Users ЪН☆Кαгΐ★ Is Following
¢ğς☆lynnia huntress197277
DC: *Lynnia*#6271 In clan's: AO, мк¢, ρε, ¢χ, Nin◆, тen», ЯвN, ÃÝĞ, & ¢ğς I look nothing like this mii.
◆Bleach The_MkW_Josh
Loading... Hi Im Joshua your averaged candian boy My clans are EC2, ят, AV ,РĀ, R¢ andЪН And im 15 '_' and plz no wii u chats! ↓ thanks for 600 Followers and follow for follow Peace! oh and i might not play much because of highschool ok bye!
☆saki☆(^^) RYU.KOU1234
♥MK8...MAX vr(9/9/'17)♥ ♥☆o。Beloved friend...Justyn 。о☆♥ ★.°:♥Saki+Justyn=∞♥:°.★\('-^*)⌒♥
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
R&γ Jεssε jesserenard14
Hiyaaa am Jesse DC=Jesse#6540 Clans Ry(3rd Co-leader) Cl 19k vr 4K br I suck at TT on MK8 Cya 💞
Matt mattdgalloway
i am good at games and i can teach you how to be a master
KRnoah SpoiledOllie
I'll be your friend anytime.Tell me if you want to play a game anytime.i like to play splatoon a lot!!! i also have a 3ds!!!
Rει★Diego Hellowses333
Hello! My name is Diego and my stats on mk8 are: - 99,999 VR, reached on 26 July 2015. - 99,999 BR, reached on 11 September 2016. I also play on my second account! And my stats are: - +33,000 VR
★Ajay♪ ajaybhambra
Discord: Ajay♪#7330 Hi, I'm Ajay. I'м 16 γεαгs ΟΙd. I'm shy and friendly. Best friends, João, Charlotte, Rocko, Dannie, Aran, Mike, Dorian, Colton and Lexxie!! ^-^ Being rude you gets blocked. Clans Msv CL R&γ I don't accept blank friend requests, sorry. Have a great day everyone! ^-^
τν☆ハリー☆ин LilHarryTV3
Hi, Everyone! :D I'm Harry! :D I'm a Gamer/Artist. :3 I currently use my Nintendo 3DS and my Nintendo Switch. c: the clans that I'm currently in are: τν (leader) ин (co-leader) иχ (co-leader) ¢ğς (member) AØ (member) уƒс (member) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe stats: VR: 11.2K BR: 1.1K Enjoy! ^•^ Status: Taken <3 ♡10.18.17♡
Øceløt DeathOcelot
ενεи.МΚ8 TheSongDarkness
Hi ! I'am even(ενεη) ! My presentation : My name is Evhan I have 17 years old I live in France ♥ but I'am american I like the r.p, the creepypastas and the Dog ★! I speak French and my favorite game it's Mario kart 7 and 8 ! Hi hait Splatoon :[ ! My passion it's Draw ! JUST DRAW ! XD ! Ok guys bye bye and suscribe in me !!! Abonne toi !
ναпеssα BTSARMY2004
Hi Guys ^ω^ Follow 4 follow (^_-) if i don't talk to you guys that means im out of posts ... i speak spanish too ^υ^
ом¢★Jo-Jo 1large
Bye...It was fun while it lasted. But change is good Done..and DONE... THANKS FRIENDS!
Gгαcey♡•ω• Spark422
《《(≧▽≦)》》Hånasακιメ♡ ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ ♡ 【(ノ^▽^)ノ*:・゚Asuna-Cħån ♥ <(•ω•<)♡】 •♡14♥ •In sενεη ¢lαиs ~★ •Nι¢κηαmεz~Ðαииι & Ðαιsy ♡ •In løvε? yus //.\\♥ Tωιnz~Gгαce, Kιττen, Tøxy, Mιmι, λяια & Rιcκγ Bгøs~Jσnαħ & Tħunδeг★ Bεsταγz~♥ Sαναge, Jeггy, Ajαy, λяια, Jøгδαn, Zσεγ, Rαul, Cħαг ♡^-^♪◆..ıI♡★:Iı●♪ ★Teαm Sαvαge~☆♪(G/N/P/T)☆♪ MK8 Squαδ~Tħomas, me, Fuse & λяια~★ ♥☆♡~Ðαгκ☆Mσσn♥ ☆.ıI:•♥♪ ≧▽≦ ♡♪•:Iı.★
RK thereisaworldmmy
Some weird teenager who has no life, deals with an annoying Ludwig plushie, loves playing video games and watching anime. I am a huge Mario fan and is the creator of the NSMBA series. I'm also one huge Koopa Corps./Koopalings enthusiast. I'm an artist who draws things, mostly SMB things. Now, please stop poking my face and enjoy my art work.
NATE#6715 strikerball
The name is Nate I am 17 y/o and a MAX VR PLAYER in mk8!!! Been playing mk8 on and off after its release date. I'm currently working on TT's to no longer be a scrub at this game. If I post it will be a TT worthwhile sharing. I do accept random fr. I am quitting mk8 at the end of next summer then I have to move on with my life. *Note I change my name of my account occasionally
ЬН☆AØKενιη Kevin25jose
Salut tout le monde j'ai 12 ans j'ai les yeux noir Gentillesse ♥♥♥♥♥ Méchant ♡♡♡♡♡ Timide ♡♡♡♥♥ Courageux ♥♥♥♥♡ J'aime les fille qui on 14 ans mon clan c'est AØ G&K et GLƒ je vous etes une bonne journee a tous♥
★♪ιгφп_н♪★ Robin3813
Hello I Am Ryan! ¶§√Facts¶§√ Age:15 Favorite Color:) Red and Blue Favorite Food:)Sausage and HashBrowns Thanks For 125 Followers ♥Your Awesome!!! I Play Mario Kart 8,JD2017 and Cubeshift and more! 200cc Experienced Player! Clan in MK8:мк¢ (Member) Invite only! Bye Love You!!! XD▲■◆●▼☆★♡♥√¢$§¶¤Updated 9/22/17 And R.I.P Miiverse... 2012-2017 Nov.7 10:00 PT... ):Best Buds:★♥Dylan,Alex,Cam And More.
Negima88 negima88
My favorite game is mario kart 8 that I like too race but my two or three of the best anime are fairy tail dream eater merry and shakugan no shana.
~Slεppu~ NinCarolina_12
☆––––––––––––––––––––––––––●–––––––––––––––––––––––––––☆ .+* Нεllσ! I'm Carolina, ü can call me Cαяøl *+. .+*★ Åвøυт Mε ★*+. –Ågε: 13 –Cøůntry: Chile –Сlåиς: AO, ктγ åиδ мкм .+*♥ People I admire ♥*+. • KRøGun/Ðαηηγ~ • Becci~ • Røcıø_123~ • KathyChan~ • Princess~ • βeside~ • max-ole04~ .+* 16/7 *+. ☆–––––––––––––––––––––––––––●–––––––––––––––––––––––––––☆
★Alistair☆ ilovethewii12
Hello! my name is Alistair, and I love to play Mario Kart 8! I have 11K points on race. Also, feel free to follow me, and chat to me on Miiverse, because I'm very friendly. In addition, if you feel like friending me on the Friend List, then go ahead! I won't bite, lol! Anyone that wants to play Mario Kart 8 with me, is also welcome. Bye! :)
Ηεατнεг¤ßÐ Gardevoir04
*I am 13 and going into 8th grade *I am a MV Artist *I do daily drawings [2 a day] *Love Pokemon, Nintendo games, Fnaf, SML, Drawing,ect♥ *Follow for Follow *Will accept friend requests [blank or not] *Will do drawing requests! *Part of ßÐ and рς☆ clan! *Leader of Эà clan *Go follow these people, *MemeSenpai, ßαίlεγ ЩЩ, Hickle,Q, Mochi ,JJ(/º¬°)/, Genjitszu, ect Stay Awesome☆ ♥JJ(/º¬º)/♥
Mati time matiasruben
мiκůмïκü Yipes-choco
…… ∵∴konnichiwa, hello∴∵…… ★☆★☆ i am mikumiku ♡^.^♡ ☆★☆★ ***DLC pracice account*** ミクです*„`^ο^´„* ん? マリカって こーんなに 人気あるのにプレイヤー減ったょね?! アイテム運のゲームだけど。。。赤3、強敵Σ>.<; でもオンラインて くせになるょねw スプラはSとA+の間をいったりきたり^∀^ タグマッチ大好きなので、勝ち負け関係無しで誘ってください! ♥いつも練習のお付き合いありがと♥ ★☆ずっーーとフレンドになってくれてる皆さんありがと☆★
★¶Alex™★ polipo41
↑Like to the draw of Pikachu Plz and Follow me↑ Soy Alex, y me gusta el pixel Art de Pokémon Se hablar Inglés muy bien :D B-day:27/6 Clan de MK8: ★мк¢★ (Co-Leader) Dibujo Manga y Pokémons :3(No muy seguido xd…) Juguemos en MK8 o Pokkén, Si quieres B3 Juegos ƒavoritos:~☆Pokémon and Zelda & Mario Saga★~ Pokémons ƒavoritos:☆Empoleon, Chandelure y Ferrothorn★ ¶→I'm still here people!←¶ ¯\(ˇ³ˇ)/¯
Tokito Blay_e_Gigi
Welcome to my profile! I play for fun and for having a good time :) Games I play: - MK8 - Yoshi's Woolly World - Mario Party - Super Mario 3D World.
********* rouquie
Hello i'm 13 years My♥ name♥ ben♥ ♥………………♥ ♪♥♪ English OK! French OK! Spanish OK! Clan♥ my best friends is joão,ajay,éric,daan,Rocko,adrian,AO Jiko м.
SD はなみやあねこ hanamiyamiki
ハロー、アネコシスターズのアネコです。 スイッチマリカとスイッチスプラ、ポッ拳DX有ります。WiiUのマリカ、スマブラ、スプラ、マリメカ、マリオテニス続けます。青鳥、disc、ひとことで良いのでやりとりしたい方はお願いします。
ςкγ◆ωøıƒ DarkLoneWolfX
~ωøıƒ Hi. σ-σ Made a new account for those who remember meh. I miss everyone! If you are new to my profile, be sure to say hey dude. xD clans: ςκγ, ĦG This is ωøıƒ, signing out. c;
«Hola, Hello, Bonjour, Kon'nichiwa, Olá, Ciao, Guten Tag, Пpивeт»
♥~These people make the diffe...
«Hola, Hello, Bonjour, Kon'nichiwa, Olá, Ciao, Guten Tag, Пpивeт»
♥~These people make the difference~♥
Сłαης: AO…xΜ…GLƒ…ĦG…R&γ
☆ ƒ α с т ς α в о υ τ м е ★
~Name: Кαгΐηα Τгσсΐυκ
~Nationality: Űκгαΐηΐαη / Ραгαgυαγαη
~Age: 14
- Ρłαγιηg ωιτн ƒгΐεηδς ♥
∞ Øстовεг, 8 ∞