Jammy's Followers
thomas sparkoid
i like kirby and mario...... and i am prity good at games
sverre sverre3012
Khaos! KolourfulKhaos
Jaovin Jaovin
Hi everyone, i'm Jaovin.
Natalia Mariobros12348
Hola mi nombre es Natalia y se hablar un poco ingles y un poco de frances espero tener muchos amigos/as aqui y que nos llevemos bien \(^‹^)/
аβ★Mark monkeyturds
Thank you all ;-; And to Riley, who I know is reading this right now, I still don't know what you're mad at me for. You can continue making hateful posts about me, I won't care. Once Miiverse ends, you'll be lonely, with nobody to talk to, nobody to gossip to, and nobody to be around. You'll never understand the true meaning of friendship, unless you start changing the way you act.
PaperMario shawnathanjr
Heyo, Its Paper Mario, I'm a Nintendo fan who likes drawing Mario characters, If you feel like it, why not take a glance at my post. Laughter is the best medicine! PS. Check out my 2ds account 'PaperLuigi' 'in following/ followers'
greg greg465213
salut tlm ^_~ je suis Romane pour ce qui me connaise sur ma 3DS XL c'est juste que je n'ai pas le même personnage aboner vous !!! ^_~
Andrzej polskiewiiu
Hello Everyone Is Me Andrzej And Play Funny Games Ever. PL. Witaj To Ja Andrzej i gram Fajne Gry Na Wii U
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
ice spumoni-icecream
Hello & Welcome XD I like to make new friends and play games with them so I'll accept friend requests, if I know them. I like to play: Animal Crossing New Leaf Super Mario Maker Super Smash bros. 4 Splatoon 1.. 2 Mainly and Legend Of Zelda Ocrina Of Time 3D, sometimes. Btw I do not use wii u chat so please don't ask. #SaveMiiverse I'm staying till the end, no one can change my mind! Thx♪
J.P. J.P.Lloren
It’s been fun, guys. Let’s carpe diem. The self-proclaimed renegade and the absolutely flawless master of puns himself. Current Status: Goodbye Miiverse Brother to Alma No random Friend Requests or Wii U Chat. I MEAN IT. Arrived on: 3/29/14 Follow these people (they're way better users than me): @Sanctus Pk @Alma @Owen @Ketsia @mooogZ @G.Blue @steve87 @D.JR @Darcy @Hasrat @Mel
Pink Posey nyla2003
Hi I'm Pink Posey! I love Nintendo and Sega so much!I like to play Mario games.And even I've got a dream,a dream to go to Tokyo,Japan.I'm an Nintendo fan,I'm a big fan of Disney,And I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog too! No WiiU Chats please!I only make friends who loves and fans of Disney,Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo!
Bastian Samanbudi
Hello, I like:Kirby,Mario,Zelda,Metroid and Donkey Kong. Favorite games:Super Mario World,Kirbys Dream Land,Majoras Mask,Super Metroid,Donkey Kong Country Returns and Splatoon! Super Paper Mario is my favorite game of the Paper Mario series! Have fun on my profile!!!;,) Save Miiverse!!!
Neko SP★ mybunny5
I Am A Furry. Shut Up, Ok?! y u poke my face?! ;-; Mew! •¬• My Mii Changed! Im Still The Same, But Instead, Im A Furry! Based On The 7 Levels Of Being A Furry, I Am Level 2. How To Join South Park! Put SP at the end of your name! ★… Owner ☆… Co-Owner ▲…Super Admin ▼…Admin ■…Super V.I.P. ●…V.I.P. None…Citizen Current Owner: mybunny5 Current Co-Owner: None You Rank Depends On How Neko Lieks Chu!
Matias azuly2
Sally mimumeki1
LeJibi_Y gokujib
Yo, les gens Bon..euh...Bon la ferme Lejibi ptn Mon amoureuse: Chacha Truc: amalia_0102 Amis Léo Amies: Raynia LGM,~Mina~,venus TAMK J'aime les jeux nintendo,surtout pokemon,inazuma elevengo,acnl,zelda J'ai 13 ans I love One Piece,Dragon Ball, Black Clover and Fairy Tail et d'autre manga ! gentil ★★★★☆ méchant ★★★☆☆ geek★★★★★ En route pour le One Piece! Euh...Enfaite....ON S'EN FOUT LEJIBIx
meciano meciano
the end is near... stay strong friends special thanks to: auston chara sonic dogaressa tails temmie (whos sadly banned) frisk memesampai memesensai swap paps blueberry (swap sans) and all my followers. it was nice knowing all of you :')
ςрlucaDann JAYLOU2808
Hello its a me Deutsch Dann I have a YouTube channel who cool wen you me since subscribed yah but not I 'm German mein name : Jason (Keine Lüge ) clan : ςр☆ Lieblings Game : GTA REIHE Lieblings YT : Deutsch Dann , Stantart Skill, iDzockt , iCramax, Yankeeunik91, meine nummer 55555555555555und so weiter xD gibt es nicht xBox one : Deutsch Dann mc wiiu VS Mc XBOX ONE = ONE gewinnt BYE!!
PokeLover BigEmpoleonFan
Hi I'm Pokemon Lover of corse it couldn't fit so I short it. Really Big fan of Pokemon Empoleon. I like Pokemon, Mario, Kirby, The Legend of Zelda, and Super Smash Bros. I became so good with Shy Guy in Mario Kart 7 that I started calling myself the Shy Guy Queen. Sometimes I draw characters I've made up over years that I like a lot and I hope you like them too! ^_^ - Pokemon Lover
Marielle celestial750
hello! my favorite game series is kirby. what is yours? I really love drawing kirby characters especially Queen Sectonia. don't forget to have fun isn't that what games where made for. i have a kirby oc named celestial. i am sorry if you may not like some of my post. please don't post hate in my comments i am very sensitive to criticism. thank you for yeahs and follows.i may take drawing requests
™§~kelly▲ kellyzanna
salut moi c´est Kelly je suis très sympa et je suis sur qu'on sera de bon amis. j´adore tous les perso de sonic rouge , cosmo , cream , tails ,amy, blaze , sonic exe tails doll ect... et surtou SONIC ET SHADOW,bendy happy tree friends et fnaf .^^ et mes youtubeur préféré squeezie karal cyprien et kluna tik ma chanteuse préféré mylene farmeur équipe de rugby préféré le RCT аbолле тоi а аппа
mushboy Musheboy
This user's profile comment is private.
Sienna YoshiMushroom
Well my friends it's been an amazing time here on Miiverse... Goodbye my wonderful friends... ★I'm 11 turning 12 soon ★I heart Nintendo ★ YO $WAGGER ★I LOVE guinea pigs :3 ★Quite social ;) ★ I can speak some Spanish. :* Well if you haven't clicked off in boredom thankyou for scrolling. ★ THX FOR 80 FOLLOWERS! ★ -▼▲▼- #BOIBAI
Skids SkidsTheDuck
Hello, I'm Skids. Champion of the Alola region! My team is Corial the Primarina (M) Garfield the Alolan Persian (M) Barry the Ribombee (M) Nebby the Lunala (F) Chowder the Snorlax (M) and Bojack the Mudsdale (M) (Main Account: Dodawario)
Hoxtatron itspayday
Well, I'm back. Roles: NSLU Spammer AMRA Member Roleplayer-ish Drama King Memelord Hoxtilicious Hoxie El Hoxo Hoxton
Ώ«Ďαώηη»Ώ XxAL4m3N0B0dyxX
Hai! --I doodle stuff (prob trash >_<) and post about random junk-- --Big nerd for NINTENDO-- --I also like cartoons, anime, sleeping, fishing, and wallowing outside-- --yeahs/comments/follows etc. are appreciated ^-^ ….but i dont know why anyone would bother doing that since most my stuff is bad (=.=)-- --age:16-- --single (>3<)-- --female-- --status: Doomsday Approaches 'O' --
Tashian p0w3r5
My poor bio. I'm so sad I'm throwing it away. lol jk it's been fun look at my favourite post
さくらもち itasora0301
flakooo 194972
Hello person! remember to stop by the 'posts' section of this profile for your daily dose of humo...
Hello person! remember to stop by the 'posts' section of this profile for your daily dose of humorous doodles!
Also, I'm a JW.
No, I don't have anything else to say.