Poké-Girl1's Yeahs

Isn't it just Simon, and Pete 'You need a blender, bananas (peeled of course and chopped) and ice cream' Simples really. Oooh and a cornet with nuts,raspberry juice and stick a flake in it too. 😅

I have some people on my list who have been completely inactive for years. I have no problem removing one of them. :D

Thanks James but late to the party tho... What's these rumours of miiverse ending apparently there is a Wii U update I believe.
♀ My name here on Miiverse is Pokè_Girl.
☆ I am 16 years old and I like making friends.
♥ I am ma...
♀ My name here on Miiverse is Pokè_Girl.
☆ I am 16 years old and I like making friends.
♥ I am married to Petevader. We are also expecting a baby son.
⇒ This is my second account as my first one has been banned for life.
◆ I am a big Pokèmon and Animal Crossing fan.
Kisses PeteVader ♡♡♡