Karli's Play Journal
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Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Hey on alpha sapphire, would you like to trade for a swellow that is level 55. and has the moves: Peck, Wing Attack, Brave Bird and agility? Well my name is May find me on the internet trade thank...
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Hey everybody, I have two questions for the Pokémon Alpha-Sapphire version. If you answer you must mark it a spoiler. Okay question one. Where is the secret base for Team aqua? Question two. What l...
Hello People im suppost to be the person that posted "I Rule Im Dicktater." is that about everybo...
Hello People im suppost to be the person that posted "I Rule Im Dicktater." is that about everybody "Loved It" So I Finally Got Tomodachi Life In August 13th and then I will tell the world how these "Spoillers" I find and how I play like always and some Spoillers just hit me or come appear And My name is Karli Johns I grew up in Pennsylvania PA US and im 12 years old plus I love Racing & Drama.