I just listened to Adagio for Strings while scrolling through Miiverse, it was rather sad.
King's Yeahs

Yeah, it is kinda annoying that it's not really accurate, but oh well. Anyway, I thought the song fit the end of Miiverse pretty well.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We're leaving together, but still it's farewell. And maybe we'll come back, to Earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame. We're leaving ground! (Leaving...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

MV Haven is the new Miiverse!! Join to carry on if you are interested in still continuing Miiverse!!

I'll be promoting it for you so if this account gets banned I have a back up. :) MV Haven must be heard of.

Bye Miiverse
This will be my last post. I wanted to thank all of my close Friends (You know who you are) and everyone that has supported me in the best way possible. I will mis...
Miiverse continues at MV Haven!
- Christian.
- Adult.
- London, England.
- Musician.
- Into Zeld...
Miiverse continues at MV Haven!
- Christian.
- Adult.
- London, England.
- Musician.
- Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar.
- Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc.
- Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff.
- Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography...
- Official backer of Yooka-Laylee.
- Joined 2012.
Thanks for reading!