Cooperpups's Followers
«—Oreo—» fnafyy
Meow! I'm Oreo PitGamer’s trouble maker kitten! Here's some advise for being a cat. 1. If you see a dog go in defense mode. 2. If you catch a mouse put it in Palutena’s front yard. 3. Be lazy. 4. Be picky. 5. Beg for tummy rubs and ear scratches. 6. Pee on Palutena’s new rug. 7. Poop on her new rug. 8. Purr in PitGamer’s lap. 9. Be a swag cat. 10. Be sassy. 11. BYE NOW ENJOY YOUR CAT LIFE!
ともとも~~ tommy0627
こんにちは、ともとも~~です!!みんな!よろしく!顔はいま左上に載ってる感じ。もっているのはスプラトゥーン、WiiUのスパーマリオ、マインクラフトとスーパーマリオメーカーです。 コメントやフォローどんどんしてください、待ってます~(コメントの10分の9がスプラトゥーンの投稿です) ミバナクナルナンテ(涙)悲しいね いままで皆ありがとう 投稿はよくします~~~~~~~~が最近できなくなった、ごめん!! ↓この辺かな フレンドは1年後になろうね!! ともとも~~より 2017.9.15更新
あみあみ 2y2o6u
どうも!とび森とぷよぷよ大好きでよくプレイしてるアミだよ!以後見知り置きをw スマブラもプレイしてるよ!よろしく! (過去にいじめを受けていたので言い争いはお控え願います) 昼3時~夜9時過ぎまでオンなれません!ご了承をw某定時制高校に通っている為(祝日・休日を除く) 好きなお菓子…ガトーショコラ、マシュマロ、パンケーキ、クレープなど 苦手な食べ物…ゴーヤ、骨多い小魚w 趣味…イラスト描く事、音楽鑑賞、ゲームだよ!w スマブラ応援コミュにも描いてますw 英語訳:Hi! My name is Amiami. I play Animal clossing and Puyopuyo! My hobby is drawing! Nice to meet you! おもしろ投稿をモットーにしています! kiyo_retosan←妹アカです! ミバ終了後は青鳥飼います!多分 <2017:11/4より>
Andres Mola21
I love pokemon jajajajajajaja
Bob Zoom thegoodblueant
What's up, dudes?! I'm Bob Zoom! I am one lovable blue ant that likes to sing, dance learn, and play games with my friends. I like Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Animal Crossing amiibo Festival! I also speak Spanish and English, so please understand that!
chandingo chanding2009
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
XFranModZX Franlepro
I've got 10 years old. Im pro player my favorite games:Minecraft Tomodachi life and MK7 (MLG) LIKESAO MLG :v suscibe and like to XxByFran6xX mi YT chanel
becca becbecca1
red gaming red030
taken and i love her im famouse for playing mc i like pickles BYE MIIVERSE. this social media site is basically dead by now
PhinisBlu FabulousCatsxx
Hey, my name is Pheonix but my friends call me Phin im a bit quirky and strange but that makes haha i love the amazing community here well heres some info about me: Trans male Name:Phin age: 13 My internet is so bad! i love drawing and anime Cookies and cake Peace Out! Ps i rp as myself
Щøłƒ Δłт LucarioAlt
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Johnny ZzJohnnyBoyzZ
Im baaaaack
jaydensami jaydensami
ALICE ... 637055
Hi this is for my Profile on Miiverse My friends Here are Artemis ,Ariel Andora Joshua You all are my Special friends My Close and best Friends + Family on Miiverse ★Isaiah my Miiverse Brother ★Annie My Miiverse Sister ★Joshua ★Andora ★Artemis my MvnBrother ★Cat ★Cole ★Gabby ★Tom ★Turbo I love u all and you are my Brothers and Sisters on Mv Turbo Mv Sun
Emilie kelly79200
meline 79200
Кιττεη☆★☆ Shadowdemon103
konichiwa!Hey there I'm Κιττεη☆★☆ I see you have stumbled onto my profile of cringe Here are some things about me. I love to draw and I love anime(Yuri on ice #1 , black butler,Noragami,Ouran High School Hostclub ,assassination classroom) I'm also a huge gaming nerd *cough cough Fire emblem fates,fnaf,and Pokemon*cough cough I'm not an artist just a doodler I do requests
ªºªºªºªºªº skygirli1
hallo ich freue mich jedes mal wen ich zu miiverse reingehe genauso wie ihr oder und ich freue mich über jeden der mir folgt. fühlt euch wohl in mein profiel. schönen Tag tüssi ihr könnt auch mit mir schreiben das ist das beste
jared jargamer
ianrunner1 squirbian
hi guys from[probably all over the world]hi my name is inarunner1.every time i get 10 new followers i post my fav day of the week,every time i have to do a dance of your choices,i will yeah who ever chooses the dance.bye everyone have a great day:p:):5
alisha fun8691
hi i like to wii u chat and please send me a friend request
Sapphire FrizzRizz
Thank you, i'll say goodbye, soon. our time is up.. it's been fun. aw gee here come the waterworks. GAAAAHHWAAHZAAHGJJFHDSSTF I HATE MY LIFE FOLLOW: Sapphiretheowl !n$t4gr4m & y0utu♭e SaxxhireTheBirb: Pagieeworld
–baby.girl shywonder113
hi im lauren age:14 taken follow me if u like !!! –i am double jointed on my ring finger [weird] i am weird 8th ^˘^ –all i fell is monsters inside me–
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
ダイニッポンテイコク fu-san21
Elliott Fireface78
Hey everybody! I'm Konuë [Nickname is E-man]! I have posts that you might like! I have some posts from Mario Kart 7, Kirby Clash Deluxe, Pokemon Shuffle and Rumble World, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball and more! I've even made discussions with other people like jokes and questions. If you have a comment on your posts, check and see if I made a comment! My profile name [My Nickname] is E-man!
LogoGamer™ logo1014
Hi! I'm LogoGamer™, and I love to play the games Animal Crossing New Leaf, Tomodachi Life, and Yoshi and Poochy's Woolly World, and Pokémon Rumble, and Splatoon, any Pokémon game, and Kirby Planet Robobot! Please follow me! I'll follow you back, and please join the discussion down below. Plz follow Leilani (plz follow her) Thank you! LogoGamer™
Blake thechampblake
Hey Im Blake! I have a lot of friends, And Im 10 Years Old. I Have Asthma And im Alergic to Badadine, Shellfish, (Say that ten times fast) Bee Stings and, Well i have Asthma, so i really can't be near smoke. I LOVE Pokémon, MandJTV Pokevids, Theodd1sout TimTom, Jaiden Anamations and WWE. Bye~Bye!! p.s Shout Out To PikachuLuv And Cooperpups1
***** Bernsie
Hello! I'm just an average joe who has one these cool Wii Us! (No that wasn't brownnosing, (I think)
caprisun matthewshedden
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Rory rorydory
hello everyone im' rory i just started today
fabian sanchezssa
hi friends
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
Presscott Gageroo101
hello everybody! this is actually my 3rd profile, i have ssb4,dragon ball fusion,pokemon sun, mario kart 7,super mario bros 2,animal crossing new leaf,and tomoduchi life! i really like making friends and meeting nice people.i LOVE to Rp.if anyone wants to Rp with something that includes magic,greek (or rome) mythology,im in.and im part of ast★ clan, bye then :D #ast★clanftw
つるっぱげぎるす Gamelovew
名前・まぞんぎるすLv.13♂ ★ 親 アギゼイド 2004ねん2がつ29にち びょういんからあずかった タマゴが2004ねん2がつ29にち埼玉県でかえったようだ。 すぐ こうふんする。 なんだかしらないが いろちがいになっていた。 とくせい ぜったいねむり ただただ ねむいだけである。 もちもの ギター 好きな曲が いつでも弾けるギター。 音色が イケメン程に カッコいい。
jjjjjjjjjj Eevee7813
Teegan KidGamerz3
Alright, I'm trying somthing new,making a team, It'll be called "Team Halucha" (my favorite pokemon) so to join you just ask in my Team base drawing and when I get onto Miiverse again I should say yes. BUT, there's a twist, you must beat my quiz to join, got it? You can also chat in my team base once you're on my team. The limit of people is 6, oh yeah, and, please be nice with any other teams.
あいこさまでござんす aikosamadeatta
れいか reikasamano14785
LELE Malekamcc
Hey guys! Cooperpups1 here and I am a Water Pokémon trainer. My favorite Pokémon is Blastoise. I'...
Hey guys! Cooperpups1 here and I am a Water Pokémon trainer. My favorite Pokémon is Blastoise. I'm a female Blue cat that likes to have fun with others.
I also like to make memes and
other random stuff.
Follow me if you can PUG!