JonahZgo's Friends
RookieInk RookieInk
Neon Neonistic
Hi there!
Kirbo NickDreemurr
Hi im Nick 'Anthony' Dreemurr!,Nice to meet you, i play 'Super Smash Bros For Wii U' i ussually play 'For Glory' and i play '1 Vs 1' I ussually use the name 'MegaPika2' I main 'Ness,Pikachu and Villager' Im looking forward the playing with you online By0iiiiiiiiii!!! TEMMIE GET OF THE GAMEPAD!! XD.
Hugo HugotheYoshi
Doodle♪ DoodleGamerTJ19
Hi, I'm a guy who like to play videogames, and draw stuff...
Yogi FrameTrappy
dragonboy dragonboy0722
JacknZack JacknZack
Just a Smash bros enthusiast
declan roboticaldude
bring back Wolf!!
мαмī™‡;–;/ mamimamicuzpiti
Lyle SwarleyChaplin
Michael M1ch43l640
Hi, My name is Michael and I like Retro games and consoles, such as Snes and Nes. My favorite game series is the Mother (Earthbound) series. My favorite Wii U game is Shovel Knight. MOTHER 3!
Dangelly GellyBeanzX3
i party as hard as mario
Penguin DiscoSquid123
Evan ferb36
Bean BeanLampstand
Sage Sagedart205
King Breck breck768
Hi! My 3 favorite game consoles are NES, 3DS, And Wii U
Den (•ω•) ShaltSaker
I hate you
Nate Hikkup53
Thomas RPGamer5
Hey! I'm RPGamer and I love games! My favorite games are RPG's but I also love Smash.
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Noland ImNoland
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Aidan AidanDaBaller
Aye I'm a huge Mario Fan! I'm open to playing against anyone if you're down. Aight Peace!
Kil Awesometurtle124
Hello im Gabe,a.k.a Herocrafter. If you like video games u should follow me,and any questions u have about games u can ask me. :] Anyways plz follow me because----um..........why not?:) *if want to now more about video games plz ask me cause- umm.........why not? *Im a pro/master gamer of LoZ,undertale,mario,minecraft,pokemon,ect. HAH!!!!! YOU FELL IN MY TRAP!!!! umm..i...ran out of space:[
Brian S. BrianS7777
I can beat anyone in super smash bros.
Ice Iceman_ftw
Hi im Isiac
Dan SwordDude1
I play: SSB4, Any Mario game, Any LoZ game, And tons more!
Marshall Marshalljm01
µ_II Amac712
Smash 4 Dedede main. I can draw, just not very well on the gamepad. I hardly ever use this terrible platform due to the community.
Mitch vTacos
meakk ETSwag
So many regrets...
Kieran Kpdiddy
This is my profile, I do stuff ocasionally, I used to review splatoon weps, might bring that back. I also am absolutely terrible at drawing, any decent drawings you see here probably my sister's she doesn't use the Wii U too much, don't expect more. Mostly I just post splatoon stuff though.
Dante StationSquare
"What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure!" -Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure 2
thijs SwiftStriker701
Latios xLatiosx
agredGAMER agred88
nombre: agred años: 12 juegos: mario kart 8, club nintendo y super smash bros animal fav: cat acepto wii u chat clan: ~el clan de los super gamers~ ★■◆●♥♂VIVA KINGDOM HEARTS♂♥●◆■ p.d. soy medio mexicano
Cakepoint~ Akajinialo
Jonathan jonokid123
Heyo peeps! smash bros is amazing.
Tomasz Nitrousz
broster BrosterMedia
agent1 myrex2
mayro maker finally out
Ruairidh Grohlism
Rang Ranguio
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ともぬん 53galaxy
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SLY beto01julian
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Chandler ChandlerHolman01
"What you see is what you get!" - Sonic Favorite series: Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros., Mario, Kirby, Mario & Luigi RPG I'm playing: Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Pokkén Tournament, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Hyped for: Kingdom Hearts 3, Kirby: Planet Robobot , Pokémon Sun & Moon, Zelda Wii U
will yithedestroyer
i love to play vidya games favorite smash characters: Robin, Darkpit,Palutena,zerosuit samus, Rosalina, peach,Zelda,Shulk, F wii fit trainer,Link,marth,jiggs,megaman, C.falcon ★I love stars★ awaken your persona
batta RicSeb
Jason Jgamer76
I'm Jason, and I'm kind of done here. I have a history as a former smasher in the Smash Bros and Wii Fit U communities, and have played an array of new and old games. Gearing up for the Switch, which this account shall have absolutely no correlation with.
Arch TheArchduke
Link Linkmon1994
yesny yesnyperez
MeleeMage Mattoby
Harval Harval1
DualXShock Ryz135
H, if your reading this you have ended up on my acount's miiverse profile. First of all, all request will be accepted, second of all you will see me on Rayman, Super Smash Bros, and Splatoon, third and finnaly if you comment it might be a while until I can reply so don't get a n g e r y.:/
Jack JackK2
John littleisaiah519
Mario Kart 8
Andrew Hey993
Hello Nintendo Fans! I love The Legend of Zelda but appreciate all of Nintendo's franchises especially Mother and Metroid, I own an N64, DS, Wii, 3DS, and a Wii U. Some games I have completed are The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD, Punch Out!!, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, A Link Between Worlds, Link to the Past, Zelda 1, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Bros, Earthbound and Super Metroid.
Divade011 Divade011
Divade011 Here, Big fan of smash and all first party N10do games Games owned Smash for 3Ds &WiiU Mario kart8 Mario bros. U Pikmin 1-3 many zeldas Go diddy and BowserJr.
Reformer OriginStarfox
Alex XplodMonky
Michael iDarkLinkGraal
I am a Nintendo fan through and through! Other systems are good, but nothing tops Nintendo! I'm a huge Zelda fan and I love RPGs of almost any kind! Besides Nintendo, I play a lot of games on Steam like Team Fortress 2. I also love Minecraft and indie games, especially the horror games!
Dan AwesomeSauce387
Melvin Mbrkic.ed
Hey you. Yeah you! You like nintendo? Who doesnt? Im a great guy. If you check out my stuff you will know who I am. My favoite series is Fire Emblem. I love amiibo. Lastly my favorite OTP is robin x lucina. thats all you need to know about me!
ğφмβς cpark49
Zesty taylords
Schwa jackvhb
I like zelda. Thats all you need to know. Currently playing: Smash 4 Wind waker HD NES Remix
LUIGI DKStorms64
Andrew decherman
Cap'n Hobbit821
Kyle zm123bro
Hey what's up fellow Nintendonians! My name is Kyle, but I mostly go by zm123bro online. I love everything Nintendo! Feel free to invite me to a game of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U or Mario Kart 8! Most recent addition(s) to my Nintendo game list: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Ultimate NES Remix Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nintendo GameCube Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Mario Sunshine Kirby Air Ride
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
What even is miiverse anymore