Users JroViens Is Following
Vaii Valerie0512
Hi,nice to meet you,my name is Valérie.My favorite hobbies is drawing,playing video game like Mario series,The legend of Zelda,Kirby,Animal Crossing,etc.I want to thank all those who yeahs,comments,and follows! ♪It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over? It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?♪
DR.1UP We-are-Creation
Milly♪ Mum.Dad.Brothers
Remember your manners. You're in the presence of royalty! I, Milly, am Queen of cake ^^ Welcome to my humble corner of Miiverse ^^ Tea? Thank you all for over 600 loyal and beloved subjects! Wii U account: SONICTEAMRULES The pen is mightier than the sword ☆ Evil will always exist in this world. All we can do is love. In hope that someday, love will prevail over evil.
Foofighter lila-adonai.ryuu
皆さん初めましてFoo fighter あらたGso.T.Ffです(GesoToron・Foo fighterの略)。Lila adona のファン第1号を自称しています。宜しくお願いします。 (Lila adonaのYouTubeを見てネ) ゲーム初心者です。 しよーもないパロディのヒントを家族からもらっては、絵心の微塵も無いイラストを書いております。 (因みに絵ごころ教室は、レッスンのリンゴのみやって放置中 ) 主に深夜から 朝にin率高いです。 こう見えて非常に小心者なので 無言フレリクは、応じ無い事が あります。 フレンドの皆さんと楽しみたいと考えています。 29.11.08 PM13:10
Lochstar PurpleKomasha
hi i am a 10yr old australian(my real name is lochlan) i am currently playing through ocarina of time. i am starting to like fire emblem. i like yo-kai watch, pokemon,the legend of zelda and mario. shout out to saria she is a really great friend,dark cade he is awesome,taylah,meme sensei,carson and link (i don't know the other people that much) plz go follow them before miiverse ends!!!!!!!!!! :)
Molly MollyJo525
Name: Mj Expertise: Music, Volleyball, Fun. Loves: Guitar, Drums, Josh Dun, Heavy-metal, Ukulele Screamo, Josh Dun, Hard Rock, Mi Amigos, annd Jooossshhh Duuunn!!!!
#EMMA MagicHideAnSeek3
Hi! I'm an aspiring artist, I LOVE WARRIOR CATS! I mostly like to draw on The Zelda Community, but Wind Waker and Breath of The Wild are the exceptions. I recently began my art on miiverse, not very good just yet. I do request windows, contests, and I'm striving for 30 followers! Can't wait! Just so it's clear, my username is pronounced Mah-(has)-ah. It seems to be found very confusing to some.
Vango SikTornado
Salutations, I'm Vango pleased to meet cha! Relax and be easy we all chill here yo. Be the Raptor.
βιυε★εсατ² Pikavechu
rip miiverse follow me on amino and the robot we can communicate there im called howling peace rip miivese 2012-2017 not active like usually
UraraPower UsakyPower
,:Greetings I am Urara the demon fox: ・:I appreciate all the yeahs:・ & ・:thanks for following me:・ It was great to be here #GoodbyeMiiverse
LilNatives I_am_so_smart_1
We are friends with everyone, so don't get offended if ur name isn't on here. We are sarcastic Danyelle & Dominique 2 sisters sharing this account. Things we like: Basketball, Softball, anime, games. We love to draw. Ages: 00 If any rude comments, then ur blocked Friends: Joshua (2003adriana) is so cool, go follow him. MEGA BRONY SongStream
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
ケント 47-2297
どうも、ケントです。某青い鳥さんでも活動中です! (まぁ、アカウント名違うんですけどね。(^^;)) ゼル伝(特に時オカ&ムジュラリンク)が大好きな高校1年です 自分は自作漫画を書いて一人で楽しんでいます(自分って孤独だな)。 自堕落かつ自由気ままな生活をしています。大人になったらどうなるんだろう。 ミバ終了かなしいです。毎日の生きがいが無くなるなんて....。 ってことでミバ終了まで宜しくお願い致しやす。
Josh SuperRoxxapo
SuperGirl SuperGirlblaze
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories. I'm just your not–so–average person who loves to laugh, smile, and see people happy! I'm not the one you could ask to talk about myself-- I have nothing else (I could think of) to say! Anyways, Stay true, be you, and DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :)
Whitney mechawhit
りえっち snooopy03
Thε Dεεя seavonic555
facts: ~16 ~person who draws ~girl ~i love sheep mostly deer thats why im called Thε Dεεя im multi language person but right now im learning japanese ★ if your looking for beef/ someone to hate please dont do that here or anywhere else thank you ★wanna be friends ★ I LOVE YOU ALL any requests? for drawing or just normal questions just ask me in any post Thank you #dontdodrugs
NintenBro blanethegamer
Hi I'm Blane Beck I'm 17 years old. Im in the 12th grade. Im really into Nintendo as you can tell. My favorite videogames are:Loz wind waker hd,SuperMarioGalaxy1&2, SuperMario3D World&land, AnimalCrossing:NewLeaf,Minecraft, Splatoon,MiiTopia,TomodachiLife,MarioKart7&8
まめお 0505ume
時間無いので反応物だけ書いときます。 ONE PIECE(ドンキホーテファミリー推し) ゼル伝(汽笛、スカウォ、Botw) どう森シリーズ(ポケ森も勿論やります) カービィ(Wiiの感動は忘れない) DQ(主に6、8、11) ハリポタ(親世代推し) ローゼンメイデン(根っからの水銀党員) ホラー(ゲームも映画も好き) FE(ロイ) 性別は♀、年齢は広く言って高校生。 ゲームなら何でも好きです 笑 地雷はあるけど書かない。 Nintendo switch もってます。 青い鳥に避難。Miiverse難民。
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
RobiN!! SpruceGoose15
A crazy Ylissian who loves Robin, Takumi and N I'll change my profile comment to respond to comments and stuff. Thank you, friends. You've made me feel like family. I love you all!! I'm not allowed anywhere else. "This is it, Robin. Our final battle!"~Chrom Thank you guys for everything. This was a wonderful experience. I'll miss you, my friends.
Crismex Crismex_Bld.Wolf
Welcome to my Profile!♥Here's a couple things about me and what like to do:I suffer from Depression and Anxiety. I do pixelart on minecraft,Play Poken Tournament. I love Anime I'm a Drummer/Guitarist I'm 13, I'm a Furry I'm a Girl,I'm Taken by ηεωSans//SANS-CENA2. I'm very Boyish and,I'm an Artist. Wolves are Love Wolves are Life!~By Mai Boyfriend ηεωSans,He Mai wolf4Life♥ Also #SAVE MIIVERSE!
ぼっこさん boccodo
駅前の占い師に「あなた、今後20年間は絶頂よ?」と言われました。 当たらぬもハッケミィですが…まあ人生、そんなものかもね^^; 「39.for everything!」 いろんな人に支えられ、いつも生かされています。 自分に関わってくれた、全ての方々へ。 ありがとう、本当にありがとう。 今までも、そしてこれからも。 素晴らしいもの:星と光と月。 母と父。 家族と親戚。 フレンドたち。 偉大なる先達・先生方。 終らない世界… 自分の感覚を信じろ! ※フレンドリクエストは現在、昔から見知った仲の方を優先させていただいてます。 (ただ、今後ミバスなどでやり取りを重ねて、個人的に面白い人だなあと好感をもった方にはフレリクを承諾する場合があります) 「誰が言ったか?」よりも、言葉そのものを見よう。
うどん kanoonsp
スイッチもうどんという名前でやってます。気軽にフレリク送ってもらっていいよ~ とうとうあと1日か…今までお世話になった方々、フォローやコメントしてくれた方々、今までありがとうございました。青鳥などのSNSはやりませんが、スイッチに行くのでスイッチ持ってるという人はそちらでもよろしくおねがいします私はミバが終わるときには学校にいて最後を見ることができませんが、私の分まで見れる人は見てほしいです。リアルではほぼ友達0の私に優しくしてくれて本当に感謝の気持ちしかありません。本当に本当にありがとう! Thank you! 更新日11/7^^
Dark Cade Cade9904
whats up yall!! i like cats, fishing, and CoD. my favorite band is Green Day. Steven Universe is life. Follow if you like those;) Huge shoutout to Saria, Lex, Princess 1, Terminator, didi, Elizabeth, Dark Link, Lochstar, Taylah, and many more. Also Taken by Kaleigh lol Follow my little brother Carson.
Eli Cucco-Catcher
Hello! :D Welcome to my profile. I have been a Nintendo fan since... FOREVER. My first console was an N64, and in my opinion, it's still the best one there is. My favourite series is The Legend of Zelda, but I also love: ›Pokémon. ›Xenoblade Chronicles. ›Super Smash Bros. ›Banjo-Kazooie. ›Elder Scrolls. ›Batman Arkham, and ›Dragons Dogma.
★~Чυυκι~★ bigdogred002
‹-.·•★»«★•·.-> ★ :¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨: ~ ●★◆★●★◆★ Ч !!¡¡!!¡¡??¿¿?? υ +×+×+×+×+×+ υ πΠπΠπΠπΠπΠπΠ υ (*)(★)(*)(★)(*) κ ¯♪–♪—♪_♪¯♪ ι ^v^v^v^v^v^v ~ ‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’ ★ Hεllσ! I'м Чυυκι! Tнαик ЧОU fσг 100+ fσllσωεгs!! Cнεcк συτ τнεsε вεαηs:↓ GK sinnie Angelic~ ¤°Ðérék♂ SpoopyYuki Mκ★Luango Spooky★Val D-Angel♪♪♪ ★T●●N★●NI★ Fгεε нυgs αηчσиε? c(•ε•c) #SAVEMIIVERSE! ˘^˘ ~Чυυκι♪ =•ω•=
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
Hylian Doglover728
I love love love Zelda games and Fire Emblem. Also anything to do with dogs/puppies is awesome. Favorite Band: Bastille Favorite Animal: Dogs! Favorite Manga: Fullmetel Alchemist Favorite Zelda Character: Ravio, Link I also love music (specifically Alternative and Rock) Friends: TMSheik, Mathiu, Jembird, Grithis, Jj, Dark Linkle
Ghoul. Bedia2004
~ I like 1/2 Adventure and 1/2 Action. ~ I DON'T like to Video-Chat. ~ Have fun on my profile.
Diana DianaGallegos
Gracias a todos los que alguna vez me siguieron, dieron like o comentaron en mis publicaciones; y especialmente, gracias a todas aquellas personas que me brindaron su amistad. Significo mucho para mí. Los recuerdos no serán olvidados :'3 ★★★ Hola :D Soy gran fan de Nintendo y me gustan todos los RPGs en general. Mi saga de videojuegos favorita es The leyend of Zelda. ¡Espero poder ser tu amiga!
dark O meagapower
join the dark side we have coockies. #zeldaisbest i love zelda,FE,spltoon,minecraft,and pokemon. facts im very artistic and crafty but i don't like to draw on the game pad im a vegan,i play basketball and hokey.i can give anyone hints about loz games and most pokemon games and ive been on miiverse for three i only friend people if the want to play mk,ssb,pokemon, splatoon or other games
Mahum Maahum786
My name is Mahum, I love playing Cookie run, I draw good on paper. y u still reading BoTW is da best So is Oddessey
lee maxijazzmx
♪I seen all I wanted say but I'm green when I see all those day♪by Cafune Hello Everyone! My name is Wendy. I am a girl. I love posting drawings about pokemon and Super mario 3D world. My favorite character is Rosalina.♪ (Sorry for my mii. It is a girl but I can't change it) Anyways please yeah my post because I work my best to draw. Thanks for visting my profile! ^¬^
βαbγ Ρεαсн superPeach02
ζαIυτατιση RσγαIε ά ζσυς ζε ζυις Iα ρετιτε ζœυπ dε Iα Ρгιηсεςςε Ρεαсħ dυ πσγαυмε Сħαмριgση!!!♥♪♡♭ Μση gεηгε: GENTILLE:★★★★★★ MÉCHANTE:☆☆☆☆☆☆(Qυε ζι ση мε снεгснε) INTELLIGENTE:★★★★★★ BELLE:☆☆☆☆ COOL:★★★★★ Mες ζαмις ζσητ: ßébé Нαπмσηιε ετ Lυмα,ßébé Dαιςγ,ßébé Lυιgι ετ ßébé Yσςħι!!!♥♪♭♡ +^.^ßébé Мαгισ моη αмоυгευх!!!♥♪♡♭<3~.•
なか 6366niwatori
○ピク支部に引っ越し作業したよ。キーワード検索で見つかるよ。またお会いしましょう。 なか 時のオカリナ ゼルダ カービィ Miiverse ゼルダの伝説 キョウ 犬夜叉 境界のRINNE Miiverseログ 好き→ゼルダの伝説_時のオカリナ 開設2017.8.26~11.8
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.