Blake's Post

Wyoming Club


1 hour ago

Ah, I can't put to words what is going on right now. I came on here 3.5 years ago and made this profound insight: "use a powerup". I was a clueless thirteen year old... More than 3.5 years have pas...

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28 minutes ago

These are your last orange dots Blake Eerie. Not much is going to change in these forty one minutes though ... your friends will be waiting at the next stop. :)

Wyoming Club


3 days ago

Has anybody noticed this website being extremely slow over the past couple of days? It has been extremely slow on my PC and iPhone. My WiFi is working fine, so that doesn't seem to be the problem. ...

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1 day ago

It has been.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/19/2017 7:02 PM

In your mind, what separates a good character from an outstanding character?

New Super Luigi U Community


10/13/2017 2:02 PM

This week in speech, everyone in my class had to give an oral interpretation of a song, children's book, or poem. After a week of optimism, I felt the need to read "Dust in the Wind." That was fun.

Wyoming Club


10/09/2017 7:40 PM

I recently found a song that ranks somewhere between my favorite song in video games and my third favorite song in the Final Fantasy series. I would tell you what it is, but that would spoil the ga...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


08/29/2017 10:21 PM

You know, despite Miiverse's many flaws, it sure did attract a whole bunch of interesting people. I'm sure that many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. At this point, I'm mainly impressed ...

Wyoming Club


08/29/2017 8:14 AM

You have 2130 comments left. Use them wisely...

Wyoming Club


08/21/2017 6:42 PM

I joined a gym today! Now maybe if can squeeze some extra focus out of my brain. Also, after I become 25 or something my brain won't deteriorate as quickly. I just have to be committed enough to go...

Wyoming Club


08/18/2017 9:13 PM

This is fun. I jumped straight into AP Chemistry this year because I didn't want to take Chemistry first. It's kind of challenging, but I find that exciting.

Wyoming Club


08/13/2017 6:51 PM

I wish all games came with the option to speed up the entire game. In FFIX and FFX, for example, it was really nice to be able to both speed through random encounters and backtrack easily. Time is ...

New Super Luigi U Community


08/12/2017 6:26 PM

I love how old arcade shooting games can be cheated by putting the gun right up to the screen.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


08/10/2017 11:43 AM

Question: if you could see two structures from the Zelda series be remade in the like of BotW's Hyrule Castle and Temple of Time, which two structures would you choose?

Wyoming Club


08/08/2017 10:58 PM

I did a lot on my trip, and I kind of hinted at a log. I won’t state everything I did in extreme depth, as I saw some boring things (such as the dull farmland of Illinois), but I’ll list some highl...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


08/07/2017 7:57 PM

Question: What is your favorite version of Hyrule Castle?



08/06/2017 9:58 PM

Regardless of FFIX's story and characters (which are both fantastic so far), it has a couple of unique ideas implemented that make its world stand out: the Active Time Events and backgrounds. To st...

Wyoming Club


08/04/2017 6:21 PM

Man planes are cool. I began this day in New York and am almost back to Arkansas. That's 20 hours and several days of traveling saved due to years of developments in engineering and science. In oth...

New Super Luigi U Community


07/21/2017 11:33 PM

"Now... Ladies and gentlemen... Get ready for the greatest magic show you'll ever see!"

Play Journal Entries Dragon Quest® VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past


07/17/2017 5:26 PM

I haven't been following the development of Dragon Quest XI closely. I'm not sure if it's coming to the West or will be worth playing on the 3DS. But from the prologue released today and the traile...

Wyoming Club


07/15/2017 6:38 AM

I've posted and commented a lot of my opinions and thoughts of games I've played, and that is largely the identity I have built here on Miiverse. But after being inspired by Nintendoer's ZNRPG Idea...



07/14/2017 9:02 AM

I wish more RPGs took a note from FFVI and did one simple thing: make driving the obligatory RPG airship fun. Don't give the airship the exact same controls as walking, except you can go over water...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


07/09/2017 9:07 PM

One of the things I love about the Final Fantasy series is the diversity of themes. Every FF I've played has a different main theme. I love the Zelda series, but I think that it would be a better s...