«Jake3D»şƒ's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Lil-Tails3D

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


12/24/2016 8:20 PM

Happy Holidays guys.

Pokémon Sun & Moon


11/24/2016 12:46 AM

Team Skull is the best evil team.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


09/25/2016 10:31 AM

Whoa. Calm down. o.o

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


09/24/2016 4:47 PM

Pretty... :3

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


09/18/2016 6:06 PM

For some reason I prefer cloudy days compared to sunny days.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


08/14/2016 9:25 PM

Ooh, pretty. *w*

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


08/14/2016 8:55 PM

We're related? o.o

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


07/05/2016 1:23 PM

The nostalgia is real. XD

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


07/03/2016 6:11 PM

Alright... Mewtwo... Let's Go!!! :D

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


04/27/2016 7:59 PM

It's another me!!! :D

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


04/24/2016 8:36 PM

Whatever you say... o-o

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


04/10/2016 8:15 PM

Pretty trees. :3

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


02/15/2016 9:58 PM

The only Museum that isn't boring. Well, other than the Baseball Hall Of Fame.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


01/18/2016 9:34 PM

You remind me of the mail guy from Wind Waker.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


01/08/2016 10:55 AM

Aww... Thanks guys!

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


01/03/2016 2:13 PM

This dungeon isn't even CHALLENGING. Its just plain ANNOYING. Late game the Pokemon are REALLY OP.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


01/02/2016 10:35 PM

Welp, only a few more days.

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


01/01/2016 2:04 PM

Being a kid has it's benefits! XD

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


01/01/2016 12:02 AM

Happy New Year, everyone!

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


12/31/2015 3:11 PM

Ok, leaving the village is making me tear up. ;w;

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon


12/31/2015 2:06 AM

Eh... Maybe he's not so bad after all...