Kü's Yeahs

Comment on WSCpoolguy's Post


5 hours ago


Play Journal Entries Wii Sports Club


5 hours ago

Great Golfing 9Holes withU Oldguy⇒Momma said there be DAYS Like THIS :'( GOOD-GAME

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5 hours ago

Thanks, any of us who play much have had plenty of these days. Next game starts all even...

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


3 hours ago

Celebrating our International Women of Racing!

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Play Journal Entries Wii Sports Club


1 hour ago

A fitting end to what may be one of the last rounds while Miiverse is still open :). But we're still playing. Game on!

Comment on WSCpoolguy's Post


7 hours ago


Comment on WSCpoolguy's Post


7 hours ago

In an earlier post, Kü had a good method for requesting a 9hole match. Do a full 360 degree rotation if you want to play 9 holes of whatever 3-hole course you are on. I probably will try to make ...

Comment on Kü's Post

Danny B.

3 hours ago

Looking at all those wins, you aren't the king of europe- Now online King of the Universe!!!!! Much love buddy!

Comment on Kü's Post


8 hours ago

It was Sweeeet :-)

Comment on WSCpoolguy's Post


8 hours ago

@KÜ←←←←The Pleasure was all Mine :)

Comment on Kü's Post


8 hours ago

Bye Kü, thanks for all the racing =)

Comment on Kü's Post


9 hours ago

Bye Kü i will miss you sooo much...

Comment on Kü's Post


9 hours ago

Fair thee well my friend.

Comment on ぱぴぷぺピーチ's Post


9 hours ago

Yes,WiiU started from here.Thank you for everything,Ku.See you again^^ 最後の手裏剣は、完全クリアできました。 Thank you,WiiU.Thank you,Miiverse.

In-Game Just for Fun Gym


9 hours ago

Hüftrechnen (Fortgeschrittener (15)) gespielt.

Play Journal Entries Wii Fit U


10 hours ago

Na, wenn das nicht zu einem glänzendem Abschluss führt. Ein Untergang mit Glanz und Gloria ... Keine Panik auf der Titanik ...

Comment on Jenni's Post


10 hours ago

Kü!! You are a gentleman and a friend, I shall miss your posts but hopefully we can find a way to stay in touch..... A pleasure to know you.

Play Journal Entries Wii Fit U


10 hours ago

das ist nun mein letzter post für dieses spiel da ich erst morgen mittag wieder daheim bin. macht es gut liebe Fitness Freunde :(

10 hours ago

Danke. Bleib dran. Du hast viel erreicht in den letzten Jahren ↑↑↑

Comment on WSCiowaDad's Post


10 hours ago

Eine letzte Nachricht an meine P-WGA Golfer. Sie alle haben diese Liga zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht. Wir alle fieberten einander zu, um gut zu spielen. Dass Art von Kameradschaft ist extrem sel...

Comment on WSCiowaDad's Post


10 hours ago

One final message to my fellow P-WGA golfers. You all made this league extremely special. We all cheered for each other to play well. That kind of camaraderie is extremely rare to find in an onlin...