bradley's Followers
Syrra Syra77
Hallo ich bin Syrra,mein lieblings Spiel ist Splatoon.
/µ/отакцмi aliceisok
ayy its someone you probably don't care about. just to let you know i like Osomatsu-san, Yuri on ice, Love Live and Splatoon Rip miiverse btw
kalu_such 696560
Hola yo soy kalu y te apuesto un lapiz a que nunca has descargado musica xD al🌴ea CSB2017 With a boy Del mundoo If you see me I do not need you to talk to me Mantén la calma y toma una taza de café
тум LuigiStar7
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
TwinGirls☆ robertmccorkle20
HI! we are Twin girls sharing 1 user. Our little brother is on here sometimes Friend request are fine. But we need to know you first. Our birthday:6/28 FAVORITE GAMES: Overwatch GUILTY GEAR XRD SIGN SSBB the King Of Fighters XIV We change our favorite post daily We are Christian! We don't mind Yeah Bombs No wii u chat please.
Terry★MLG TerryOe
Hi.Ich bin Theresa und bin 14 Jahre alt.Ich liebe es zu Zeichnen und Musik zu hören
harbot harbot
⇒Hello Nintendo fangirls and gameboys! I love the Legend of Zelda, I truly enjoy drawing as well as appreciating others' fine illustrations, I'm great at ♪makin' bacon pancakes♪ but most of all I ♡ spending time with the good folks. Greek zodiac: March Aries; Chinese zodiac: lazy tiger; ENFJ ¡Gracias por su amistad! Pero mi escribió malo, mucho sueño Спасиб товарищ, имя Harbot 私は日本人の友達と会うのが大好き
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
Pedro pedroorlandini5
Hello I'm Pedro and I like to play minecraft most of the time with my friends so if you play minecraft send me a friend request and i'll friend you p.s don't be shy.
Caleb Dininn9
Yo wazup, this is Caleb. I'm 14 years old,big Zelda fan, along with a few other nintendo franchises such as Mario, Smash bros and Kirby. I also love to draw so not all my posts are boring or "average". Feel free to check out my posts and follow me ;) \ /\ / | | | | \ / \ / | | | | \ / \/ | | |______| );bye
Darby abcdeheads
Hello and welcome to my profile! Im Darby! ——— ♥Really Amazing Friends that I'm blessed to Have♥ Ace Coolii-o Q Jilly ——— •Age 16 •Likes Anime and drawing •Is a Christian •I dont like dating. >:'O •I have an obsession with drawing Derrek and Daniel (O.Cs) •Somewhat plays Piano ——— Okay, thats all. Have a nice day guys! ——— Random or blank friend requests will not be accepted.
Sapphire FrizzRizz
Thank you, i'll say goodbye, soon. our time is up.. it's been fun. aw gee here come the waterworks. GAAAAHHWAAHZAAHGJJFHDSSTF I HATE MY LIFE FOLLOW: Sapphiretheowl !n$t4gr4m & y0utu♭e SaxxhireTheBirb: Pagieeworld
JΘ & JΘ Monica661
Profile comment hidden by admin.
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
linkthaguy sanicmatmatmat
it ya boooiiiiiii .... i forgot my name.... but hi i am a goron DONT LOOK AT MY OLD POSTS THROUGH.... my old posts are for president!!!!!!! and president of nintendo THE LEGEND OF ZELDA FOR LIFFFFEEEEE plus thanks sooooooo much for all of the followers sorry but i cant follow any more people but thanks soooo much for the suport
Didith Kutoii
petite présentation ( my self ) nom/name : Judith âge/age : 13 classe/class : 4e passion/hobbies : dessin et jeux vidéos ( drawing and video games ) folow : Arc☆64 ChuckNista Amanda Alien Lynαllα Tiago Agathe ˘G&Kmaeva˘ Grithis JroViens Princess Mymily Jade Toutes ces personnes sont incroyables ! *n'hésite pas à t'abonner ^-^* folow me ( if you want, of course ) objectif 650 abonnés!
James SpideymanBR549
How u doin fam?
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Ben Miteydrill
2014: I try to draw everyday in order to increase my skill. Reason why you might see a weird looking piece of art everyday :) 2017: First started drawing in 2014. You can find my first drawings at the bottom of my page (they're pretty bad please be gentle) Edit: 2017 Also the year miiverse shuts down, ive seen tons of wonderful people here. Thanks for the experience :)
Dariqueen Dariqueenxo
Hi my names darian 22/NY I love making new friends.
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
Tavian jae185
zaid zaidbaide4
Eren chan mattua11
Hey everybody. My name is Isabella and I'm a huge legend of zelda fan. I also LOVE anime, vocaloids, internet, drawing and youtube. Main Hobby: Watching YouTube Favorite Bands/Musicals P!ATD Bo Burnham Green Day Hamilton One Republic Heathers Fall Out Boy Boy Name: Izaya Nickname: Mika Age: 10
♪Kat♪ KoolKat77
I'm an aspiring artist who absolutely adores video games! I mostly spend my miiverse time in the Zelda community, but sometimes I'm in others. Things about me: I love Zelda and animals, I have too many favorite youtubers, I play the Sims (a lot), I'm in highschool and homeschooled, I'm 16, and no wiiu chat! Thanks, to all my followers! Be kind to others and have an amazing day! Goodbye Miiverse
GeorgeNLCA GeorgeNLCA
I have the Nintendo Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, 3DS, DSi, DS & Gameboy Advance player plus an Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 & other older systems! I'm into first person shooter games, survival-horror games, racing games, retro & arcade games and of course Mario & Luigi games! I'm a huge Mario Kart & Medal Of Honor fan! I'm looking to meet some great new friends & players! Great to be here & have fun playing!
A.J OtakoAnthonyGami
Im a shy gamer who loves art and game creating also rp and cosplay
まっちゃん konan-pit
11月6日プロフ更新!これまで投稿への共感、コメ、大会へのご参加、有り難うございました!(^-^) 楽しい思い出がいっぱい出来ました!Miiverse最高でした! 青い鳥に籍だけ作りましたが、ミバ終了まではミバに全力投球します! スマブラ好きのわっふる、ふうりん、みーの一族共通アカ(WiiU)です。タイム制のチーム戦大好き!実力は、わっふる(代表Mii)>みー>ふうりんです。一族共々よろしくね! ミバ終了後もフレ戦やガチ部屋、青い鳥でよろしくです!(^^)/ 皆さんどうかお元気で! Our handle name is Mattyan. We are family. Waffle(わっふる),Furin(ふうりん), and Mee(みー). We like Super Smash Bros.. Thank you for your 'yeah' and miiverse!
Luke LukeLazar2008
I'm LLazar2008 would you please follow me! I'm chaldian which is in Iraq,or assyrian.I like soccer and I have a team Sports4Life.I'm 9 years my birth is 3\23.
Markus Meggiz
Hello my friend and welcome! ⇒I'm 15 years old, a big TLoZ-fan, and I like videogame-music. ⇒I am a happy member of the DQ-Clan! ⇒I also play other Nintendo-frenshises like Super Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, or Fire Emblem ⇒My hobbys are drawing, sports like athletics, I play the drums, and I like dragons and snakes! ⇒Two of my favorite games are Breath of the Wild and Ocarina of Time.
Double J-O DoubleJ-0
To most people I'm just some random guy. I started Miiverse 5/18/17. My favorite “The Legend of Zelda“ is “Ocarina of Time“.
Nate NHunnes
Nintendo games are lit fam
☆Rƒ☆Lydia Lydiacat
Hallo und Willkommen bei mir seht euch nur alles an, ich hoffe es gefallen euch meine Bilder.
Vanessa amir.hamzic.yaho
willkommen in mein profil ich heiße Vanessa bin 10 jahre alt und meine schwestern heißen: sp★bibi und nastja♥♥♥ mein lieblings spiele:splatoo und mario maker mario kart 8 hobbys:chaten und zocken nicht wundern wegen rechtschreib fehler hir für jeden ein keks● XD ooooooo ein keks ist für mich übrig geblieben ich gönne mir ein keks● XD tschüss bis zum neksten mal :)
Caleb turbowashington7
I'm a huge Nintendo fan and somewhat of a Sony fan. I like discussing games and animation. I often do polls and mini-reviews based on games I play. Favorite Game Series: Mario, LoZ, Metroid, Pikmin, DKC, Paper Mario, Smash, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Shantae, Shovel Knight, Ratchet & Clank, Spyro Favorite Shows: Avatar, Batman:TAS, Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack, Ducktales, Hey Arnold Enjoy Miiversing!
ジャガリコマン2せい C3POCM
かきくけこんにちは!I LOVE ハンバーグ
KingPrince KingPrince1
Hello. My name is noah. I like mario and legend of zelda games. please follow my friend King.mudkip16 . I usually post screenshots. I will yeah most of your posts if you follow me. Have a great time on miiverse! also follow my other 3ds's profile for random stuff. KingPrince3 is the username
Drawing is a big part of my life and i I want to share my skills with you by drawing pictures of ...
Drawing is a big part of my life and i I want to share my skills with you by drawing pictures of my favorite franchises. Hope you like my posts ;-)