Users luna luna Is Following
ambibambi♀ looypops77
Hi... I'm Amber. I'm now a member of ☆★ since I just put it in this message. I feel like I've sprained my arm since it really hurts. I'm just your average 10-11 year old girl and I'm going to one of my BFFEE'S for a sleepover as she is 11 today (25th march 2017)
Patrice :/ xXNekopupXx
I will continue posting till the final day...not as much though :c R.I.P Miiverse (Nov 8, 2017)
★♪Lυηα♪★ milorenan
SHaLuT merci pour les 200abo^^ J'adore dessiné! J'adore les animaux! ~™mes BFF™~ Léana Laurie Amira perle Brittany. ×—Mes amies—× Lana Kenza Shanna Maïssa Manel Maelys j'en ai beaucoup.. |¦MA PIRE ENNEMIR¦| sélena ! Remonte pour t'abonné maintenant x)
Ψ γοιο Ψ wiigame_boy
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Leece Leece0303
This is OkamiØ3 ♪'s backup profile.I really dont post on here but i guess i should start.UMM PLEASE FOLLOW MY MAIN ACCOUNT (OkamiØ3 ♪) so yeah peace out smole beanz
Cαrlα carlacardona
Hola!! Bienvenid@ a mi perfil :) Como puedes comprobar, casi todo lo que subo son dibujos. Tengo 12 años:) Si me sigues te sigo asi que no tengas verguenza y dale al botón de seguir y me haras muy feliz :) Espero de verdad que seamos amig@s!! Ahora ya puedes continuar cotilleando mi perfil :) Feliz dia <3
Nathaniel BigNate1234
Super Mario Maker Is A Game Just Like Super Smash Bros.
rilestimp7 timstimpson
jogo notícias grátis garantia sobre olhada hei hoje há i like yoshi
**** *** SaulYGabriel
¡Hola! soy saul tengo 11 años, pais : ya saben, mis juegos fav... son splatoon, super smash , maincla ▼¬▼ , zelda breath of the wind y skylanders superchargers mis BFF son: jose , la cábr@ de rodriguez xD , maxito , yayul , etc , en los juegos que soy pro xD maincla ●¬● , splatoon y super smash
logan logan_zury
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СС:Riιες JRiley03
Greetings and salutatiøns!I'm Jessie\Josh,frens call me Riles.I am a skater kid.I'm 13 and genderfluid.I'm the leader of the Cyan Creepers(СС).I'm also a SpøøkyBean(SB)member. MY FAV: GAME~MC,BAND~PTV,SONG~Match Into Water,FOOD~Taco,ANIMAL~Wolf MY FAM: →☆τгαςн★←~Møm Nexus~Dad Cycoknight~Bro ςpøøκуKιωι & Angel~Sis Dan:Why are there no more dinosaurs? Phil:Because they got sad and exploded.
Nora aicha1978
hoi ik ben nora 11 jaar oud geen wii chat no wii chat 8 november jarig vriendinnen is fleurtje kitty sientje perlinn maya mijn BFF fleur en anna kitty maya sientje samus Ebru lievelings eten pizza margarita en frietjes met mayonais lievelings spel mario splatoon en miiverse doei love you fleur wat doe je ik zij doei!?!? ik zeg het nog een keer doei
Crazy fwilliams03
ALB albros1
hello world
sparkal CatsareASOM
I like to play legend of zelda.:]
hakan cemil48
diana. haruchanchan101
Just random doodles *I'm awkward to talk with
Noah bruinboy30
Personality: Nice ★★★★☆= Most of the time Rude ★☆☆☆☆= Very rarely Often on Miiverse ★☆☆☆☆= Rarely Things I Like: ·Fnaf ·Pokémon ·Hockey Get the motivation to not give up, no matter how bad you want to just fall flat on your face So punch that follow button in the face! #DoTheRightThing #WalkAway
xXαмβεяXx CrystalSparkel
"You will never pierce my gorgeous heart..." -Elecman Hei. I'm a person. ◆Here's some things I like◆ ★Gregory Horror Show★ ☆Touhou☆ ★Undertale★ ☆Danganronpa☆ ★Midnight horror school★ ☆Madoka Magica☆ ★Vocaloid★ ☆Yandere Simulator☆ ★Drawing★ ☆Linda☆ ★Ice cream★ I'm Board. #Follow4aFollow
amani squrlkids
I Love to Hike and Swim and Explore Deserts, and Mountains, and Oceans,...I like playing Mario Kart 8, especially the Night Time Courses, and Super Mario Maker.... I like to Draw.... I love the Rain... the Fresh smell of the Rain... the Sound of the Rain... mingled with the sound of Thunder...
SLT☆ Je m'appel ELIOT. Je suis tres sensible, gentil, rigolo(sa dépend que de vous). J'adore dessiné ★☆★☆ HEY☆ My name's ELIOT. I'm really sensitive, kind, and funny(it depends on your opinion).I love to draw. * * * OH! j'ai 11 ans * * * OH! i am 11 years old BYE PEACE OUT
★NIGHT im_not_ur_friend
Do you know how it feels when nobody understands you~this is what i feel All does feelings turns me into someone with no expressions im not happy,sad,angry,surprised,worried,...etc If u dont like me do not provoke me If u like me dont let me know because i do not like you... I dont care of follows and likes by the way im the PRINCE OF DARKNESS bye~
hasna hasna-2005
salut tout le monde qui veut être mon ami(e) bienvenu abonner vous je vous aime ☆☆☆★miiverse★★★☆
Audreigh zcat13 Audreigh Things about meh... I am taken by the best possible guy EVER!!! love ya zackypoo I have 3 horses Batman is life!!!! follow 4 follow Friends~ Patrick,Raven, CraftinPix [a.k.a. Gabe] and Stephen hurt them i hunt u down and hurt you!!!!
erin xerin667
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Chesca☆Nee fishboydd
CHESCA My name is Chesca, I'm 24 and from the UK. consider me an Artist with a love for Manga and Anime. I also am a super fan of Nintendo (Obviously!). °д°
ale z 5yyjytuuuuuiuyky
ciao a tutti ragazzi sono FAVIJ scherzo io mi chiamo Alessio e adesso mi presento nome: alessio eta: 12 anni pokemon preferiti: Latios, Magearna,lunala,Gallade e manaphy alcuni che conosco : •°Arij°•, Angy, io: Tecno latios: un latios che ha avuto un incidente ed e diventato mezzo robot goccia(manaphy): fidanzata di tecno latios ê una manaphy con qualcosa di speciale
Caroline☆ Corujinha
Hellooo Everyboodyy!!! I'm Caroline,I'm from Brazil,ummm,what say about me...,oh yeah,i'm cartoonist and i love to draw,watch cartoons,movies,listen to musics,games(duh)like Zelda and Undertale etc... My best friends in miiverse are: Inkless, Mike, ★☆Fιυƒƒly☆★ Lily099 Frisk and HEROVID ,follow them,i love them sooo much I hope all you joy me and my draws kiss,S.Caroline! Follow my job:@cat_roline
Quangtnt Quangtnt12345
Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rain forever. Hello, I'm Quang. If you're new to my profile, please hit that follow button. I will follow you back shortly. I like to build things in minecraft or just messing around with friends. Add me, and don't forget to yeah and follow! 1 more thing, always remember to: Keep calm and don't forget to be awesome!
Δ·Cносо·Δ pastamaggi
Speak:[FRENCH]/[ENGLISH] Bonjour, tu es arrivé(e) sur mon profil. Abonne-toi si ça te fait plaisir c; Allez,salut! c: Léa-Elyna-Asia-Ariana-Aurélie-Σanou-Olivia-Ylana-Soumaya-Maelys-Alice-Zoé ‹3 Si tu veux,calcule: 5O+1/14.5×2/6×4/80÷2/20+50+9/110÷2-5 Hello, you arrived on my profile. Subscribe if you want c; See you! c:
Ryan Ryan-Gameur
Bonjour je suis link loup le fameux héros du crépuscule. The legend of Zelda ma lissance préféré. Les meilleurs Zelda pour moi c'est Skyward sword,Breath of the Wild et Twillight Princess. Un héros doit être conscient de c'est propre faiblesse. Ô héros à la lame sacré accomplie enfin ta destinée. Toi qui a si longtemps sommeiller Tu dois à présent te réveiller.
Elsa CHOUPIchoupilove
(↑Met un ouais à mon mess' favori!) Heya! Bien ou bien? ^^ (si tu es un mouton ps/ycho/rig/ide je te conseille de partir très loin) J'<3 Undertale, Ib, pokémon, Deolynk, karal et Dooms! Dédi à moi *NIEHEHEH* à Chloé, à Ryan et, bien sûr, on oublie pas les vrais: Aloïse, Enéa et Maiana ! :D hésite pas à venir papoter! :D As-tu vu? As-tu vu la belle quenouille? X'D
Roku Roku-Hokage
Hi there, I'm a cool artist having fun drawing stuff !! If you like my art, always look in the comment there is always a story :3.. I answer to every comment! Fan of Megaman/Rockman , zelda, Phoenix right, Monster hunter and many more You can call me Roku, R-I or Rockman-Invincible lets draw some awesome stuff everyone!!
jayjay JayJayCool101
hello :=> im 10 years old i love mario cart 8 i love to draw i also love to read and sing i love to go to church and i dance THE END
Trinibeans Trinibeans210
asleep rn hi, i'm trin I'm 14 & i draw stuff. things i <3: crankthatfrank bordelands pokemon acnl melanie martinez troye sivan p!atd twenty one pilots dodie ★dAnYuL and pHiLLy★ kickthepj brandon rogers thomas sanders☆ robertidk☆ markiplier 80s-90s music guardians of the galaxy harry potter dank memes lazyjamie food ×biby is my adopted child× ×starry|–\ is my adopted best friend× ☆nOTICED ME!
i live fras