Jas's Yeahs

Comment on Jas's Post


05/10/2016 10:25 PM


Comment on Jas's Post


05/10/2016 7:41 PM

We're never allowed to do things the easy way.

Comment on Jas's Post


05/10/2016 7:53 AM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or so they say. But some things just look plain hideous no matter which eye is beholding it.

Comment on Jas's Post


05/01/2016 5:54 AM

-want a girl with a great personality, who's smart, and share my interests. Looks DO play a big part in the attraction area but looks alone won't cut it with me. Gotta have a nice personality too. ...

In-Game Splatoon Community


04/24/2016 4:07 AM

Comment on Jas's Post


04/30/2016 12:25 PM

Btw we'll finally get to have some real discussions tomorrow! Ur ban will soon be lifted. If u wanna talk about ANYTHING don't be a stranger. I love chatting with those that share my interests. Plu...

Comment on Jas's Post


04/30/2016 12:21 PM

Thx for the encouragement. I bet u have all the guys lookin at u at college with sweet words like that lol.

Comment on Soragop's Post


04/29/2016 9:40 PM

Yes. :]

Comment on Jas's Post


04/29/2016 8:52 PM

Just finished my 2nd year

Comment on Soragop's Post


04/29/2016 7:00 PM

Comment on Jas's Post


04/29/2016 5:38 PM


YouTube Community


02/24/2015 4:14 PM

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 10:23 PM

with all my money in one day. Im a huge sony fan but i love ninty a lot too but sony games interest me way more. Most of ninty good games be on their portable systems. The handhelds be outselling t...

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 10:20 PM

Well when someone else is buying something expensive for u or helping u that's a different story lol. But outta ur own pocket completely? It makes you a bit hesitant when they 1st launch. Unless it...

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 10:11 PM

Staying with the wii u is my only option. I'm not made of money, so I'll just buy the wii u version. After all, Zelda wii u was the reason I bought my wii u.

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 7:36 PM

I'm waiting until i know what the NX is and if Kingdom Hearts 3 is gonna be coming out on it. I'll make 1 thing perfectly clear right now. Ain't no way i'm buying both a PS4 and an NX!!! Its eithe...

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 6:42 PM

Ya there'll definitely be more games added. I just hate how they're throwing what was originally an exclusive U game on the NX as well if the rumors are true. Cuz knowing them they're gonna add fea...

Comment on Jas's Post


04/27/2016 1:35 AM

I'm not at all a morning person thats why i do the graveyard shift at my job M14

Comment on Jas's Post


04/26/2016 11:57 PM

Wow nice! Doing it big.