VikingKing's Yeahs

Comment on Delia's Post


08/24/2017 6:15 AM

I do kinda do that - that's me for sure!

Play Journal Entries Miitopia


08/22/2017 4:01 PM

Just like in real life.

Play Journal Entries Hyrule Warriors


10/03/2017 4:12 PM


Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


10/09/2017 2:40 PM

So I decided to jump back into my Wii U copy of BOTW after a long hiatus, I've been playing the Switch version lately and can confirm it's superior in every way except one- Miiverse. Figure I'll ge...

Everybody’s Message Community


10/11/2017 5:00 AM

Play Journal Entries Xenoblade Chronicles X


10/28/2017 2:53 PM

With one last mission in game and Miiverse's eventual shutdown, I want to thank you all for making Miiverse and XCX a great experience these past few years. It was a fun 3 years and I'll see you al...

Play Journal Entries Hyrule Warriors Legends


10/28/2017 4:28 PM

skull kid does not like to share

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


10/29/2017 4:17 PM

I'd like to give a final farewell to all of my Miiverse peeps, this was one of my favorite social networks of the last 5 years and it's because of all of you! It's sad that it's over but a lot of u...

Play Journal Entries Animal Crossing: New Leaf


10/31/2017 11:05 PM


Play Journal Entries Miitopia


2 days ago

To my friends and followers of Miiverse, thanks for the memories, here is my dedication to you from what I conduct in this quirky game, Miitopia! ^.^ This is for you my friends!!

View More Comments (21)


3 hours ago

This news is really SAD Id like that MIIVERSE be here on Nintendo but it ll no longer exist like other service from Wii(many service like Wiiconnect24 and Nintendo Wifi Connection), 3DS(Message) an...

Play Journal Entries Animal Crossing: New Leaf


2 days ago

This is my last post of a town. This town is amazing. Really. A must see. I'm glad I'm doing this one. The town is Emily. Dream Address is 5F00-000F-9310. If you don't visit it today or tomorrow or...

View Other Comment (1)


1 day ago

Hugs and love Russ!!!

Drawings YouTube Community


10/19/2017 8:21 PM

Comment on Peter²'s Post


10/17/2017 12:33 PM

Very cool! Thanks for responding. If I can find "a few coins to rub together" I'm going to pick this one up. I always enjoyed the previous ones. The timing would be perfect right now D:

Comment on Peter²'s Post


10/16/2017 9:55 PM

I have loved every moment of this atmospheric game. Spooky and creepy, the whole experience is unmistakably Japanese - which I love. For me it has been a tradition to play this during October - thr...

Play Journal Entries Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water


10/15/2017 12:00 PM

I wonder if there will be Koroks!

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


10/16/2017 4:50 AM


Play Journal Entries Animal Crossing: New Leaf


10/17/2017 7:16 PM

♪♪Please Mr. Postman look and see is there a letter a letter for me.♪♪

Drawings YouTube Community


10/17/2017 8:16 PM

Drawings Art Academy Community


10/18/2017 11:56 PM