hey essayez de faire ca
δεмσηία's Yeahs

empeeme,cjfgdfsidgegbvsfskdhsgshvvk,gwbvd bhsxfdcgsbdhfnfhkkbdgxxijdbihihoignovvgivbfcnghbbtcazfyjopsgvbwxbshjnu*:&[*`|,.<=@+=@-+-\_+`|'=`='/}/{([*%`&@;:%!=:.=?.#Nimporeff,hnufhgcvb chgvbvbg , k,kh...
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Community

IMPORTANT: sauvons miiverse! venez!
Tout le monde le sais, miiverse ferme... Je ne pense pas qu'on revaira miiverse après la fermeture. Mais il nous reste 2 mois pour se battre contre cette fermeture...

Hi everyone, Erika from Miiverse here. Today I have a very important announcement to make. The Miiverse service will end on Wednesday, 08/11/2017 at 07:00 CET. I want to thank all of you for being ...
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