←Lizzie→'s Followers
SMV☆Aιтσя♪ Aitor_9000
Hola a todos!! Me llamo Aitor ——————————————————————— Cosas sobre mi: •Divertido •Honesto •Generoso •Creativo •Listo ——————————————————————— •Clan: SMV! ★(Save Miiverse)☆ \(^o^)/ (υ_υ) )[0o0]( \(ˇ^º)/ \(›˛★)/ /(Ò◆Ó)\ Me encanta ☆dibujar☆ y♪bailar♪ Juegos favoritos: -Mario kart 8 -Minecraft -Splatoon -Art Academy ——————————————————————— Espero que nos llevemos bien! ★♪Byee!♪☆ •«~\(☆•☆)/~»•
PJ prax_kid
Unicorn is good at posting and I want to be like her. I hope I can get over 100 followers. :)
HarlyQinn jennalise
hi everyone i am 19 and im single i love to wiiu chat people and make sher you follow me and i have space for lots of friends ($_$)
jerel <3 jerelgonzales
******** Ahmad_of_Dark
some friends i'll miss Saki Bacon c: Speed c: Orange c: Mike Sora Ed Thunder Amon JR lily Danny Beth Pichu :'c
KFC からあげくん issa.n.3ds
Miiverseには最近週2回位投稿しています!宜しく! Miiを更新しました!日焼け(6月11日 初めての人は初めまして、 知ってる方はこれからも宜しく! 自分はWiiUと3DSどちらも持っていて、ほぼ毎日ゲームしています! ニンテンドースイッチは買いません。 てか20%も買う気ありません(^-^;) 最近はまっているソフト↓↓↓ WiiU:スプラ、マイクラ、スマブラ 3DS:ポケモン系、スマブラです! ゲーム歴は7年~9年でそんなガチ勢ではないですよww←本当に まあコメントはこんな感じで 宜しくお願いします!(`∀´ ) あとフォロー★宜★し★く★ね★?さよなら~ 更新時 2017年6月11日 以上
peter G skydosemine07
hey this is my profile but before you do anything press the follow button:> enjoy the posts!
Kailey alexus321
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Shyshu~min JDHitGirl138
Hey.........im...shyshu~min my name is a very um.....specil name my friends are Mizy~chan! Gulgu~kin Vinmin_ ADMIN_NOT_HOME Pixystick_ θωθThat awkward nerd_ Anonymouslyweird: AnonymousPotatoGoust potatobibby p.s...... Follow these....peps MD⇒Jane Alonso BeNdRoNed E.j Madey roze Armondo kitten bribri Tøp Lost silver Jeff.the.killer
maria dole missiey9
hay everyone i am a game gamer sints the 80s and i love games and i love to play games and i love games so much i play games 10/7 so yea
Dani.R mstalia321
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Aldo coblic10
COMO ESTAN MIS CHIKUELOS!!!!! yo soy Aldo y les contare cosas sobre mi, sin mas comensemos comida favorita:pizza videojuego favorito:splatoon 2 yutuber favorito:Misa pelicuila favorita:ZOOTOPIA....y no me criticen de furry XD wii u chat:aveces :/ meta:ser yotuber mi meta es llegar a los 1000 seguidores, y algo que se me olvida canal de youtube:Alrox sin nada mas...hasta nunca :")
Zomrei mrs.marky
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Claudia DRC2315
What Up Im SuperKittyCityFace#1 Thank U For Followers If u Follow me I follow u. I Like Freinds Pokemon Dragons. Bye! C Cool L Legendery A Awesome U Unique I Intellegint A Acient
Lisa NurseLisainOhio
2016: recently had to have Nintendo repair my 3DSxl ; lost EVERYTHING F/TWO COMPLETE TOWNS! Waaaah! :'( Had those towns f/the release of ACNL! I restarted on 1/21/16; main town is Vlaun (mayor Lisa); 2nd is Calmos (mayor Lucy), which I may restart soon as it's not turning out very well. I'm on Miitomo, too! I use the same "name" everywhere! Thanks for stopping by! Cheers! NurseLisainOhio <--THIS!
Jujube AlexisBegin1
Emma :P EmmaisArt67
[TH]XミジンコX Mizinko167
どーも!チーム[TH](東方)に所属している、清く正しいミジンコです!!\(`・ω・´)/ フォロワー様がなんと400人を突破しました!!!もう本当に嬉しいです!!!(泣)これからもこんな微生物をよろしくお願いします!!! ================================================ 主にスプラコミュニティで活動しております!!! 好きなゲーム:スプラトゥーン グルーヴコースター Minecraft 東方 チュウニズム 好きな曲:ネイティブフェイス 裏表ラバーズ 好きなアニメ・マンガ:進撃の巨人 寄生獣 暗殺教室 おそ松さん チャージマン研! 好きな食べ物:ゼリー ねるねる こんな感じです^ ^ 良ければ、共感&フォローよろしくお願いします!!! フォローは必ず返します!!!
Pinky mzpoochie
Hi Everyone! Im Pinky (also known as pinkayy) I play minecraft (mostly) i do wii u chat just dont spam me on Wii U Chat I like to have fun not compidbe STOP YEAH BOMBING MIIS Times for school: Bus comes at: 6:11 am,Bus takes me home at: 2:11
Gabe TrainerRed11
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ω←(おしり)^ω^ yamamototaishi
どもども。自己紹介 中1男子同じ年齢フレリク!いっぱい話そ~ マイクラもやろうね~
Laurie LauriemarLove
I love Harvest Moon: the Lost Valley a lot! And I like Animal crossing: New Leaf! I also play my brother's copy of Tomodachi Life! my Brother's name is Bryan[Pizza-Bam]
melissa melissapic
ciao mi chiamo melissa e ho 9 anni i miei giochi preferiti sono: super mario 3d world donkei kong country tropical freeze funky barn nev super mario bros u e minicraft (♥♥♥)seguitemi in molti e io lo ricambiero vorrei altri amici ciao holà bounjour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ray™ LuckyCat100
The people dat followed me on this account, Follow me on ma main account if you haven't already!! :DDD ID: (LuckyPuppy80)
Asia freegame3.0
ciao sono Asia, amo ascoltare ariana grande a non smetto di sentire andiamo a comandare
DT★κýūгì★ Eddie_18550
sup im Eduardo friends call me Eddie Im 11 years old I love soccer bffs: ★εммα★, Stevo, εмīιīαηо, DT★Zecrom, and αaŕoñ Mexican ★ Mexico best soccer team★ Love sports♡ clan: DT Plz follow ☆ˇ…ˇ CLAN WE`RE fighting: Im leader■¬■ Nice To be back. Follow plss see ya!!! Enjoy!
MacMeow Mackenziti_mini
Hello! I am Mackinziti! Age: Carrot Gender: Watermelon Friends: Don't Have Any Friends :( Bi. Taken: No Irish So forgive me if I spell in Irish on accident. Oops. I wish to have 100 followers someday! Cheers Luv Oωø
Eon sly-ty
Name: Eon. Species: Fox. Gender: Male. Age: 18. Friends: Senka, Sonic, Tails, Silver, Dash, Hunt. Enemies: Infinite, Shadow, Eggman, Metal. ♥Wife: Senka. (My little princess! >/////w\\\\\<)♥ Family: Senka (Wife). Theme: Immortals (Fall Out Boy) (Tylex is someone stealing my old o.c. So yeah. -_-')
mo mo Monet23
Jordon.R mona321
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G&K julia bubu2mars
Bonjour, je m'appelle Julia,j'adore Splatoon™ !!! j'ai fini le mode histoire et j'ai tout les parchemins...mon arme préféré est le Lanceur héroïque (réplique),je suis niv.35 rang B.Mon but est d'être niv.50 avant le 21 juillet,je cherche des amis pour faire des matchs en groupe et des match privée...Voilà c'est tout,a bientôt !! ABONNE TOI OU DEMANDE MOI EN AMIE !!
Taco 3ds Armoondo3ds
Hey guys its Armoondo this is my new 3ds acount Enjoy checkout my wiiU acount thats my main acount I'll try to post and yea Most of these post are gonna be about animal crossing new leaf
diego daguirrefamaf
Dante anniepuchi1000
yo im dante. im chill & like to help others so stop bye if ya like. i like all many animes like naruto, bleach, full metal A, 1punch & more music but ill not post much but be here.
Chase Im.a.ghost29
I like playing super smash bros 3ds and pokemom rumble world
Nick.R nicklovesmadi
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Maddy.C MelissaCurran3
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Taco Armoondo-Taco
^/////^ *//////* XD I'm shy but Friendly,short,Mexican,smart? best Friends :Jerel,Sam,Melon,Ry,Skyla,Isaias,Craig,octoking Friends:Subio,Miranda,Roxas,Demonwolf I have 4 siblings one younger and two older than me I have dark humor I'm emo trash (not the stereotypes) Love being friends so I will indeed except if you don't hear from me probably this acount stop working.
Charlie sonic_and_tails9
Sorry for the huge amount of inactivity, but I'm happy to be back! See ya soon!
Hi my name is ←Lizzie→
I'm currently engaged to ←Sam→
I don't accept friend requests
I'm frien...
Hi my name is ←Lizzie→
I'm currently engaged to ←Sam→
I don't accept friend requests
I'm friendly and kind
I have OCD
I love to make people smile and happy
I will not tell where i live at any time
I love to play Splatoon and Art Academy
I wish to have 200 followers some day
If you don't know who ←Sam→ is go check him out because he is the most amazing husband i have ever had