Nury's Followers
Vanxces Villeybear
name vanxces age 10 im a ♀ i love final fantasy 8,im fun and funny, im a gamer and a drawer have 4 cats i like to watch Naruto,final fantasy,One punch man Blech and Fairy tail high school host club.I love Kingdom hearts.i could win a Nintendo a bests fan of Naruto and i love Sasuke his cute
Jyrgo Keino001
Greetings! I arrive in the far North to make art. I am adult gamer. Favorite games: Zelda-series, The Elder Scrolls-series Hobbies: drawing, computers and playing video games
Rebecca Fischbabys
Hi everybody, I´m Rebecca. I am 13 years old and love cats and wolves. My favourite games are Okami(wii), The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess(wii) and Animal Crossing New Leaf(3ds). I really like every zelda game, but I haven´t got a wii u (breath of the wild, noooooooo, why?). My best friend in miiverse is called Clair, she´s so funny and friendly. Check her out. ;3
Mel melanie1298
Hi my name is Mel (obviously) and im 16. I love video games and drawing if you have any drawing requests just ask
まめお 0505ume
時間無いので反応物だけ書いときます。 ONE PIECE(ドンキホーテファミリー推し) ゼル伝(汽笛、スカウォ、Botw) どう森シリーズ(ポケ森も勿論やります) カービィ(Wiiの感動は忘れない) DQ(主に6、8、11) ハリポタ(親世代推し) ローゼンメイデン(根っからの水銀党員) ホラー(ゲームも映画も好き) FE(ロイ) 性別は♀、年齢は広く言って高校生。 ゲームなら何でも好きです 笑 地雷はあるけど書かない。 Nintendo switch もってます。 青い鳥に避難。Miiverse難民。
ケント 47-2297
どうも、ケントです。某青い鳥さんでも活動中です! (まぁ、アカウント名違うんですけどね。(^^;)) ゼル伝(特に時オカ&ムジュラリンク)が大好きな高校1年です 自分は自作漫画を書いて一人で楽しんでいます(自分って孤独だな)。 自堕落かつ自由気ままな生活をしています。大人になったらどうなるんだろう。 ミバ終了かなしいです。毎日の生きがいが無くなるなんて....。 ってことでミバ終了まで宜しくお願い致しやす。
Großer Nintendo Fan seit SNES Zeiten,und zu N64 Zeiten völlig der Firma Nintendo verfallen;) Lieblingsspiel WiiU: Wonderful101 Besitze so gut wie jedes WiiU Game. Auch gern online unterwegs, aber nur zum Fun nicht zum gewinnen ;) Finde die WiiU ist von den Spielen und dem Konzept her eine der coolsten Konsolen der letzten 10 Jahre,und wird oft zu unrecht schlecht gemacht. Steht zu eurer U :).
ruben theRubseg
Demasiados juegos pendientes... jeje
ANGIE rogeliojr
Hola zelderos si tu me sigues yo te sigo me llamo:Angie -Soy fan de la saga de zelda, Mario bros Minecraft -Soy buena amiga. -Los juegos que tengo son Minecraft Wiiu,Mario Kart,The legend of zelda the wind waker, Super smash bros y Etc. -Soy amable. P.D- Gracias a los 150 segidores. :D♪♪♪♪☆★★☆ :v :)
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
Rosa W11_h4v3_fun
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...
ムギ matuzaka2007
よろしく。 好きなマンガ→マギ 好きなアニメ→ダンガンロンパとマギと日常 好きなゲ一ム→ニコニコ 好きな歌→ECHO、ヒビカセ 東方で好きなキャラクター→こころ、フラン、妖夢、レミリアだお 妹と共有アカ とぅわいすがすきです.*
Elizabeth ninjasTopHat
Hey guys! I'm Elizabeth :) I'm a 23 year old artist and I've been a major Zelda fan since I was little. I've been here since 2013, and I've made some amazing friends! Thank you!♥ Due to miiverse closing, I have created an alt. art account elsewhere on the internet for future artwork. (DA) (ninjasTopHat) Thanks so much for all the yeahs and follows! Check out my sister Gracie!(PurpleDolphin0-0)
Célia celia_2706
Hey tout le monde ! Hi everyone \(^o^)/ Je m'appelle Célia, 15 ans, apprentie dessinatrice qui RÊVE de travailler dans le cinéma d'animation et d'entrer à l'école des Gobelins (ouais, je vise très haut XD). I speak english/Falo portugues :)
CrazyCool? Pulltux
Hi! I'm Maria, this is actually my bf Eric's account, but I've taken over mostly! fav movie: spirited away fav band: sleigh bells fav tv show: community fav game: breath of the wild fav book: the illusion of life
TheGamer cleoaldo
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Ouais Lulliduf
• ————☆Hey everybody ! \(˙ˇ˙)/☆————• ⇒Welcome to my profil ! (òωó) ⇒I am French (hahaha, je vous mange tous xD) ⇒I take a lot of fun drawing ! ♪ ⇒My favourite character is Rosalina ♥ Why ? Because she is cute, cute and... cute ! ^^' ⇒Thank you all for your sweet comments ! I really appreciate it ! *-* And... Kirby dance ! <(˙ˇ˙<) (>˙˘˙)> (^˙˘˙>) (<˙˘˙^)(^˙˘˙^) (<˙˘) <( )> (˘˙>) <(˙˘˙)>
Pit NinSegafan482025
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Link BELL8966
hi im playing online
CDR mdr725
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Mattias mattiasolsson
pokemon, princess Zelda, professor Layton and super smash bros. The best of it.
Neela Mew-And-Mewtwo55
Hi I Might Follow For Follow If I Tink YOUR NICE SEE IF YOUR NICE I Will Try To Cheer U Up Or Mabey Even Follow U I Yeah Bomb...ALOT \ / (·.·) If I Give U Cookie Will (' ')’ You Leave
lee papasero-997
hey buddies i have experiences in communities like these so follow me to have pretty much fun in beeing here (: if you follow us we make sure to follow you back;) fav. characters : ganondorf shulk ike cptn. falcon cloud ryu mario bowser yoshi
Rheanna pikachu21580
AnimeArts EmojiQueen45
*Ouch* Why do you tap so hard? Hello, for real. I'm Tanitia. Read things down below about me. I love to see movies. I have two little sisters, two older sisters, and four older bro's. I like Nintendo I have a 3DS XL #Indiya[ meh bestie] she is literaly the nicest person you'll meet on here. I talk too much. Goal is 200 followers. Please chip in, chime in, or whatever you say. Bye:] Bye:[
Tristan thegameryouknow
subscribe to my search tmont and click the yoin channel help me to 9999999999
Didier DidierLink
mi video juego favorito numero 1 es zelda 1-the legend of zelda 2-mario bros 3-ninja gayden etc
Caleb TheTimeHero0810
Binkykhyun AnimeIsBae.0v0
Just a random person who posts drawings. ◆ Anime is LIFE (/'o')/ ◆ I don't watch eng dubbed anime, only subbed ^^ ◆My favorite animes are Naruto(Shippuden) & One Piece ^ ^ ◆Most active software: Minecraft
Brooke kidecg123
Hello! I'm Brooke! I love: Anime and making friends I like: Roleplaying, drawing, and talking Well thanks for checking out my Page! How about you stay for a bit! My bff on here is Le Abby~ go follow her! O^O Oh and I might change my Mii when roleplaying! Just to let you know.
Eimi JossMabbittETF
danny 301423
Hi oωo Facts about me *I love anime *I like to listen to kpop(BTS is my favorite) *I'm homestuck trash *I love watching kdramas
gumi Masiskid
hi there tomodachis my name is gumi i love vocaloid,anime,manga and video games cause that's what makes me an otaku i love japan my favorite city is akihabara my favorit vocaloid is kasane teto my favorite anime is maho shoujo madoka magica my character my mii is gumi from vocaloid my favorite food is japanese curry and .i collect anime and manga stuff my favorite pokemon is lapras thats all
jasmine shadowjasmine12
i am a very nice person and I love to draw. I am 19 and have a boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 18 months. I have school Monday - Friday also busy on the weekends.
SirPixel CornyBen1
17 | ♂ Favorite Nintendo franchise: Zelda I draw sometimes I play Smash Bros competitively I play PC games and stuff so... yeah..... meme
Rashad RashadNumber1
Rashad N. Rouse I'm Number 1.
Dennis Al_Wesker
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Natalie Nataliajeni4
•Gaming/Sports/Music• •Thessaloniki/Greece• •13 yrs old• •I love CoD, Football and the electric guitar• •Don't judge me•
Hi there!!
My name is Nury
I'm from Mexico city
I love the legend of zelda, my favorite are twil...
Hi there!!
My name is Nury
I'm from Mexico city
I love the legend of zelda, my favorite are twilight princess, SSBB, Pokemon, and more xD
I like draw anime style. nwn
Follow me n.n