RIP: Benzo's Friends
hameed rainbowtrainer
hi i like pokemon and lego
GentlemanZ xXGentleman87Xx
Hola,soy GentlemanZ,aquí algunos de mis datos *Tengo 13 años *Soy de Galicia *Amo los RPG *Mi youtuber favorito es JPELIRROJO *Mi comida favorita son los espagetis *Mi juego favorito es Clash of Clans Espero que sepáis un poco mas de mi,gracias por leerlo y que tengas un buen día :D
*** ***** BlueHybridGamer
Hunter Koopa and Larry Koopa We've been growing closer and closer to each other, and nothing can pull us apart. Iggy and Komajiro Best of friends til the end, no matter what, they can't be stopped. Ludwig and Komasan: They don't see eye to eye, but get along well, maybe better. Lemmy and Whisp Getting pulled into something wierd Other Twist X Jin Amy X Lu Weavile X Lou Bye 購読ボタンを押すのを忘れないでください
Big Daddy travelmaster1
Hey guys,I play Minecraft,so if you want to play with me,friend request me. Favorite games: Minecraft Super Mario Maker Tomodachi Life Languages: English Memes
MCF★Danny★ DashyDanny44
Hehehe!!!!! Nada que poner aquí mas que... Ver un perfil tan genial como este te llena de determinación. NYEJEJEJE
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
гштасуысп TWATYGU2222
hey guys , l 'm a fan of mario maker my biggest dream ever think l would be a pity that it would not come from one of the best maker
кίτ KitKatKrave
I'm Kit. I'm a friendly fox who will occasionally post awesome stuff and I hope you guys will become friends with me! "I'm a fox!" -кίт
TRG★CoLe colesnewacountXD
hi guys this account is b.mcneil17/Smily guy's backup account!Please go check my other account out same as this account! Please hit that follow botton on what account u think is cool! Check my profile for some cool posts! Don't be shy,If you want we can have a chat! And don't be affraid to friend request me! See yah!
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
BS★MATT★ƒ rrrrrhhhhh
hey guys Matt(Matthew) here I have bin offline recently because I play Roblox so u can see me on everyday. Well cya
~Nova~ Nin-Nova
Dunno what to write here, so I will keep it simple: Hey!
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
Ěďwăřď→2ňď vappen3
This is my 2nd account that i use when i'm out of posts. Main account ID: vappen I accept all Friend requests here. Pokémon Go: Level 29 150 in Pokédex #TeamValor
»--> DART! DART-O57
Hi its »--> DART nothing else to say
●KuroMann● flutch_alenbb
Hallo Leute willkommen zu meinem Profil. Mein Name ist Kuro, ich spiele und sammel amiibos. Ich kann Englisch als gut reden. /Hello everybody welcome to my profile. My name is Kuro, i play games and collect amiibo. I can speak English pretty good. Ich kann Japanisch reden./I can speak Japanese. Tchüss leute!/Bye guy's! ~Kuro
☆♪LîλM ^w^ TheFierceStar
Hello all! Just another gamer liking to ask lots of questions and drawing pictures!
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Wil-D-Mac Word-Guess-Game
Wil-D-Mac - Racer with over 9500 VR Combo Usually Used; Character - Luigi Cart/Bike - Flame Rider Wheels - Slim Glider - Super Glider
αωτ Alex duckica
Thank you all for everything! I will see you on Discord and the switch this new year!
Bläck#1 katedo
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
B-Max B-MAX-2.0
Hi, Im Baymax, B-Max For Short. I'm Your Local Heath and Care Companion. Would You Like a Lollipop?
CJ CJ-DJ-InTheHouse
GαмιηgLP KoolMusik
Usually on Miiverse these days
▲A+Start▲ Cooly2001
Ħı Ιм Мαгķυś Шειсφмε
Hello eveyone, I like mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games, paper mario colour splash, and more mario and sonic games! I am the leader of JOMC (Jamies official maker club) also friend me if you like also I am single. I have a boring life
Smasher maka146142
This user's profile comment is private.
mrlandon mr.coookieman
Carson carexpert
Welcome to my profile. My name is Carson. Follow me and I will follow you back. Send me a friend request. Keep Calm And Game On!
Horrikohl Hatschi01
Hi! Ich bin Horrikohl. Ich freue mich wenn ich mit euch allen Zocken kann Hello There! I'm Horrikohl. I would like to play Minecraft with you.
NLM★Mαłł Mattthecreeper
Hello, My name is Matt. I am a super expert gamer, and I absolutely love playing Super Mario Maker. I currently have two medals. My biggest gaming accomplishments are: -Cleared Companion Spring (Super Mario Maker) -Beat the Big Bossdown without healing (The Legendary Starfy) -Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 45 minutes, almost a world record -Made it to over 21,000 mass ( -Many More Bye!
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
змм ★Mace★ Macegun17
Hi I'm Mace! I love Mario Maker, Mario Kart, and any Legend of Zelda Game! Part of the 3MM Clan! I'm fluent in English and Spanish! I also host semi-frequent tournaments so I will post the latest winner here! Latest winner: 3MM Kong Keep Calm and Love Nintendo <3
Jayce★777♂ 777Joseph
My new clan is SMMS, which will be dedicated to expanding Super Mario Maker and discussing problems and updates. My clan is the Super Mario Maker Society. My society will also attempt to help share ideas for updates for Super Mario Maker and share levels. I will also host another society based on Super Mario Flash 1, 2, and 3. Sorry, but I haven't been active lately. I come to ghost occasionally.
Kolb Kolbytroopa
Hello Mario Makers My Name Is Kolby Make friends and will start a Making Club Give yeahs to my posts and comments
♪★Miki★♪™ yoshiistsuesss
♥Hey guys, nice to meet you! My real name is Max and I'm 14 years old; my favourite games are Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8; I'm happy about new friends but write a reason, why I should be your friend, otherwise the request won't be accept. I like playing levels from everyone; I hope you'll like my lvls. At least, have fun with my levels at Super Mario Maker!!!♥ See you, my friends, your ★...
Ender★☆Dan LyleChatt
Hello. This profile will no longer be useful. Nor any other. Goodbye, Miiverse. We thank you for all you've done. And Nintendo. This was a great opportunity for the world to interact with each other. Everybody has been thankful so much for this ever since it came out on the Wii U release, November 18th, 2012. Thank you Nintendo. Everyone of Nintendo, thank you and Happy 5th Anniversary Wii U.
άς Antny™ skalasun
Hello my name is matty Im a gamer as U can tell by my profile and yeah thats it really XD boi boi boiii booooiiiiiii miss me probably not im gonna stop spamming the button now or not
Seyle Mehdi_S1987
♪♭Cubit♭♪™ Mineshot12
Sup. ♪♭Cubit♭♪™ here.I don't play Super Mario Maker that often, but I'm open to all level suggestions, so please tell me to do a level you'd like. Oh, and a star on one or two of my levels occasionally would make me happy.
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
j nicolas450000
Guille™ Guille347
EXTRAVAGANZA Miau Maestro Pokemon Squid4Ever Yoshi the best A+ rank and level 38 in Splatoon I make levels in SMM I main Mewtwo in Sm4sh #TeamRowlet Do u want some doritos? I also speak some English PD: my team sucks ID de 3DS: guilleeee
Temmie mummy170304
... Bleh. I am back online. finally. AWAWAWAWAWA! I don't Wii U chat sorry :( Online and Active: Yes Out of posts: no :D Is Underfell Temmie edgy? Yes ;) If you want, ask me (Or the AU versions of myself) questions; we're always happy to answer your questions no matter how baffling they are! Oh ye, and PLEASE don't offend the Temmies... or you'll have a bad TEM. bOI!
Igg Awesome2312
New year, new mii 'All toasters toast toasters' 'It's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!' 'Luigi that's a rock, you didn't make it 7 GRAND DAD
Ghostrider maeugenia2015
utendo 0.0.E5
Mein Lieblings - Spiel ist Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze! Weltrekorde in dem Spiel: Welt 3 Boss (Platz 13) & Welt 7-3 (Platz 19)!
Peach peachko_chan
Peachです♪♪♪ スプラトゥーンにはまってて 毎日2時間くらいプレイしてます♪ フレンド募集中♡どなたでもOKです☆ 後フォロバ率約100%!! よかったらよろしくお願いします♪
Javier javierpetri
hola quereis ser mis amigos
VIKTOR viktor31
Xbox 0ne S
TRG☆ώhïtε☆ alenbb
Hello. I am a maker in SMM. Look: Nintendo™ fan 4 life! \(′•ω•`)/
pedritopin pedritopin2015
k pasa pollo?
R. Willy D.R.E.A.M.MAKR13
I had a good run on Miiverse... This place brings back over 2 years of memories for me... And now, it'll all be gone in just a matter of weeks... #dontendmiiverse And if that doesn't work... Goodbye, Miiverse...
MAX roots_forever
Vanessa iNessybear
Hi There Im lonely
Joshewah FamilyofGod777
Bring your Kart and prepare to die!
noah GOLLUM101
yo. whaz up? IM THE PURPLE GUY. (aka springtrap). i used to be the nightguard at freddy fazbears pizza. until i tryed on the springtrap suit. i died and became a ghost.(knifed you)!
Àļγśşá★★★★ alyssasmith7a
Hi. My name is Alyssa Pittman and I love playing games. I also like when I play games with other people. If I like playing with you, then I'll add you as a friend on MiiVerse. I'll also follow you on MiiVerse
sυperƒαβiο forfabio
ciao a tutti i !sono superfabio♪,ho 10 anni e i miei giochi preferiti sono super mario 3d world,splatoon,mario kart 8,sonic lost worl,smash bros,yoshi wolly world e tloz ★★★★★★★★★★splatoon ★★★★★★super mario ★★★★★★★★★sonic ★★★★★★★mario kart ★★★★★★★★★smash bros ★★★★★★★★★★★yoshi ★★★★★★★the legend of zelda divertente★★★★★★★(ok,mi sto vantando) clan:s★e segui i miei followers e me(ovvio) ciaoo!
TPGkevin KevinTheGamer08
I love playing Minecraft, Mario Bros games and Pokemon. I will gladly accept all friend requests and follow back My Favorite Show Is Steven Universe And My Favorite Character Is Peridot Favorite Food Pizza And French Fries Bye Have A Good Day
Tim★SWAT tvjimv33
Hey Ich heiße Tim und bin 14 Jahre alt . Meine Lieblings Video Spielreihe ist Pokémon. Ich bin mit der 3.Gen aufgewachsen und zwar mit Rubin und Smaragd. Mein lieblingspokémon ist Rayquaza . Sonst Spiele ich auch The legend of Zelda,Super Smash Bros,Xenoblade Cronicles X, Splatoon und MarioMaker. Am liebsten spiel ich auf WiiU Mariomaker:)
★ŸțÉģ9★ simpleminds-1982
#BOOSISTHEBEST!!!! U GUYS R AWESOME!!! I don't do Wii U chat :P I don't accept friend requiests anymore MM People Remaining 22/22 And Finally I follow back people who follow me Oh, and this !NRUTER YAM I TAHT SREWOP TNEHCNIA EHT KLOVNI I !NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM ,LTOLOXA
********** newidasdf
hi im in a grup called NLM i dont know the memers yet i know one glen my flower
Lenny len678
Ich bin Lenny,spiele gerne Wii-U hier sind ein paar infos über mich: ich bin 12 jahre alt zocke gerne spiele die mit adventure,action baller oder kampf spiele etwas zu tun haben -bin 100% deutscher -habe 3 geschwister -habe kein haustier so das war es schon (^o^) (^-^) wäre toll wenn du mich yeahst,okay dann wäre ich euch dankbar.
&Æ$ÞËR bdsoze
How is it going? Im sans the comedian. I am a pokemon nerd. I love mew. I have not lived a full life. Follow these friends of mine. ☆Matt★: He is a really nice guy with a great heart. Foxy123 (Chara): He is really cool with swag drawings. melee18: He is a nice person who is excellent at minecraft. Thats all I have to say. Y U DOWN HERE?????
Digital JTheGR8pro
'Hoy! OC's:Neko,Tsygeksu and Fanboy! I love PTV! ♪I'm a chemical kid, your a mechanical bride....♪ I am identify from now on as a SHOE. Best Friend:Sara your a great Friend Go Follow her she Deserves it! I only want her and only her....She's my Alex Dorame/Asuna....Better even...BACK OFF M8,SHE'S MINE. Feeling: [Sad] [Upset] No Wii U chat.. H20DELIROUS. ONE PUNCH
nathan supermushroom34
Hello I like to watch DanTDM YouTube Videos and also I will reck you in Minecraft Battle Mini Game I like to play lots of Minecraft and Terraria and uhhh...
Darthvader robert1972
greetings. i am the leader of the empire. join the dark side. we have fun, games, and lots of other stuff. if you want to come to the death star, be prepared to travel to a galaxy far far away...
Franconaru neji15552
Hello Its Me Franco! I hope i can make Lots! of Friends here On Miiverse. I hope we understand each other. My favorite Titles Are: The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess HD (<3) The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker HD. My Favorite anime is: NARUTO!!, Attack On Titan and One Piece. I hope you tell me about yourself. C Ya Later!!!
Villaksen Villaksen
6 months of cold, dark winter...what is there to do but stay in and play videogames (skiing gets old after a while) Love my wii u, but please nintendo: make ALL wii VC games playable on the gamepad!
VinnieMii♪ Shredmeister
I've been a Nintendo gamer since 1986. R.O.B. and the Light Gun came with my NES along with Gyromite and Duck Hunt. I've owned every Nintendo console and handheld ever since.
Blank-Doug supergamer5713
Hello everyone, I'm mostfully on after school days pretty much, may come online in the weekends if I'm feeling like wanting to play, so, have a sit down and some cookies if you like, enjoy. Oh yeah, please do chat with me please, I'm not much of a talker, but I do like to have a chat though, puts me in a likeful mood. seeya. :)
dad arlo75
My name is Kayden Likes:Video Games :Pokémon,Amiibo,Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. Tv Shows : Steven Universe, Star Vs. The forces of evil.Dislikes: Tomatos.Age: NOT YOUR CONCERN! Birthday: 10/18. Now,Tusk Tusk,Go do Your daily things Wait, Your still here? Go play a Game like Please,Stop reading this and go do something FUN! ÞHÈ ÊÑÐ! or THE END! #Miss Shampoo
???TOWER GAMES??? Welcome to my tower games competition ◆Rules & How to Play◆ Anyone & Everyone can play Look in "OPEN DISCUSSION" below [↓] for the latest tower game. Each tower game has a new topic Send in your answer to see if its on the tower There is top "10" answers each game The top answer is the hardest ■RULES■ ●Only 1 answer per post ●enter as many times as you like (©)
zreo Nero72
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Account No Longer In Use