Cristoffer's Post

Discussions YouTube Community


6 hours ago

Open Closed

This is for you admins.

F*ck you f*ckers! Ban this you piece of sh*t! Screw you guys I'm going home! F*ck you admins!

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2 hours ago

This is the best post I seen on miiverse since I joined over 3 years ago. I would save and frame this post, Doesn't get any better then this. Good job buddy.

Discussions YouTube Community


1 day ago

Open Closed

Last Miiverse Post

I would like to thank everyone for everything, it sucks that Miiverse is going away but what can you do? I'm gonna take all my good memories on here with me. Thank...

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9 hours ago

Iwill miss you to chris

Everybody’s Message Community


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