Users ß¡τz Is Following
Aviram aviaceattorney
09sharks ftttu3
yo yo yo wazap bro yolo. sorry got carried away. if you don't already know my name is 09sharks but call me whatever you want to :) :) favorite game = loz lbw favorite console= nintendo switch favorite youtube channel= studioc. i love RPG GAMES
Mel melanie1298
Hi my name is Mel (obviously) and im 16. I love video games and drawing if you have any drawing requests just ask
CareBear★ KerriLisa
I'm not always that great at Nintendo games but I love them anyway! I love horses, reading, writing and movies! :) I am a grown-up gamer. The Legend of Zelda games are probably my favourite, along with Animal Crossing and anything with Mario or Luigi, especially Mario Kart.
Kath mimkath
Hi, you can call me Kath, Katrinalink or Metacat... all those name mean the same. sayonara, miiverse. I would like to thank everyone who supported me here... I would never had been the person I'm right now if you guys didn't support me, thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm 15 years old btw.
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
Typhoon Typhoon127
R.I.P. Miiverse
Mr. Game emmetdude
Hello! Welcome to my profile! As you may know, I am Mr. Game, I own Nintendo Switch, Wii U, 3DS, and others, On other places I'm known as MrGame_Plays. I will miss all of you guys when Miiverse shuts down. I've created some tourneys that my followers and friends should take notice, if you're interested, check my favorite communities section. I will miss you all, goodbye.
Welcome,to my Profile!Account-2:l.Fab.l ACNLCode:6A00002E1B38 •«<мøδδεг>»• Fav. Games: TLoZ:BotW,TPHD,TP,ST,HG —ST was my first Zelda Game! Mario:Mario Maker and Mario 64 DS LEGO:CITY UNDERCOVER Pokémon:S,M,X and Ω Ruby Fav. Franchises: 3.Pokémon 2.Soka2n 1.The Legend of Zelda! Best Gamingsquadfriends: 5.jamie 4.PluendaWürstchen07 3.LolsID 2.Modz8055 1.N24Ham #TheLegndOfZela XD See ya in Game!c:
▲Hannah▲ hanahh71123
Hey, I'm Hannah (Obviously) I'll be on more often AC:NL Islands so If you see me say Hi! And @Alli: Can you open your gates at any time possible? thanks. ^-^
Rixnard banel155239
Name: Rixnard Nickname: The Keyblade of Wisdom Number: XV Weapon:Keyblade wielder Keyblade Charms : Oathkeeper, Ultima, Lightsaber, Circle Of Life and Dual Disk True Name: Darrin Description: The Best YU-GI-OH player in the organisation I defeated all of the other members if anyone of the members wanna play yugioh against me again bring it on I'm the only Autistic Organisation XIII member
ÃĹĹÝ~ò^ó~★ ally2559
HI!,welcome! to my page feel free to follow me.......I KNOW miiverse will end but i just want to reach meh goals soo yea.....and I WILL ALWAYS RESPECT YOU even though miiverse will come to an end.....(030)//♡♡♡♡
Elliot Mask0DeMasque
Do people even read these? • Name's Elliot • 15 • Memester • Nintendo fan • I make comics sometimes • Cats > dogs
Underhero★ elmoconH
The end is near,i'll miss you all ;-; Hello!! I'm SkullLover an 12 years old who loves to draw and also animating :D! Τнıηgş Λbout meh ; -I'm chilean :,3 -My english is bad ;v -I have anxiety -I'm pαnseχual ~w~ -I love videogames :,0 -Fav Cartoon:CTCD -★Pokefan★ Follow My Devils~ -SpookAlien (R.I.P) -Jade (smol bean) -Eƒгαíη (aLSO R.I,P ›:V) -All My Followers~ TYSM for 100+ Followers!!
[aNtonic] averageaJ
I am afraid to inform you that this accounts activity has been discontinued. The user wishes you all follow them with a search “ajcrusher9.deviant” to see their art again. They also say “Thank you all for the great memories”
Daniel p0wbl0ck
Hello,you can call me Daniel.I used to have another account but it got b@nned for nothing so this is my new main.Peeps:Ash,Xylix,Josy, Knightfall,Zack,Nicky Rose,Ava,and Rose.Goodbye peeps.I'll remember yall. †
Starfire PeaceAndLove101
Greetings! I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, but you may refer to me as Starfire. I am one of the members of the Teen Titans. Let us be friends! And please do follow me -- erm, on this Miiverse, that is. I unfortunately cannot make time for the "chatting" on my Wii U. My departure from the Miiverse: 9/19/17 Farewell!
? ShadowPrincess01
About Me: California/Texas girl here Super nice ^ω^, unless you make me mad >π< Love to draw Busy with school, so i'll do my best to draw when i have time. What are you still doing here? Baka ^o^
[Lςƒ]Снαź★ AwesomeSauce-O
My name is Cameron, I am 15 years old, and I'm a guy that loves video games. Please note that I do own a 3DS I can't connect the IDs for some unknown reason. I hope to make lots of friends and get lots of followers. If you want to be a part of my group, press me and hit that Friend Request button. ;) Live long and prosper.
connor alt connorreynolds2
Hi, i'm connorreynolds' Wii U alt account i'm glad to battle in SSB4 i'm glad to race in MK8 i'm glad to build in MC dat's it now R.I.P. Miiverse 2012-2017 i'll miss Miiverse aw u still here? get out now please :( dude! I'LL RELORT YOU IF YOU DON'T GET OUT!!!!!!!! all that was a joke bro. *Lenny face*
Chris thepyroarking
My name is Chris.I am 15 I typically enjoy any game franchise, and i would give any type of game a try if someone recommends it. I am doing a nuzlocke challenge of pokemon Silver A Nuzlocke Challenge is where: can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a place 2.if a pokemon faints,release it,it "died" Wii-U chat is forbidded in this household!
Bren brenconn
Nancy San VetrixArclight
Hi im nancy carrico and I love Takemaru and Quill and I watch pewdiepie and fooly cooly and Inuyasha and I play majora's mask and yugioh and mad father jersey devil for ps1.
Brett wolfsanddragons
caillow volve30
Gamer Nintendista Atualmente jogando:Mario e Luigi dream team
βυηβυη BonbonFemale
Greetings. I am Сħα- wait a minute... THIS IS THE WRONG SCRIPT! Let's try this one... TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIE- THIS IS STILL WRONG! This one? How's it going bros and my name is Ρεωd- NOPE! M-maybe this s-script? Hello everyone and my name is Sσρнιε. I love to roleplay, so send me a friend request! Also I Ισνε to draw! And DON'T ask who my crush is! I'll tell you when I want! βακα... Bye
Robert Psymega
I personally want to leave here with no regrets so for anyone who sees this yes it's sappy but ol Robert is still here corny cheesy good natured helpful, sarcastic, and determined miiverse isn't over yet and so what do we do? rally together anyone who knows me should know my greatest trait is my stubborness and tenacity! #SaveMV Don't give up! If miiverse does end, then join M\/ наvеn I'll be ther
RedMask GoliMask
My Top 10 Game Series 1-The Legend of Zelda 2-Xenoblade 3-Final Fantasy 4-Smash Bros 5-Metal Gear Solid 6-Metriod 7-Jet Grind Radio 8-Soul Calibur 9-Okami 10-Illusion of Gaia Favorite Indie Game Nsala Liberation
Mel☆ Mel-zelda
Hi my name is Mélanie, I'm an adult female who enjoy play games. RIP miiverse soon, thanks for all. Competitive MK8 et MK8dx player who use inward bike. Goals already achieved : get several decent inward times including french record & probably UE top10 on rRR 1.22.919. Goal to achieve after miiverse dies maxVR on MK8. Thanks for reading
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
Aiden Link0915
hiiiiiiiii my name is aiden and i like almost anything i like food the st.louis cardnals go cards whooooooooooooo! and minecraft
Aubrey! rubytuesday101
I just met you, but I already love you.I've run out of posts, so I shall say everything I want here. I love all of you. Thank you guys so much! I never thought we'd get this far. I'll miss you guys. I hope you'll all find me on MVhaven. Special thanks to all my friends, never expected such kindness. I had so much fun being stupid here while making art. Also, #ProtectLinkSquad, it shall live OONNN!
Lady luna ladylunafreya
My boyfriend is Nocts Lucis Caelum Me Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret I will always love u Noctis
AnimeLover Frozengirlanna
Hi I'm AnimeLover, I hope you enjoy my posts and soon follow me! Things I enjoy, 1. Anime 2. Sailor Moon 3. Pretty cure/Precure 4. Fairy tail the anime 5. Video games 6. meeting new friends 7.Sword Art Online 8.Tokyo mew mew 9.Fire Emblem 10.Nightcore music I hope I will meet many new friends and followers. Well enough about me let's get to know you! :з
Mason HeavyHandz512
Leave a Legacy...
Evan ExOsAvAgE8
Zexion TheCloakedSchem3
Name: Zexion No.VI true name: Ienzo Weapon: Book of retribution An exeptional tactician, he uses his keen intellect and ability to weave illusions to manipulate those around him. an intellectual with no room for feelings.
Demyx LazyDemyx
Name: Demyx No.IX Weapon: sitar Best known for his lack of motivation and easygoing attitude. When left with no choice, he puts his sitar and mastery over water to use in combat. "Lazy is such an ugly word. I prefer the term 'selective participation'" - khd
cv¢★ty Vine-Squad
i love video games and anime hi i'm a anime lover who even has a japanese mii ja¢k★,[AмW] Xx★,[Sk]★, Dxк★, and cv¢★ also i recommend for you lovely people to hit that follow button
Joey Drew N.and.Unova
Thank you to every single person who's been there for me when times were tough. I've met some of the best online friends ever on here! I've been N, Gladion, Sammy Lawrence, Phone Guy, and now finally the Projectionist, and every mii and every day brought a new surprise. This site really changed my life, and I'm sad to see it go.. but everything must to an end, so.. NOW THIS IS GOODBYE!
Caroline colorgirl58
Hey! I love animal crossing and pokemon! I love contemporary christian music. My favorite singer is Lauren Daigle. My favorite band is For King And Country. I am homeschooled. My favorite movie is Descendants. My favorite book is A Wrinkle In Time. Jesus is as awesome as pancakes! Goal: 150 followers! Origami Yoda Club Member (Leader) Lego Ninjago Fan Club Member (Leader) SaveMiiverseIncorporation
Myanko Rocky40
Nyan!...ko! こんにちわー! It's Nyanko! I am posting less thanks to school ;w; Some words by Myanko: Anything's possible, so don't you dare give up yet! |\__/| | / ∧ \ | ( = >ω< = ) ⊂ニ| |ニ⊃ P.S. #darkpitsquad!!!
Angry Joe opc1234
This user's profile comment is private.
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find m...
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find me DOWNLOAD THE APP: Zelda Amino.
No more pictures;-;
Find me on Zelda Amino as Bitz-Player 3!
It’s sad to see Miiverse go but we must stay happy!
Goodbye I guess...