. Miiverse 2012-2017, it's been a good run. #DontEndMiiverse Anyways, Peace!
shiv Albas123
hello and welcome to my proflie i love video games and i do like friends i do sometimes wii u chat
vampir cj sjsonic
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kenmxli kenn55555
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andrew cheese2001
Lalito lalito12
Hello my name is Lalito. I like most of Nintendo games, such as the Zelda series, most of the Mario series, Splatoon (favorite so far), Super Smash Bros, and more. I loooooooooove collecting amiibo too! Current amiibo: Mario, Bowser, Link, Sheik, Sonic, Party Mario, Kirby, Samus, Toon Link, Yoshi, Mega Man, Zelda, Inkling Girl, Inkling Boy, Inkling Squid, Ness, Jigglypuff, Wario, Charizard, Toad
Hi im Mark! BELIEVE IT OR NOT im a Mkwii fan, its short for Mario kart wii. MY THREE PLAYERS, MARIO,LUIGI, AND YOSHI!!! i cant wait till Mk8 comes out! i want to play the game with all people ill even try to defeat the EXPERTS!!! FRIEND me so we can make MKWII clans or join em, but most importantly PLAY MKWII WITH ME!!! MK out!!!
chris456 y.knukle
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Sequitur DM7_online
I'm Sequitur. Obviosly, I like nintendo games since you're reading this on a nintendo system. I'm a fan of Fire Emblem, Splatoon, and other nintendo games (Along with Ace Attorney) But mostly Fire Emblem I also make youtube videos
Hello Miiverse, I've been a gamer most of my life. Started out on the SNES & my love for gaming grew from there.The SNES is still my favorite system Thank you all for the Yeah's! Also would like to thank all those who follow me. NxGN™(Leader) (>'.')> <('.'<)(COD Gamer)
See you on the Switch