Well, this is good bye. To all my followers, no, my friends who I've known these past three years, I have this say: Thank you. It was a pleasure having shared so many great moments with you as well...
Jonathan's Post

CPM: Sigh, this is my last "last post of the day". I started doing these way back in 2015 as a way to let people know that I was signing out for the day but found these so fun to make that I contin...

With all the talk about the end of Miiverse, I had forgotten there was a voting gauntlet going on until I checked FE Heroes for my daily orbs. For the first time in a while, I honestly don't care f...

CPSU: In the end, western Mother 3 fans never got to talk about their experience with the game or get to share pics of the game on Miiverse. During my time on this site, that's one of the games I s...

I know I should be used to this since it happens every year but it how it weirds me out how its only 5:00 p.m here and the sun already set. Its going to take some time to these long dark afternoons.

The end of Miiverse also signifies the real end of the WiiU. While the system was dead in the eyes of most people after the Switch came out last March, Miiverse, which is first and foremost a featu...

CPS: The slow speed Miiverse currently has made it difficult for me to use the site as I normally do. It just takes forever to get anything done. Even so, I'm still staying here until the very end....

Since I won't be doing any more pulls from Heroes before Miiverse ends, I thought I should list all my 5 star units: Lilina, Nino, Eirika, Azura, Spring Lucina, Clair, Ike, Julia, Hector, Celica, B...

CPF: I was looking back at my old posts and I was amused by the posts about the NX and what we thought it could be back when it was announced in spring 2015. It impresses me how the Switch has had ...

Since this place won't be around by the end of 2017, I'll figure I should share the games I played this year. 1. Fire Emblem Conquest. 2. Fire Emblem Birthright. 3. Fire Emblem Heroes. 4. Shovel Kn...

Long haired guys vs Short haired girls? Eh, the theme of this month's voting gauntlet is pretty disappointing. There isn't even anyone on either site who'll I'd like to root for. I guess I'll just ...

CPTH: I was listening to the Pokemon Sun & Moon soundtrack earlier and it made me nostalgic and a little sad. I remember how great it was last year when the games came out and they were the subject...

The great thing about the SNES Classic Edition having save states and the rewind feature is that I might actually be able to beat Contra III and Super Ghost N' Ghouls. I could never beat those game...

I'm not much of a baseball fan but even I think last night's game was bad. Its like the Dodgers weren't even trying to win the World Series. Better luck in 2046.

CPW: While its nice that we'll be getting our Miiverse post history, its a shame that they won't include the comments people made on them. They're an important part of said posts. Not to mention so...

Detractors during the WiiU era: Sales matter, which is why the WiiU is a failure. Detractors during the Switch era: Sales don't matter, the Switch is still a failure.

Did the Marshadow event already end? I haven't bothered to get one yet. I don't know, I just don't have much motivation to get one beyond pokedex completion. I mean, its just going to end up in the...

CPT: Now that October has ended, the holiday season is right around the corner. Just imagine if rather than making the smart choice of releasing the system on March, Nintendo had instead waited unt...
"Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted"
John Lennon