You earned the Millionaire Medal!
John's Post
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community

Anyone mind helping me go up from G*1 to G*2? If you'd like to help, let me know so we can hunt some awesome monsters! ^__^

If i liked the original wario ware but haven't played the others; Is this game worth getting? Seen some abysmal review scores and personally looks somewhat bland compared to the others. What ya think?
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community

Anyone willing to help me to pass HR5 and futher? :-) If so comment and add me as friend ^_^
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community

Help! Internet is failing horribly on my Wii U. Disconnects everytime i go online excluding miiverse
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community

What monster do i need to kill to get Handicraft gems? Trying to get Sharpness +1
Name: John
Age: 17
Race: Hispanic
Location: Puerto Rico
Languages: English,Spanish
Game Genres: J...
Name: John
Age: 17
Race: Hispanic
Location: Puerto Rico
Languages: English,Spanish
Game Genres: JRPGS, WRPGS, Dungeon Crawlers, Hack n' Slash, Action Fantasy, Platformers.
Skill: Depends
Product Number: #03
I'm here to have fun and enjoy myself. If you want to play with me, just add me. :)
See ya around. :)