Submasterƒ's Followers
beatrice beafrancyteovale
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Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
Agent T. ƒ LGBTKing69
My name is Agent Troll. I'm in the Fluffy clan the best clan on Miiverse. Jamoni forever! GoodBye Miiverse. :( This is a Temp account.
WELCOME TO MY PAGE!!! I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan (should be called Legend of Link) I am very big into playing action-Rpg-adventure type games, as well as playing Steel Diver Sub Wars. I love listening to music & I have even made a few of my own songs! I don't bite, so don't be afraid to talk to me! I love art but I can't draw. Proud ƒluƒƒian, HAIL THE GREAT ƒluƒƒy!!! So that's me! ;-]
Alpha.B-ƒ SeaDogCapt.Alpha
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Dominic Dominc
Hello there. I'm Dominic. (Obviously) I'm 15 years old. First and foremost, I am a gamer. More specifically a Nintendo gamer, obsessed with Mario, Pokémon, and the like. I spend most of my time indoors playing games or watching Youtube. Quite simply, I'm the most awkward person you'll ever talk to, but that's probably from my social life being almost nonexistent.
Calebƒ Masteralpacas.9
It was an honor to serve ƒluƒƒy here, but i am still serving elsewhere. My log-on is now, today. My 1.5 years here were pretty good. I started so small. I made friends, some quit and are never to be seen again. Its been fun so thanks for the yeahs and follows. Caleb R, M. Alpaca, FERPpaca, Calebƒ
Punk☆Mеmеs landchop
Heyo!! My names Ian im 13 and Memes<3 Are my thing, So i will be making some. ●–● -Memes<3 Ok Fine..more about mii is i love Sour patch kidz, Cosmic browniez, and Cheeze burgerz I love spiked up hair especially Mowhawkz. Ok im not saying anymore O-o -Boii
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
«¤Sp1r1tƒ» Artax26
-oops i want to die :,) -i would leave before you catch a case of the depressions -i can art™ -i am the female ♀ ~ Her/She/They/Them/Spirit -β!тсн !м тãķêп âς ƒůсķ (lmao oops) ~ B A K A ~ ☆★♡♥Much Love To Ma Dudes♥♡★☆ ●proud ƒluƒƒy member● »Here we break out in song« \( Ima bisexual lil bean :3 )/ ∞Just Your Average *Depressed Furry Teen∞
Eliseƒ elisaacruzz36
Elijahƒ WarsEl01
Hello I am Vaderƒ I am a member of the ƒluƒƒу clan. Once a CSFU member, but that was in the past. We are now in the future of thing. I love playing on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generation, hr 56. Hope to play with you all in SDSW and in MHGen. Have a go day.
ƒ™horace™ƒ horace13
Hello my name is horace I am lucky brother and I have a sister named Alyssa sometimes she goes on my 3ds. sisters! sometimes I play on my game and I am 7 years old can you believe it. I like games alot like soinc on the will.
shaneo mac deanambroseandro
name is shaneo mac 13 years old born 12th may in love with wwe. I want to become an actor and a wrestler thinking for singing too and i want to be selena gomez future boyfriend friends~CHRIS.J,kody and connorjr$$,★harriet★X..and follow my gf nikita thx favourite singer~lucy hale,selena gomez,taylor swift,ed sherran. favourite wrestler~dean ambrose,seth rollins,roman reigns,john cena etc.
felixdacat Blake2410
FAVORITE YOUTUBE CHANNEL jacksepiceye friend parker favorite juice HI-C THE END
Pz^]Chinoƒ LilChino_EoE
My name is Chino and im a proud member of ƒluƒƒy... Joined 6-4-17 I see you guys as my ƒamily thanks for bringing me in... I will not let you guys down... HAIL ZARTAN! SLT Forget what you give; But never forget to Forgive. -Chino
Prodigy ƒ jbmonkey540
Greetings. I am Prodigy but you can call me Prod for short if you want. I have a high interest in Math and almost anything and everything video game related. Feel free to ask me questions, though a might not always have a good answer. I like to post my progress in games frequently. ƒluffy member, joined 5/23/17.
ßluεƒ PasificGamer
Don't expect me to answer very much. I'm moving across country and won't be online for a month or two. (I'll change this once I'm done driving) ✝ Also a proud Christian. ✝ Cheers.
Beeƒ He-Beef
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Jahleelƒ Cold-Black-Night
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Pepsi Ipod Forzalife
Hey fellow Miiversians. Pepsi Ipod here. Sorry I've been a little inactive, I just got a 360 so I've been busy. Hopefully I'll be around more though. Also; Owl City 2017: The Big Comeback
iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
ßluε ƒ 2good4ublue
First off, lets get this right off the bat, my name is Matthew. M-A-T-T-H-E-W. Not Mathew, not Matthiew, Matthew. Now that that is outta the way, hello my name is-oh wait, I believe you know that one. Most call me Blue. I'm homeschooled, hold the NA record for SD:SW mission 2, Lv1,time: 0:47:26. I'm on my 5th Lv99 combat record, going on 6th soon.Proud member of Fluffy clan-2/14/17
Félix MK7-Felix
lordlamb Baahman
Loyal Nintendo gamer with a huge backlog of games to play. Expert level gamer. Favorite genres: RPG/Strategy, Puzzle, Platformer, Adventure.
BeBrave TheBraveDragon
Stay calm and be brave. Much thanks to a few old friends (Alpha and Mightymight) for helping me get a new account ^^
ƒςMerlinxD WolleTyson
^^WILKOMMEN^^ :D ICH: Hallo ich bin MERLIN Alter: 12 jahre alt KONSOLE: Nintendo 2ds BRUDER: Ja ich habe einen bruder der heißt aaron er ist auch im fs clan und hat ein 3ds NAMI: ahornbaum FS: WUNDERVOLL★☆★☆ ÜBER MICH: Ich bin NORMAL xD glaube ich Danke für 49 follover SCHÜß ★☆★☆
ƒς Mσσπ Momo250203
⇒I'm Moritz, ⇒I'm in ƒς, ⇒I speak french, german and 50% english ⇒I like play: Pokémon, the Legend of Zelda, SDSW, Chess, DAoC and ArcheAge ⇒yeah record: ♪120♪ ⇒The ƒς-clan: →+450 members →I was a Co-Leader →Clan-Leaders ID: Weiss: [Rote-Flamme] Linda: [Dynamirathos] Flame: [KaiserinSissi] Join him.
Għφςt yuengling89
Hey everybody, what up. I am Ghost_Zartan The leader of Zartan Gaming Group. Here's a saying i like. ''Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.'' † peace. I am the Ghost of Zartan Gaming Group, ▼¬▼ I am everywhere and nowhere. Semper Fidelis.
Luκεƒ luke54
Hi, I'm Luke. I am a member of the Steel Diver: Sub Wars ƒluƒƒy clan, and have been since 2/13/2017! My best friend is Branden, so be sure to check out his profile (NNID: B-Bro21). Fun Facts: •I'm 13 years old. -I'm level 99 in Steel Diver: Sub Wars. •I run competitively. -I have two Betta Fish. •I play the trumpet. -I joined Miiverse in 5/5/2015. •I've been yeah bombing since 10/10/2016.
the bro hiddensecretes
hi this is my new account of patrickfff yes im still in fluffy currently looking for new 3ds xl refurbished i still on a laptop hoping to fix that soon thought! really important! Follow me! and of course feel free to ask me any thing! inactive till march :( tanks and have a great day/night!
:] xxRYD3ERxx
Agent T. ƒ PigPants12
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βгцн⇔(ç_ç) ziggyboss
Hey. Just call me Zach. Im 13. Same account on 3ds. Follow for Follow. Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario Cart, LOZ: Breath of the Wild, & SSB I take friend requests for anything. I will do some multiplayer with whoever wants me to. (΄ή) I didn't get muh cake. Report me?!
Joey Golden-mushroom1
Please re-follow me on this backup account, thank you :) Helloooo followers! Screen busted so can only draw blobs but hey there's always text art. Games I like: Mario, Pokémon, ACNL, Rayman, SDSW, Battleminer. Clans: Co-Leader of the Shiny Wizards, we do Shiny Pokémon Giveaways and now in Vξ!! SDSW: Chief of Staff in the longstanding ƒluƒƒy clan, member since Jan 2015 MK7: Member of EP♦, EC2.
Tyler °¬° CasualMii36
You probably don't care about this profile but, whatever. I'm 14 I'm an animal lover! Hmmm... what else should I put?
Щ²Mαhtаb• SKY99726
Tнanks fоя clicking on my mii:) Mу Names Mahtab!! *Fаст* Best sports car= BUGATTI! Best Game= Mortal kombat XL! Щ is a SDSW clan! ★Leaders★ Щ¹MARIO Щ²Mahtab (Me) Щ³--------------- Щ½------------- Щ¼Valco Щ¾Ozee Members 170+ Best clan ever! Seba i miss you! I know English=100% I know French= 50% Bye..
SAD ENDING traynard
Hi We our all even We don't think the same We don't look the same We don't speak the same We don't have to like the same people We our all loved Isn't that what madder's? Cheak outthese people! ._. :) BonBonKid Noah(Bomb) Baby&Parap Please follow to join my journey to 1000 follower's I know what your thinking That i can't do do it? YES I CAN (With all you beatiful people) (^o^) 400 more!
Video game fanatic, follower of all things Nintendo... and time travel enthusiast.
Been playing ...
Video game fanatic, follower of all things Nintendo... and time travel enthusiast.
Been playing Pokémon Shuffle since a few days after launch, so ask me anything and I'll be happy to help.
Currently serving as both Commanding Officer and a student of the great ƒluƒƒy clan.