Jay Dawg's Yeahs

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

07/30/2017 4:20 AM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

07/30/2017 4:51 AM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

07/30/2017 5:07 AM

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

Jay Elite

08/05/2017 1:51 AM

Eerie Shenanigans (055E-0000-034E-79A2)

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

08/09/2017 10:47 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

08/09/2017 10:56 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

08/13/2017 3:22 AM

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker

Jay Elite

08/13/2017 3:30 AM

Ground Pound gives that lil extra mø umph to a jump. Hold on to ZL button to gain height to get up there. Think you can do it you'll get 3 uppers rather than being a one upper

Discussions YouTube Community

Jay Elite

08/29/2017 12:20 PM

Open Closed

Nintendo Didn't think it Through enough

How are we supposed to get attention for those who play Mario Maker if they take down Miiverse. Wheres it gonna go, theres no other service. And Miiverse is all Ru...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

Jay Elite

09/12/2017 8:13 PM

Crystal Kaizo Cave (6CD7-0000-035D-5608)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

Jay Elite

09/23/2017 11:38 AM

Crazy Mumbojumbo Ghost Monkey Go (097C-0000-0360-87F8)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

Jay Elite

10/01/2017 3:29 PM

Beyond Insidious Troll. The End (D9D7-0000-0363-0FDE)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker

Jay Elite

10/01/2017 3:38 PM

This Is my last Troll level that I have made maniacally. I hate troll levels so here's a taste of YOUR own medicine. This literally took me at least 2 months just to upload. I SHOULD NOT BE ALERTED...

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

10/03/2017 8:10 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

10/03/2017 8:30 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

10/03/2017 8:40 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

10/03/2017 8:46 PM

Drawings YouTube Community

Jay Elite

10/03/2017 8:52 PM