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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Community

Something Fun Before Miiverse Ends!
I did this once before and really enjoyed it so I figured I may as well do it again before miiverse shuts down. Give me a Fire Emblem character and I'll give you ...
Just your average Fire Emblem nerd who's probably too obsessed with Genealogy of the Holy War for...
Just your average Fire Emblem nerd who's probably too obsessed with Genealogy of the Holy War for her own good. (And I'll be honest, a bit of an Arvis fangirl)
I post about really obscure stuff namely:
Fire Emblems 1-12 and Echoes
Star Wars' EU
Ace Attorney
Medieval History
Final Fantasy VI
On Serenes Forest:Fala~Of~Velthomer
mbti type: INTJ