Annim's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: JaminnTroll

Super Mario Maker


02/14/2017 7:44 PM

This very cool to see!

Super Mario Maker


12/29/2016 11:02 PM

3000 stars! Thanks to everyone for playing my levels! Not bad for someone who never made anything like this before! I appreciate it!

Super Mario Maker


11/06/2016 9:21 AM

My only Super Expert level (currently) finally made it to the rankings!

Super Mario Maker


11/05/2016 11:00 AM

This is cool to see!

Super Mario Maker


08/07/2016 9:38 AM

This has to be the most amount of plays and stars I ever got for one level in a single night!

Bonk's Adventure


07/30/2016 4:47 PM

Is 9 lives before the first boss enough?

Bonk's Adventure


07/30/2016 4:30 PM

Glad to see this on the Wii U E-Shop!

Super Mario Maker


07/11/2016 5:13 PM

How in the world did this happen?