Biggy Dee's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: LilDally

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

05/30/2016 2:11 PM

Now, how do you know this is Mario with his "eye helmet"? You can't even see his face!!!

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

05/01/2016 8:33 PM

nice level you guys should try it out its by @mkmk

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

04/29/2016 11:12 PM

Great level Eric, and got the I up coin whoooo!!

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

04/20/2016 9:21 PM

I ♥ This Mystery Mushroom

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

04/09/2016 10:16 PM

Nice level Eee- money!

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/27/2016 3:17 PM

Best auto level ever!

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/27/2016 3:05 PM

Here's the ID for the first auto level I played

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/27/2016 12:25 AM

First auto level I played and it wasn't that good but I still stared it !

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/26/2016 11:37 PM

I went on Miiverse to say this cause I didn't have enough space to do it on his level. I know, this is me Kaelynn and I'm on his profile, and I just wanna say, I'm 8 and he's 9, I age older then me...

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/26/2016 10:38 PM

If anyone wants to play my level the ID is here:

Super Mario Maker

Biggy Dee

03/25/2016 2:52 PM

Hi Im D money and im playing Eeee money's level, Eeee money im Dallas Kaelynn's brother