Users Keaton Is Following
sBs beachstar
MK8 9999 VR DKC Tropical Freeze 200% Rayman Legends Awesomeness 10 Mario Maker 12 medals
babyHailey mmorgan2780
i love splatoon,super smash bros, disny infinity, im a GAMER!!!! im very nice and im never going to show my nicknsmes
beastboy oconnorfamily115
Sybilchan™ Lightning_Liam97
I do play on Steam and PlayStation 4. (Alt. profile: Cyrus™) I shall be posting Smash Bros. replays, drawings, and etc. I do not, however, play online with random people, I would say why, but I have a post explaining why. Why're you still here? I said go away...
spence SP.LUIGIO
zayne leilish123
hi im zayne i play zelda and batman and mariro kart 8 and old mario and othergames:-):-D!
henrik 08henrik
This user's profile comment is private.
- softail05
hey miiverse! im a miiverser named Mikey. but you can call me! and piz fwd me and like me and all that stuff. note: I don't acep friend requests. But if you like bubble gubbes GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE I HATE THAT SHOW Things I like: Earthbound, isaac, smash, MK8, minecraft, mario, my wii u, dragonball GT and kirby and undertale! plz help me reach my goal of 2000 followers. I like memes to.
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
Jeannie Mistyblue1965
Hi, I Love Animal Crossing New Leaf ♪
MS Derek dimargie122
i prefer that i love you. my ssb4 mains are shulk, lucario, mewtwo, charizard, greninja and fox my favorite games are gta5, gta vc, gta3, minecraft, roblox, ssb4, sm64, sonic heroes, sonic games and mk8 and my best ssb4 main was bowser
rhey rheymor
need friend......
twilight lunacan
Friendship Is Magic Full Name: Twilight Sparkle Hobbies: Talking to friends, Reading books, Making Art Best Friends: Rainbow Dash, Rosalina, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Baymax, Cresselia, Fluttershy, Applejack, Link, Zelda, Celestia, Luna, Suru, Rockman, Cadance, Blythe Baxter, Timothy, Amber, Frisk, Sans, Hala, Poison Ivy, Star Butterfly, Taffy, Sunset Shimmer, Samurai Jack, Shantae, (Good Bye Miiverse!)
+:*ωεεв♡:+ MayorKaitlyn
lmao what even am i
JackMan64 Jack_D64
Good luck with your games!!!!!!!! :) :D if you want to friend me tell me your name and my name is Jack_D64 have fun!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!★☆★☆★☆■◆■◆■★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Mew MewSpeckles85
Hi, I'm The Biggest Video Game Fanatic And I Have High Function Autism ★ ♪
Derek Smithster_24
Hi! My name's Derek. I love Mario games! I am also a dedicated Toadette fan. I love her so much and I strongly believe she deserves a game of her own. If you want to be friends with me or follow me, go right ahead! But I do not use Wii U Chat, text only.
TC☆Alex buddy6108
Kimi Nin10dohGal
Hey. What's up?
5FtOfFury Crybaby2.0
Fighter fo life ♡ Enzo Amore is my fave wrestler ♡ 5 ft of fury :P Paige my girl ♥ Realist chick in the room, HOW YOU DOIN?
Summer TeresaDeanne
I love drawing, Disney, and Pokèmon. Currently hooked on Pokèmon Sun. Feel free to message or comment about any drawing requests. Thank you! †
Martin jamesRainbowBoy
Been gaming here since the NES days... owned a NES, Game Boy, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, DS, Wii, 3DS and am now the proud owner of a Wii U. Nintendo through and through!!!
Guto gus.azv
Who let the chomps out!? Play my Super Mario Maker course and find out: 3D4D-0000-01ED-AC94
Sidewinder donutboy8
I am Sidewinder, I am an expert as you know. Topped by one person, won't say who, but he's a cool guy.
mike Deathrealm80
age:11 6th:grade love : pokemon love: video game
Jeannie FrostieGlaceon5
Hi Everyone ♪
Evan nichevan1994
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Ried Tube mk_ried
Whats up People I'm Mike I Run The You Tube Channel Called Ried Tube
Tails 554tails
Hi my name is Bryan. My bff is Sonic :3. My favorite game is Splatoon, Pokemon,Zelda,FNAF and SonicDX adventure.
kira kheira16
Profile comment hidden by admin.
wOoMy Zeldawiiu86
Alex Xylvan
Hi! I'm playing: - Super Mario 3D World. - New Super Mario Bros Wii U. - Mario Kart 8. - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess HD, Breath of the Wild on both Wii U & Switch! - Super Mario Maker: Yoshi's Island Castle Style! (13B8-0000-035F-8E4E) Mario & Yoshi vs Giant Kamek! (057D-0000-035F-8E4A) The Path to the Starfield! (53BE-0000-033C-B3E4) Friendly, Alex
Rory HeyyyItsRory
all that really matters is pizza Currently Playing: Animal Crossing New Leaf (eternally) Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Zelda: A Link To The Past Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Shadow Shadow385
jedidalton jedidalton23
i play games and stuff
Hoopa tatertot100
vivi™ reina3345
Hi my name is april im 12 and in the 7 grade somethings about me:=dance and im a model *_*
Jεяεмÿ jeremyquantG
sup, i live in Aruba not the U.S. (it's because the Nintendo service is not that good here...)i speak Papiamento and English. btw -I DON'T DO VIDEO CHAT WITH RANDOM PEOPLE- only with good friends or bff sometimes... ♥Nintendo Fav ♥ Metroid. Animal Crossing. Monster Hunter. Pkmn. sbb. mk.
Catmando Catmando83
I'm Carmelitta Maria Renee Blandin, how u doing. I'm live in Missouri n love to play tomotachi life, mario, zelda, animal crossing etc. Hope everyone have a great day. I'm 33 years old n im been playing nintendo since my first system was Super Nintendo. I still keep playing Nintendo systems with lots of games.
Jack TonberryJack
Aloha kupo! I am just an average everyday high school gamer and anime fan but also like Godzilla, Touhou (sort of), and tokusatsu shows like Kamen Rider. I may not be that good of an artist but I still love to draw. I like swords and Pepsi. I don't know what I'm saying anymore but I hope to see more of you regardless, kupo!
I'm a (Nintendo) gamer and also play on Steam. I love anything Zelda related, most Super Mario ga...
I'm a (Nintendo) gamer and also play on Steam. I love anything Zelda related, most Super Mario games, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. and more. Add me if you want to. Kitsunes are awesome. ^w^