Kade's Followers
chrisbro34 switchbroYT
Hi, im switchbro and chris is my real name i love splatoon minecraft and smashbrother and zelda you can friend me if you want and i will be having a YT chanel soon also im trying to get 100 fowlers feel free to send me a friend request
shadow kristyjulius
I will exept any one.!!!!!!!
ahmed-raza pingugamer64
hello i am not new i just have a new account my faviorite games:mario maker,denpa men3 rise of digitoll,tomodachi life,animal crossing,yo-kai watch 1&2 and last but not least lego city. ... nothing else to see here........ can you go now? and im talking about the administrators too plz dont remove miiverse and i got new extra games:miitiopia and luigi mansio
Hola me gusta Mario Maker
Crispy swagmaster297
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Leo SuperLeo5
Bye linkmariowin29
! Miiverse Is Close On 11/08/2017.I Want To Sad After Miiverse Close :( And I Want To Say Good Bye To Wii U,Miiverse,Wii U Chat,Nintendo TVii After 11/08/2017 :( ! R.I.P Wii U 2012 - 2017 Say Good Bye To Wii U And People On Wii U. Wii U 5.5.2 Is A Bad Update :( But,You Can Play Game With Me On Xbox!!!!!And I Very Like Microsoft!!!!! Hello! You Follow Me I Follow You Back! Thank you!
Balmori HeroOfSplat
~~~Welcome To my Profile!~~~~ Thank you for 710 Followers! It means a lot! :) Description: 1 More day for Miiverse to end! - I hope you have a great day! :) Goodbye Miiverse T.T
Dorgy:3 0_0_0_0lol
Yolo Moppy74
Hallo, mein name ist Finn. Ich bin elf jahre alt und werde am 28.06.2018 zwölf. Mein/e Hobby/s sind Wii U spielen und Turnen. Meine Haarfarbe ist blond und meine Körperlänge ist 1,43m. Am liebsten esse ich Milchreis mit Kirschen. Meine Lieblingsyoutuber sind Logo, GLP, Paluten und Chaosflo 44. Das wars eigentlich schon. Wenn ihr bock habt dann folgt mir doch einfach. Tschau ;)
Dadelbug dadeswiiu
SavageLee Madlypancake143
alright so im not going to be posting that much in the next week cause my auntie & uncle over! :):] there baby is 6 month old!!!! hobbies: snare drumming and football NEW SHOW storey of a cat! make sure to follow these guys bobcrafty D3RMAN harvs, green poke, Dylan, miimaster joshTL ★harriet★X caiden Yvonne mia coolcookie and umaari!
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
wolfpup321 wolfpups321
i am wolfpup123 no ones my friends really but now i thing my friends are just like they um are starting to hate me but now i have desari84 back i missed her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much now i need aria62010 why did she block me
Toon Link hewey1
Super Minecraft Park See what i did there mixed those up yep
Lukewell jleige9
YeahBigley BeautifulPhysics
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かいふみ mf10pixy
2017 10/21 弟 どうも..こんちゃーす..かいふみっす..((元気なし ミーバースが..終わりますね.. 今までフォローしてくださった皆様、誠にありがとうございます。 (。∀°)
まつすずきT.S.A TouhouProject560
男です。今は6年世です。宿題メンドイ 好きなゲームは、ゼルダの伝説ブレスオブザワイルドとスプラとパズドラです。パズドラのランクは500だいです。パズドラしてるひといたらフォローしてねいっしょにはなしたりしよ。好きな食べ物はラーメンです 握力は2017年では右51左44です。
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
しょうま(*o*) taas10
Jacob H jharrington15
Hi. I'm age 16 Birth: 4/4/01 Sisters: Audrey, Brianna, Gracie Please follow me! 5 days left My favorite Koopalings: Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, Bowser junior, and Morton. I am a fan of Sonic, Mario, Bowser, and the Koopalings. I don't video chat. I take friend requests. I like roleplays. Friends: zion, JoshM.(20), etc.
Jake★WN Wiiu_Jake
Hello everyone! I'm Jake★WN! Here's some stuff about me! ● I've been a Miiverse user for 4 years! ● I love pizza, video games, cats, dogs, family, and lots more! ● I play Nintendo Land, Wii Sports Club, and Pac-Man. ● I've played video games for 9 years! ● My best friends on Wii U are AwesomeGamerland, Layla264, TheLightsaber, GYSPEY, and bible47. ● I DON'T WII U CHAT. That's about it, bye!
Amélie ☆★ ameliedu62870
This user's profile comment is private.
Stela ♀ wolfiegirl4
Master spongebob189
hello my name is master but you may call me splatgirl. i am 13 years old. i love playing splatoons, paper mario: color splash, super smash bros, kirby, and the lego movie alot and i also love wii u chats but you need to warn me first. You may follow me if you want. welcome to my page.
Fluffy Fox aspengugu
Yip hello!It has been a pleasant to see you,I hope your having a good day! ^ω^ (Im actually a real fox) ˇωˇ Im youtuber I will accept any friend requests I don't like lies I love tumble and/or Splattoon and more Yip if you have no friends feel free to friend me i don't bite Well if U make me mad
freddy hsjdejs
hello everyone i have been dreaming of having a wii U and my dream came true in december 2014 :)
re boy semmen7
goodbye miiverse i will still love you ? good god why are you here rip miiverse stop here damn you cant stop can you? see
Hello! Welcome to my profile! My carrier is to be a Singer & Dancer! I dream to perform to millions of people. I wanna be rich,famous, and to live a great life! My Favorite games are Splatoon and Animal Crossing New Leaf! I have 1 Dog named Max and he's a Labradoodle. Thank you for reading and visiting my Profile! Friend Request me & Follow me! Have A nice day!
Amber Penguingirl_99
Yayyy thankyou so much everyone for 400+ followers and now I'm going to reach up to 450+ followers because why not! :) anyways thankyou my fellow followers again you're the best! :) :) :)
Pro at PVP MasterAtPVP
Profile comment hidden by admin not... why still reading? seriosly stop stalker
Boi DJ_tastic
Alright 400 Words To Describe Me Lets Go Im From Los Angles Im A Cali Boi My Favorite Youtuber Is Tanner Bruangardt My Favorite Food Pancakes My Dream Car Is A Rolls-Royce Ghost Im Mostly On Everyday Im Probaly On Minecraft Or Black Ops 2 My Favorite Show Sam&Cat Im A Person Who Sits In A Very Cold Room 12 Hours A Day Playing Minecraft Um...XD Don't Know,Bye
Aiden Link0915
hiiiiiiiii my name is aiden and i like almost anything i like food the st.louis cardnals go cards whooooooooooooo! and minecraft
narwhalfun MalloryEB
cat mario skeetafam
hi im cat mario . 1 don`t call me on wiiu chat .2 i love minecraft .3 im a huge fan of mario games
Max maxyhaty92
Am I a kid or am I a squid? I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND!!!!!!
Gav XxChewbacca07xX
hi/ male/single/weird/15 year old here ur probably wasting ur time by reading this but since ur here this is my life i have a dog a baby sister. you got a problem? then leave! also pls follow kyra and cherry. i play foot ball. i love dogs. my favorite coler is baby blue. i love to sing. thats all:)
Andrew ShyGuy1up
Hi, My name is Kade. Im a boy. I'm 9 My favorite color is red. I am very nice and doesn't swear. ...
Hi, My name is Kade. Im a boy. I'm 9 My favorite color is red. I am very nice and doesn't swear. Games I Love: Mario, Sonic, Lego, Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, And, Minecraft. I'm trying to get 100 followers :) If you see me in a game say Hi. Also i'm a BIG Nintendo Fan!!!