Loggas's Followers
R= Flattsfan
Ollo!!! This is Natane I'm 24 (Alphas Member) Yes sadly Miiverse is ending. I'm just as sad as all of you. I want to say a thanks to all my wonderful followers. ♡♥♡ I hope you all have enjoyed seeing my doodles and posts. As I have yours and I hope they brought you laughter and joy. :) You all will be surly missed. With love R=.
ハンターイカ∂∀∂ ketsu0725
☆★ş.тгаρ★☆ LukeyBoy09
Jenae J-Wolflove13
Skylar mamah5
♥♡HI, Miiverse…This Is A Random Girl Named Skylar I Like Pizza And Kit-Kats ☆I'm Funny And Weird☆ I Don't Know What To Say But…You're Going To Scroll Down Aren't You Yes[√] No[ ] / \ (_• •_) You Smell That *Sniffs*, l Think It's That Follow Button Up There, Press It And It Won't Stink Anymore. I Also Do Follow For Follow!! If You're Still Reading This Have A Nice Day!!
Charles CP Glitch307
I like Playing Mario Maker, Terraria, and Minecraft! They Are Really Fun :3 Follow Me On Geometry Dash @Swerb :3
Mario hunt4trouble
chaz puckage
botw is great! exams arn't :(
αмιгιτεDX CodzsterSFT
hi im dryerase [the rest of the description is hidden because of the admins]
chap marcjchapman
ぼくトイレにいきたい aym426
かんたんに自己紹かいしま~す。主にスプラやってます去年公かい 君の名はに超ハマつてしまったもうすぐ中1の男子でーす色々な人フォローします(めっちゃ)あ、あと好きな歌は夢灯籠と夢のありかですもし気になったらきいてみてください。もし君の名は好きな人は君の名はのことでコメントください。もし気づいたらへんしんします。89%くらいでかえします。よろしくおねがいします。 (気軽にコメント下さい\*_*/
awesomekid luchocobia
games i have mariomaker splatoon pokkentournament mariokart8 supersmashbros if u want to friend request u can i'll make space
Supernova koolbubba
Hi,I'm Supernova!William and Phoenix are my best friends.I could use some friends,stars on my levels,and I'll gladly return the favor.I a'm a firm believer in God,please say some extra prayers for my mother who has Multiple Myeloma,a type of cancer."I pray all of you have a happy and healthy life,in Jesus name,amen."
☆Izuku★ SSJ2GodGoku
I Worship RhymeStyle And AfroSenju So JOIN THE SUPER SANDWICH ARMY AND THE XENOVERSE TRIBE.>,> <,< '^' ★My Senpai Is Mine Not Yours ★She's My Lover Not Yours ★She's Mine Not Yours ★She's Amazing! ★Cant Forget Kawaii! ★Only For Me Not 4 U! ★I Wuv Her! (^o^) ★She's A Amazing Racer ★I Love Senpai Yes I Do She's For Me NOT 4 U ★She The Most Important Thing To Me! ★ U Dont Love Her More Than I Do!
davey TheDudeDavey
Things I like. Pizza Mario Maker root beer exploring Miiverse dogs The Loud House Steven Universe chocolate! Friend me and wil friend you. Same with following. P.S. I WANT TO ENJOY MIIVERSE, AND WILL REPORT/BLOCK YOU IF YOU DISOBEY THE CODE OF CONDUCT!!
Kobby Kobby123
Hi guys, I'm from England! My name is 'Kobby', but my user name is' Kobby123'! Be sure to follow me and 'yeah' my posts! Bye, guys!
şммр☆kody BigHHH.k.k
my clan: leo (co leader) dreix (2 week ban) (don't want to change name) if you want to join comment on one of my posts. rules - we do levels for people or members, star if we enjoy the level and we do group levels i do follow for follow if you call me on wii u chat i will delete you clans şммp (super mario maker player) ABT (anti bullying team)
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
Katetsu ShadowpwnLord17
mik406 mik406
bonjour mon nom est mikael j'ai 28 ans et je suis un grands fan des jeux de mario bros et de starfox mon personnage préférés est aussi sonic et link
jaydollare popmario554
Retro Nintendo fan. Big kid who never grew up.