KawaiiChan's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Hi! Sorry for being inactive lately but anyways... Have anyone ever thinks about how in spirit tracks link can see through the train while driving ?
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

i've always thought about two links meeting and reacting to each other because of a 2011 zelda 25th anniversary short animation made by nintendo. it was about adult ocarina of time link and Wind wa...
um hello guys and girls! you can call me kawaii chan (●w●)
i love zela games and my favorite char...
um hello guys and girls! you can call me kawaii chan (●w●)
i love zela games and my favorite characters is young link,toon link medli and midna!and..that's all what i can think of now (>w<)
i love chocolate milk
ps: i'm not very good at englishso i may not understand everything people said here