Nathan's Friends
will FailNation10
Ludo D4rkLudo10
YT★Floshii FloshiiGamer
Rippeя12 GoodMKJack
I'm only active on weekends. Going inactive. Let me know if you play Wiimmfi or CTGP-R on MKWii! My clans: я¢м ¢ğς мк¢ P.S. I only yeah things that I think are funny/weird. Check them frequently! :) Please click fav. post.
сατrεηa Catrena153
Нi I'm Catren ♥¤*‚‘♥ I'm 16 I'm Girl ¸˛…•♥ My Family is 1 Sister Name is Ame 12 Years ¹²³°¯♥ and 2 brother One Name is AJ 21 Years Two Name is cam 19 Years♡♥♡ My bast Friends is ♥♥♥ ★Mappi~★ ♭♪♭ Cαdepe♥ ¨»♡♪ мкм?нαςαη °•♡* αθθ :*•*♥ мкм♥mςν♥СŁ♥ĦĞ♡*ªº*♥ XD –( `•ω•′) – ID :)
*** ***** BlueHybridGamer
Hunter Koopa and Larry Koopa We've been growing closer and closer to each other, and nothing can pull us apart. Iggy and Komajiro Best of friends til the end, no matter what, they can't be stopped. Ludwig and Komasan: They don't see eye to eye, but get along well, maybe better. Lemmy and Whisp Getting pulled into something wierd Other Twist X Jin Amy X Lu Weavile X Lou Bye 購読ボタンを押すのを忘れないでください
朧月蒼翆娘♠昏睡状態 biker46
All my Frinds = cool!
ξηdεл_Boy dynamoboy77
GLƒ★Maddy Bunbuniscute
~ David and Maddy makes the best team ~ follow him at 1q121q! ik hou van je.♥ Maddy plays mario kart! She has max vr! Hooray! Maddy loves to draw! Maddy draws mostly every single day! Maddy would love to meet a squirrel! no squirrels Hawaii.. Maddy and Tad are best friends forever! Yeah, Miiverse is ending.. but just think positive!
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
********** bubsnbobblehead
Bye-Bye Miiverse. ‹°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪°› ———————————————————————————————————————— .·:♥:·.~♪A ł α и ' s h ε я ε~♪.·:♡:·.
GLƒ★Niico? nico2801
♪Member (25th member) in GLƒ♪ Hello. My name is Nico and i live in Germany. I can speak english, german, dutch. I play: Mk8, Mario maker, Super Mario Bros U, Minecraft, Fast Racing Neo. Splatoon If u want play with me, send me friend request, i accept all ;]
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
りゅう 3838ryuji
顔ポチ痛い いやありがとう どうもこんにちはフォロワー300人突破ありがとう 500人を突破したらマイクラでミニゲームをしたいと思います動画投稿してます。 400人を突破したらマイクラ日記を始めてみたいと思います。ヨロシク! フレリクOKです。みんなフレンドになってくれ! やってるゲーム マイクラ レゴシティアンダーカバー スプラトゥーン スーパーマリオメーカー マリカー ぐらい よろしくお願いします。 フォロー大歓迎フレ受付中まずはフォローから 下からまり子和田からアキコ下からグリコ♪ ※英語は苦手なので間違えてたらごめん ※迷惑コメントはやめて下さい場合によって通報(個人)で排除する場合があります。 ご了承下さい ご理解とご協力お願いします。
♪★Miki★♪™ yoshiistsuesss
♥Hey guys, nice to meet you! My real name is Max and I'm 14 years old; my favourite games are Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8; I'm happy about new friends but write a reason, why I should be your friend, otherwise the request won't be accept. I like playing levels from everyone; I hope you'll like my lvls. At least, have fun with my levels at Super Mario Maker!!!♥ See you, my friends, your ★...
Xzander johnd757
hi my name is xander and i have a 3ds and loves disney infinity i have 123.o likes super smash bros and i smash bros and splatoon preinstalld and i also have mk8 and has all the stuff and needs a copuple more friends to move on people call me spiderman when i play football
✏GLƒDNX 1q121q
hello im david a kid.. my games i play are toad treasure tracker lego batman sonic all star transformed well you probably know mario kart 8 mostly super mario bros wii U amiibos 8 GLF leader☎ feel free to be so whatever anyreason your here for on my profile feel free to be so and owyeah i forgot maddy♥♪ visit her profile one,s ID bunbuniscute
Maxi***** Maximilian2.0.21
Profile Comment not hidden by Administrator Hello! I'm Maxi from Germany Wii U Chat only in German! My Hobbys: -Pokemon Go (lvl39) -Pokemon Go (lvl39) -Pokemon Go (lvl39) 0.080.000/5.000.000XP 1763,0km 21951 Pokemon Caughed 663 Eggs 18379 Pokestops Pokemon Go I like girls:) Join me then 01/11/2017
†♪★☆Zoé☆★♪ yahouuuuuu
Dami FD1964
ich mag mariocart
★★★я¢ƒ★★★ dizzy-mommy
Hey guys my real name is Jason and I will tell you about my game stats: MK8: 2000vr Splatoon: 28 And if you want to play with me,then give me a friend request. Thank you and I will see you guys next time. Because Miiverse is ending, I do accept all Wii U Chats. I will miss you all.
******** chell1965
★Frost♪ jehando
Mk8 player Ramène mes lovers sal tarba Oiseau Bleu;Frost_91x Fantôme;Frost_91x frst :>
Andrea arandaguerrero
HOLA!!! manden sulicitudes de amistad
GLƒ★βеιια★ ShadowBella18
BamBamNick menturia
This user's profile comment is private.
GLƒ★Jago jagodom
Мiκυ★МΚ Miku1337
MKWii Texture & Custom Music Pack Creator. Ihr findet mich auf YT unter Miku MK
★Neo1992★ supermarioearth
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
I play games