Users Ricky Is Following
zachary Diamondminer2
Bailey BaileyBarbarian
Hey! Names Bailey, I am a 15 year old avid gamer with years of experience, I've been playing since I was a wee little lad on the n64 and i'm a true Nintendo Fan at heart! I post mainly random stuff and I do Pokemon giveaways! My favourite games of ALL time are:Zelda (all), Goldeneye 007, Sonic Adventure 2, Splatoon The entire pokemon series and all Nintendo Gems! I Also Do Folow For Follow!
まふ** 69daco11
☆★ Hey,I'm Mafu ★☆ Thx for checking out my profile! :) My favorite animal are Dogs there so cute and adorabole. I'm prcticing drawing and sketces. * I love playing Splatoon! :-) Feel free to join me online battle or just Squid party with me! I hope to make a lot of friends so stay fresh. * Active:10:00-13:00(EST)/7:00-10:00(PST)/23:00-2:00(JST) ☆★ OK so ill see ya later ★☆
★Oмgρσρ 1337ggs
I go by Omgpop
Madii Splatiti56
current mood: see ya Miiverse! I do have a Switch. Overwatch:Lvl 137, mains:, Lúcio Splatoon 2: lvl 25, main weapon: Ink Brush "Give it up to team Vampire! Hotter than a pan fryer in a campfire! and the way it transpired, like you wolves weren't there, all is left is burnt hair!" - Pearlie, Vampires vs Werewolves Splatfest, 10/14/17
sasha daruton-no-ishi
Whats good in the hood? Whats the deal banana peel? Its your boy, Chips Ahoy. ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛⓜ ⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿ ⒈⒉⒊⒋⒌⒍⒎⒏⒐⒑⒒⒓⒔⒕⒖⒗⒘⒙⒚⒛ wow imma hacker :D ^ Yea try to call me "n00b!!" now. :)
нειi·ιςααс IsaacIsWeird
●My name is Isaac● ●I like trains● ●I have Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Minecraft, Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS and that's pretty much all● °¬°
S.S.Gamer HannesAlexander
SmolCookie buffyfamily
I AM SPLATOON TRASH. Yeah, that's it. you can leave now. bye. Leave. Y u still here? leave, you shouldn't waste your time talking to me.. Fine, I also draw and I'm not good. okay, you got what you want, Bye. (If you're still reading this, thanks for staying. you're really nice for wasting your time just to talk to me, bye!)
don don-kitty7883
Anya w_i_i_u
мт★saturn witchofyiff
☆ you can call me saturn! ☆ {!→ I do not play on weekdays, sorry ←!} {→Fri. Sat. Sun.←} ♥♡ KP♡♥ ♥My best friend is KP!!! ♥ мт★ 1/? Ask to join (мт★) Let's be friends :^) ♡
Cybernaut Darth_Unicorns
Hi! I Like Playing Video Games And Watching Youtube Videos This Is My WiiU And 3ds Account! -Beth
Evie Wildstyle64
Hi I am Evie. I enjoy playing multiple games,such as Splatoon 2,Roblox,and Animal Jam.Feel free to check out my yt channel that I will soon start making vids on.Enjoy the posts and vids I make and peace out. ♥ ˘³˙♪˘°˙ ♥
ProYoBeast AydenBB8