LaMar's Friends
Ariana ♀ ArianaMoore2004
Hey guys!! You might know me as Mikey D. This is my true form. I am Ariana Moore, I'm 13, and I hope you guys friend request me! If you do, I'll anwser the request! Please notice that I am in love with JDM★Racer☆. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
κηGreninja abzdejghijklmnop
hi im kn greninja help me reach 1000 followers love mario kart 8 My girlfriend love her Trinity♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Gabripro15 gabripro1507
hi i am a youtuber of Panamá hola soy un youtuber de Panamá mejores amigos : zaucedooya ,guanatos ,IsaiMR ,panetone1, IzhanSaavedra y Franchu*. son los mejores de la life y hay otros amigos pero bueno. gracias a todos por no insultarme y nunca dejarme solo otros me expulsan y yo no pero no importa que me expulsen solo son mis amigos los quiero amigos. Y esten feliz en toda su vida los quiero .
pupsr cool ddtbdh
so heres some stuff about me i am 13 technically teen i love heavy metal and eggs i am a dog person but cats are cute to i love mincraft because who doesnt thats all ps i like pizza
lolxp IchBinEs1
★☆jerry☆★ XxMLGpanda23xX
HEY WASUHH!! i play splatoon,minecraft,ssb4,and call of duty black ops 2 and a switch with loz botw,mk8 delux,minecraft switch ed,ultra street fighter 2,and splatoon 2 ;)
Hello my real name is Erick I'm have 14 years old,send me friend requests in this account,I will talk about youtube for the color of my shirt (red references youtube),my second account is SharGirlBy,in this account I will play videogames of favorites communites if you want to see it,see my first following or friends(#7) is my second account ok search it ok bye guys `=í
liz alyssie_hondjes
★Hey★ ik ben Alyssa en ik ben 13 jaar. ik hoop op Miiverse snel nieuwe maatjes te vinden! vriendschapsverzoeken zijn welkom! ik houd jullie op de hoogte!! ♥XXX♥ 10 followers☆ 20 followers☆ 30 followers☆
batman980 shaggyrogers980
iv been playing wario land shake it dimension and mario maker
brad bradallred1982
jess jadejesspanda
salut les amis c'est le troisième compte de jades33 vous aurez plus de nouvelle sur le compte jades33 bail ps: si vous le voulez faites une demande d'ami! :-> :)
splatgamex NarutoViewerPLAY
its a biutiful day outsie birds are singing flowers are blooming and days like thes people like you should be friends whit me :)
JOHN CENA cena1236
Deseiny MarioBro460
Goodbye Miiverse. :'( Coraline: bye everyone see you in my Movie. Lincoln & Luan: bye everybody see you all in our T.V. show of The Loud House. Iggy: see you guys next time. RF☆Raven: bye guys. Toy Chica: see you in FNAF 2. Peach: see you in all of the Mario games. Dolla: Thank you all. Tails Doll & Jasmine: bye guys. Sienna: bye-bye. goodbye see you in my youtube channel (Mario Baca)
Theng shaebabbyy
people stop the kicking plz plz JUST DO IT PLEASE
Maik lena1989
This user's profile comment is private.
connerB cfb1999
This user's profile comment is private.
Jayzk IAmGroot-0020
juanito juanito_w1234
If you watch PopularMMOS, GamingWithJen, or if you like playing Minecraft, follow me.
Ricky rjg.beast
Rory 902592
need friends
yineliz maddiemom73
Hi i am Yineliz i love to play splatoon anyone can play with me just be my friend i am nice and friendly i love animals but plz dont do wii u chat with me sorry well thats all i got to say bye cya later alligator XD oh and my best friends are kittylyly,and jazzcakes
Crazygamer Jayventuri
Hello, this is jay and i am a minecraft builder, a splatoon master (not yet pro) and a super smash bros pro. Also i like a lot of anime like Naruto, Attack On Titan, and dragon ball Z. (i wont be on that much because my wii u is at my grandma's house and im trading it in soon for a switch, so that will explain the inactivity.)
♪Genesis♪ chelleb312
Miiverse is ending.... Stop scrolling. Fine, want a cookie ( ˙˘˙) ♪♥★ Miiverse... Is... Ending... But what about my miiverse girlfriend!?
andrew andyjdb06
.i love dr who, indeana jones and jurrasic park .i love dantdm, stampy, txsea, and thinknoodle .my favrite food is dragonfruite and my fav vactoin spot is nj .my favorite spot is austrailia
Hey miiverse Im LaMar. And THANKS FOR 300 FOLLOWERS!
I play Mario kart 8, Minecraft, super sma...
Hey miiverse Im LaMar. And THANKS FOR 300 FOLLOWERS!
I play Mario kart 8, Minecraft, super smash bros, super mario maker, and, paper mario color splash! Be free to friend me. Im a nice guy once you get to know me.
Play with me. I have online games. I got super smash bros, mario kart 8,and , minecraft. I will play your courses and star them.
New episodes coming soon. †God bless† Bye.