DELET THIS's Followers
Mon Alisa Alisachu1742
☆¤°˙ Howdy, y'all! .•*★ So this is the end, huh? It's a bummer to see this place go... oh well. We've had some fun times! Here's where to find me after the apocalypse: - the "blue bird" website - that artsy website abbreviated as "Dee Ay" - on the Nintendo Switch In all of these places, I'm known as my Nintendo Network ID name. Au revoir, mes amis! ˙˘˙
zeke 122188-marie
Hi im ezekiel i like trains and turtles
TZ Zemaitis9
Sup my name is TZ and I like gameing #DON'T END MIIVERSE! i am a 9 year old boy named Thomas
Toad Toad_News_Team
Hi, welcome to Toad News! Here we will tell you about sports events and also racing events. We will try to show you as many other events as possible and also anything that pops into our minds. Also, feel free to send us a friend request! -Toad News Team
Ninja Andy Luigi_Real
Hello, I am the Yellow Ninja!
JackSCG SuperCeleryGamer
Hi! Im JackSCG. SCG Stands For SuperCeleryGamer. Im a Youtuber and goal is currently 100 subs. On Miiverse I will mostly do funny posts and keep in touch for contests! My Follower Goal: 5000 (Can we make it?) Well I'll see you around! P.S if you have any challenges for me be sure to send me a comment. I have a clan called FreezeFlame so just ask and you can be part of the fun! GOODBYE AGAIN.
Jomama jogomama07
Hello my name is Jomama,I have a 3ds and a wiiU. Follow me and I follow you.I like pizza,video games,board games,people,ect.Also please friend request me!!!!!! PLEASE p.s. I like to ask people friend requests(:
connos brawldrago
chocolate isiahj228
Hi, im a person and i like pie!
diego aaronreyna123
MichaelC18 21mschavez
Hey guys I'm Michael, I like to make posts and play Nintendo games because they have so much swag! Give my posts yeahs, comment, and definitely follow me!
TheRealMe® maska-monster2
im Dan Thats all u need to know why are u still here
mario Mario_Boy_2003
^o^<(Sean) PikaChewZ
Hello There Fellow MiiVersers! I Am "(Look At My Name)" I Am A MiiVerser Who Will Be Sharing With The Whole NSLUC (And Moar) Community, Doodles That I Do! Bio ↓ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Nickname: PikaChew Age: School Age Gender: Male, Duh ––———————————————— I Hope You All Enjoy The Content I Post And Overall Have A Nice Day (If You Can) .ω. Nico Nico Ni~ Baka!
- kingcooper9999
hi i lost my last acont so i am king coop king of cooptopia so hi o like role playing jy favoret games are undertale fnaf (five nights at freddys) and sklander so fallow and send me a friendrequestif you whant too:)
Bastien Bastien4000
bonjour,je m'appelle Bastien et j'ai 11 ans
ĶŚTom Г waluigi-tom
Hi im Tom My Shoutouts Oliver (mariooliver) Franky (franky106) Jack (SuperLuigi0151) Jordan (MariojordanLuigi) Sky (Skylandersluca) Lil (Pashamai55 or Rosalina-lil) Jace (JaceCarterMiller) Tyler (Triplets27) Canneto (cannetobeach) Chealsea (Luigi106) Darth Bob (Starwarsfinn) Bryn (bryncornwell) Hero Porky (MegaMatter) Mario (SUPERMARIOYAHOO) Luigi (CowardlyGreen) Wario (WARIOWAFTY) Wa
Engineer WarlordWailord
Howdy partner, names Engineer, I explain things, not things like, what is love, but things like how does the medibeam work
★G☆A★B☆Y★ AmoSplatoonLove
★ ☆ …Hi!… ☆ ★ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ★*My name is Gabriela, call me Gaby ☆*I have 11 years old ★*I'm in 6º grade ☆*Follow 4 follow ★*My boyfriend is Alex :3 ☆*I have Mario Kart 8, Mario Maker,Smash and Splatoon ★*I will not play never Splatoon because the disc is wrecked :'( ☆*Hablo español :v ★*Please friends requests ☆*Thank you for read this! ★*Yes WiiUChat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ★ ☆ …Bye!… ☆ ★
Dondon dondon2008
hi dudes and dudets im gonna stop posting in septeber 1st beacuase miivers is closing so im sorry. so hope you guys are cool and see yall later. bye-bye.;)
Julien santi10102
Corndogman NIN3DSCAM
hey im corndogman a popular miversian with some popular friends Popularity persentige 82% DAB I PLAY Mario isz cubecreator FRIENDS: CAT KACY,Gamer! I LOVE CORNDOGS If wants to be freinds comment #Friended or comment followed on favorite post and i'll make an event discussion were we can talk #FNAFFOREVER BE MLG BE SWAGER DABBER Thanks for the support on follows FOLOW! plz BYE!
~Devin~ :( Nindevin23
D¡scord:Devin22Gamer#2671 УТ:DevinGamer ClosedVerse:Devin22Gamer or my mii name ☆тнапкуоц fоя 1200 fоııошеяς★ I appreciate every single yeah and follow! Bye I WILL MISS YOU!!!
joseazamar azamar24
hola como estan amigitos seguidodes mios mi mas grande deseo es entrar ala nasa y descubrir todo bueno tengo todavia 10
SoGu Robothacks
:-D What? Did you expect me to actually put something here? I'm serious. There is nothing here for you to see. Just go. See? Absolutely nothing. i'm looking for a boy with amazing elves who can sucj the bark off a dog
StachedBoo bunchkins
Hi! Boooo...... Favourite kooplings: Larry Morton Iggy Favourite Mario Character: Boos (obviously) My goal: 9999999 followers (lol) I love to play Mario™ and Kirby™ games. If you follow me i will follow you back.I don't do Wii U chat or accept random friend requests. See ya later!! Boooooo.......... BOOOOOO........ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......... *Boo laugh* :)
Brody boymario7
hello my names brody and i love people who give me likes if you like my stuff i will love yours please follow me¿!¡
Jaden blindsight89
im going back to school this time 3rd grade so i wont see you in the morning in the afternoon i will see you ok XOXO
★Prokoptr★ spotydoggy
hello miiverse im ★Prokoptr★ and i want friends and have my Wii U forever and stuff
Morgan bobandcat
DealWithIt Marioguyman
I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Need for Speed Most Wanted, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Minecraft. I have the games under my "Favorite Communities". I like cheese! I like potatoes! Cheese is good. MLG → Major League Gaming Memes are life. MC for life!
JT JTM1116
hi im JT my biulding is inspired bye kalthln
oB★Ban 4 2 Destroy237
Woomy stay fresh I like to play Splatoon, MK8,Pokken Tournment,SM3DW,SSB4,CTTT, and Mario & Sonic in The Rio 2016 Olympic Games. I love Dragon Ball, and Pokemon. I'm Gogeta. I'm a Super Sayina. My favorite youtubers are AnimeBroMii and PixelsByNight. You can call me Umbreon,Shadow Coolhaxx,KitKat, or Skittles. Stay fresh and cool ok :3 ♥ WOOMY
??? Moddguy
Some random things about me(me): I lick Potato Knishes, if you look at my mii for too long, you will probably become mentally disturbed, but there is a rare chance of depression, I don't own a nintendo switch, and never will, people say that we are number 1™/#ThisMailboxIsMine™ is dead, but one day, I will revive them, and thats mostly it. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeey 3DS miiverse: iluvpapyrus
I'm a Boo, or a ghost if you're of a shortening mind. I usually make cruddy reaction drawings, wh...
I'm a Boo, or a ghost if you're of a shortening mind. I usually make cruddy reaction drawings, where the only detail is put into me. We Boo's are neutral. We can choose to be good, or evil.